
tǐ nèi
  • in vivo;internal;intestine;visceral
体内 [tǐ nèi]
  • (1) [in vivo]∶位于或来源于生物体内部的

  • (2) [intestine]∶属于或关于身体内部的

  • (3) [visceral]∶体内感觉到的

  • 从滑行铁道上急骤下降时体内的那种感觉

  • 强烈的体内快感

体内[tǐ nèi]
  1. DNA堪称是所有生命体体内均具有的一张“蓝图”,正是在它的“指引”下各种不同的基因沿着特定的路线逐步发育成长,最后便形成了诸多互不相同的个体。

    DNA is the internal blueprint for life that carries the genes that develop into each individual .

  2. 聚合白蛋白和~(32)P胶体内照射治疗肝癌的疗效观察

    Outcome of internal radiation with non-sealed colloidal phosphate ( ~ ( 32 ) P ) and macroaggregate albumin in primary hepatic carcinoma

  3. 一个新的生命在她的体内逐渐形成。

    In her body a new life was taking form .

  4. 这种饮食据称具有排除体内毒素的作用。

    This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body .

  5. 大量饮水有助于清除体内毒素。

    Drinking lots of water will help to flush toxins out of the body .

  6. 这条狗体内有寄生虫。

    The dog has worms .

  7. 维生素C可帮助解除体内污染物的毒性。

    Vitamin C helps to detoxify pollutants in the body .

  8. 他提出了一个人体内应激反应的模型。

    He proposed a model of stress reaction in the body .

  9. 铅会在体内积聚直至造成铅中毒。

    Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached .

  10. 这个活动可以有效地活跃新群体内的气氛。

    This exercise can be quite a useful ice-breaker for new groups .

  11. 体内有3种类型的肌肉。

    There are three types of muscle in the body .

  12. 专家已把这一病症与体内毒素的积累联系起来。

    Experts have linked this condition to a build-up of toxins in the body

  13. 两天以后,他们把受精卵重新植入了我的体内。

    Two days later , they implanted the fertilized eggs back inside me .

  14. 体内胆碱水平过低会引起高血压。

    Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure

  15. 医生从捐献者体内取出健康的肾脏。

    Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor .

  16. 病毒会在携带者体内发生变异。

    The virus mutates in the carrier 's body

  17. 我这段时间正在戒酒,对体内进行大扫除。

    I 'm on the wagon for a while . Cleaning out my system .

  18. 坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。

    Poor posture , sitting or walking slouched over , compresses the body 's organs

  19. 糖尿病患者体内不能分泌足够的胰岛素。

    In diabetes the body produces insufficient insulin .

  20. 亚利桑那州的医生称他们已经把一颗人造心脏移植到一名46岁妇女的体内。

    Doctors in Arizona say they have implanted an artificial heart into a 46-year-old woman

  21. 弹道测试表明,武器和受害者体内取出的子弹相吻合。

    Ballistic tests have matched the weapons with bullets taken from the bodies of victims .

  22. 一旦停止抽烟,人体立刻就会开始清除体内的烟草毒素。

    Straight after your last cigarette your body will begin to cleanse itself of tobacco toxins

  23. 体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。

    All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen .

  24. 他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的尾巴报复。

    They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate

  25. 越来越多的证据表明,我们所有人一生中体内时有癌细胞存在。

    An increasing body of evidence suggests that all of us have cancer cells in our bodies at times during our lives .

  26. 避孕药的危害最大,但是它并不是唯一一种消耗体内维生素的药物。

    The contraceptive pill is the worst offender , but it is not the only drug to deplete the body 's vitamin levels .

  27. 一方面,如果体内没有足够的胆固醇,我们就无法存活下去。另一方面,如果体内胆固醇过高,多余的胆固醇就会附着在动脉内壁上。

    On the one hand , if the body doesn 't have enough cholesterol , we would not be able to survive . On the other hand , if the body has too much cholesterol , the excess begins to line the arteries .

  28. 猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。

    The pig stores a lot of fat in its body .

  29. 渔叉深深地扎进鲸鱼体内。

    The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale .

  30. 癌症患者体内到底有多少个癌细胞?

    How many cancer cell does cancer after all inside patient system ?