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hé kuàng
  • much more;let alone;much less;furthermore;what is more
何况 [hé kuàng]
  • (1) [let alone]∶不消说

  • 一项改革都会经过不少曲折,更何况一场革命

  • (2) [furthermore]∶更加

  • 学好本民族的语言尚且要花许多力气,何况学习另一种语言呢

  • (3) [what is more]∶表示进一步申述理由或追加理由,用法基本上同况且

  • 何况供百人。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  • 你去接他一下,这儿不好找,何况他又是第一次来

何况[hé kuàng]
  1. 阿祖:谈论淑女的体重是不礼貌的,何况是关于它的双关语。

    AZUZ : It 's not polite to talk about a lady 's weight , much less make a pun about it .

  2. 他看着你就像看一个陌生人,何况还是他曾热爱过的人。

    He looks at you like you 're someone he 's never met before , much less someone he once loved with high passion .

  3. 失业会让人觉得自己一无是处,更何况还会带来经济问题。

    Unemployment leads to a sense of uselessness , to say nothing of financial problems .

  4. 无论何时,露宿街头的滋味都是难以想象的,更何况是在现在这么冷的天气下。

    It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time , but doubly so in the current freezing weather .

  5. 大人尚且举不起来,何况小孩子。

    Even grown-ups can 't lift it , to say nothing of children .

  6. 我们死都不怕,何况困难?

    We fear no death , let alone difficulties .

  7. 你跑得那么快还赶不上他,何况我呢?

    If a good runner like you can 't catch up with him , how can I ?

  8. 我不喜欢那所房子,何况价钱也太高。

    I don 't like the house . moreover ; the price is too high .

  9. 蝼蚁尚且偷生,何况人乎?

    Even the lowly cricket and ant cling to life , let alone a human being .

  10. 尽管如此,单亲家庭平均收入约为16500美元&不足双亲家庭收入的四分之一。更何况在这样的家庭中,经济负担只能由一人承担。

    Nevertheless , at single-parent households where the financial burden tends to fall on one earner , median earnings are about $ 16 , 500 & which is less than one-fourth that of a two-parent family .

  11. 更何况,还有哪里能比这里更适合他学打麻将呢?

    And besides , where else would he learn to play mahjong ?

  12. 何况这只是区区一桩风流韵事所引起的呢

    And all because of a bit of minor philandering .

  13. 大街上我们行色匆匆,穿梭而行。我们也懒得精心打扮赴一场约会,更何况是向陌生人重新交待一遍自己的人生。

    On the street , we hurry for all directionsand we are too busy to dress up for a date , having difficulty in moving on and starting a new relationship .

  14. 妻子却一本正经地说:“我听说,有志气的人不喝盗泉之水,廉洁的人不吃磋来之食;何况,这拾来的钱物,会站污一个人的品德!”

    His wife said in all seriousness : " I heard that men with aspiration1 do not drink from the Dao ( meaning steal in Chinese ) Spring , and honest men do not take handout2 food . Furthermore , picked-up money and things will stain one 's moral character . "

  15. 他本想试着听从朋友们给他的建议,可他不能同时既往上坡跑,又往下坡跑,而且,他也不能一边蹦起来一边迂回前进,更何况他哭喊得这么厉害,几乎弄不清周围都发生了什么事。

    He tried to follow the instructions his friends were giving him , but he couldn 't run downhill and uphill at the same time , and he couldn 't turn and twist when he was jumping and dancing , and he was crying so hard he could barely see anything that was happening .

  16. 何况这项研究也没有指明婴儿看的都是哪些DVD。

    Neither did the study identify which DVDs the babies were watching .

  17. 更何况安格拉默克尔(AngelaMerkel)明确表示,不会支持建立银行业联盟。

    Angela Merkel stated clearly that this was not going to happen .

  18. 基于GIS的青岛市人口环境容量失衡度研究更何况,除了中国的庞大人口,不容忽视的还有海外华人的力量。

    THE STUDY OF POPULATION ENVIRONMENTAL CAPACITY NON-BALANCE DEGREE IN QINGDAO BASED ON GIS ; In addition to China 's population , there is a widespread Chinese diaspora .

  19. 更何况,德意志银行全球市场部的专家预测,我们现在的生物多样性损失率最早在2050年会减少6%的全球GDP。

    Yet , the head of Deutsche Bank 's Global Markets predicts that our current rate of biodiversity loss could see6 % of global GDP wiped out as early as2050 .

  20. 同样是199美元的入门价格,这款iPhone的性能更好,何况现在有一些竞争对手的旗舰智能手机入门价格仍在299美元这个价位。

    It 's a better iPhone for the same $ 199 entry price , at a time when some competitors are pricing their flagship smartphones starting at $ 299 .

  21. 西雅图——你可能很难相信,这个以咖啡闻名的城市会因为一家新咖啡馆而激动不已,何况只是另一家星巴克(Starbucks)咖啡馆。

    SEATTLE - It 's hard to believe that this coffee-crazed city would get excited about yet another coffee shop , particularly another Starbucks .

  22. 交叉编译器已经不是一件容易的事情了,何况它还依赖了大量JDK的API。

    While the cross-compiler was a great piece of work , it ran on JDK only so its sources had a lot of dependencies on JDK APIs .

  23. 所以我们不能指责微软“抄袭”。何况IE9还展现了一些独一无二的UI强化设计,是在其他浏览器上找不到的。

    So we can 't cry " copycat . " Plus , IE9 does offer some unique UI enhancements you won 't find elsewhere .

  24. 改变总是很难,更何况在这个时节,自然界和我们的生活都在变化,康涅狄格州斯坦福德市(Stamford)的一位心理学家贝齐·斯通(BetsyStone)表示。

    Change is always hard and this is a time when both nature and our lives are changing , ' says Betsy Stone , a psychologist in Stamford , Conn.

  25. 更何况,据笔者所知,股份期权在国内还没有,因此在实施中将面临着许多内外部问题。

    Therefore the executer will face many internal and external problems .

  26. 医重病怎能分心?何况我不举。

    The master can 't be distracted . I 'm impotent .

  27. 何况你能和他人分享快乐,这很重要。

    It 's important that you share the cheer with others .

  28. 更何况外来物种促进了生物多样性,而不是减少。

    And many invaders actually boost biodiversity , not decimate it .

  29. 更何况,当前国际环境比过去几十年严峻得多。

    But the current international environment is grimmer than for decades .

  30. 何况,他们也确实希望能和我们再见上一面。

    Besides , they really do want to see us again .