
  • 网络Sport Communication
  1. 我国体育传播产业的特性与发展对策研究

    Characteristics and development strategies for sports communication industry in China

  2. 入夏,体育传播再掀热浪。

    Sports communication has set off a new hot wave early this summer .

  3. 28日,体奥动力(北京)体育传播有限公司宣布以80亿元(12.6亿美元)购买了中超未来五年的转播权。

    Ti'ao Dongli , a Beijing-based company specializing1 in sports events broadcast announced on Wednesday the purchase of broadcasting rights for the Chinese Super League , for 8 billion yuan ( $ 1.26 billion ) over the next five years .

  4. 论我国传媒大竞技体育传播之倾向

    The Study of " Big-Sports-Transmission-Inclination " of Media in Our Country

  5. 大众传媒对农体育传播的缺位思考

    The Reflection on the Mass Media Vacancy of Peasants ' Sports Communication

  6. 中国体育传播学边缘化理论研究述评

    Research Review of Peripherization Theory on Chinese Sports Mass Communication

  7. 论新的体育传播环境下中国体育与世界体育的融合

    Integration of Chinese Sports and World Sports under New Environment for Sport Communication

  8. 体育传播实质是体育文化的传播。

    Dissemination of sports is virtually that of culture .

  9. 浅谈体育传播媒体

    A Brief Talk on the Medium of Sports

  10. 刍议体育传播产业的发展进程

    On the Progress of Physical Education Media Industry

  11. 古代体育传播的内容包括军事体育内容的传播、游戏娱乐活动的传播及传统养生活动的传播。

    The content of ancient sports includes the military sports , entertainment and regimen .

  12. 对电视体育传播问题进行了研究。

    The spread of television sports studied .

  13. 同时,体育传播促进了世界体育的传播,促进了不同文化之间的体育交流。

    Sports communication promoted the communication of world sports and sports communication of different cultures .

  14. 和谐的现代体育传播是和谐社会建设不可或缺的精神文化富矿。

    The harmonious modern sports dissemination is the indispensable energetic cultural ore in construction harmonious society .

  15. 体育传播与都市文明

    Sport Communication and Urban Civilization

  16. 全球化体育传播的途径

    Ways of global sports dissemination

  17. 现代体育传播研究

    Study of Modern Sports Communication

  18. 随着体育传播的发展,当代传媒对人们的影响已变得十分深刻。

    With the development of sport communication , the inferences of media in the contemporary era are becoming more and more important .

  19. 但以技术体育传播为主的大众体育传播,导致人们对体育作为文化的误读。

    However , mass sports communication that bases mainly on technical sports communication has resulted in people 's misunderstanding about sport as a culture .

  20. 为改进和完善我国电视体育传播及健康引导中学生体育教育提供了理论依据。

    This paper provides a theoretical basis to improve and perfect the transmission of TV sports and healthily supply physical education for middle school students .

  21. 当代电视体育传播视阈下的出镜记者素养初探&兼与对2008年奥运会我国体育出镜记者的预测性研究

    A Preliminary Research on the Accomplishments of Journalists under Camera in the View of Modern TV Communication of Sports & A Predictive Research on the Chinese Sports Journalists under Camera in the 2008 Olympic Games

  22. 在大众文化的背景下,大众传媒作为体育传播的主要方式,主要以传播竞技体育为主,运动员作为体育赛场上主要组成部分,他们的形象显得尤为重要。

    In the context of popular culture , mass media as the main way to spread the sport , mainly to spread mainly sports , athletes as a major part of the sports arena , their image is very important .

  23. 对我国体育传播产业的特性与发展对策进行了研究,认为体育传播产业与体育传播事业的区别主要是投资主体不同,运行机制不同,组织形态不同,劳动产物的性质不同;

    This paper studies the characteristics and development strategies for sports communication in China and points out that the differences between the sports communication industry and the sports communication is that they have different investment sources , operation mechanism , organization and labor product .

  24. 电视体育传播因其受众广泛、收视率高、内容丰富、题材多样,激发人们内心情感、震动人心,电视体育以其专业性强、迅速快捷等特点,通过电视媒体传播途径,推动体育走进群众生活。

    TV sports dissemination of its ratings high , wide audience , content-rich , broad theme to inspire emotion , affecting the people , the rapid , efficient , professional and strong characteristics of transmission through the television media to promote the sport into the public life .

  25. 体育传播技术和手段的不断发展和进步,以迷人的诱惑极大地改变着我们的传统体育文化,推动着体育文化的进步,从而使世界体育文化呈现出更加开放的多元化和多样化特征。

    The steady development and progress of its means and techniques has made great changes in our traditional sports culture and has made great strides as well . As a result , the sports culture in the world has showed a more open and diversified developing state .

  26. 采用文献资料法,描述了当前国内大众体育传播的现状:参与媒介众多,受传人数可观,市场份额较高;

    By using the method of literature , the present study has described the current domestic status quo of mass sports dissemination , i.e. participating medium are large in number , the number of people accepting the dissemination is substantial and the number of market portions shared is greater .

  27. 平面媒体在体育赛事传播中的突围

    Breakthrough of the Plane Media in the Propagation of Sports Match

  28. 我国体育大众传播人文精神的缺失及弘扬

    Disappearance and Propagation of the Humanistic Spirit of Sports Mass Media

  29. 我国体育新闻传播百年回顾与展望

    One-hundred-year Retrospect of Chinese Sports News Dissemination and Prospect of It

  30. 体育大众传播的异化与现代体育的发展

    The Dissimilation of PE Public Communication and Development of Modern PE