
  • 网络postural hypotension;orthostatic hypotension;orthostatic hypotension,OH
  1. PD的管理也要求治疗相关的问题和并发症如吞咽困难,便秘,性功能障碍,体位性低血压等,这些症状容易被患者忽视。

    The management of PD also demands treatment of associated problem and complications which are swallowing difficulty , constipation , sexual dysfunction , orthostatic hypotension , patients usually remain careless in sorting out these symptoms .

  2. 斜床站立治疗颈髓损伤后体位性低血压的临床观察

    Clinical study of standing bed for the orthostatic hypotension after cervical spinal cord injury

  3. 体位性低血压和晕厥与ChiariⅠ型畸形有关

    Orthostatic intolerance and syncope associated with Chiari type I malformation

  4. 目的建立兔脊髓损伤(SCI)后体位性低血压(OH)动物模型,探讨斜床站立训练对OH的影响及可能的作用机制。

    ObjectiveTo develop an experimental model of orthostatic hypotension ( OH ) after spinal cord injury ( SCI ) in rabbits and investigate the effect of tilting table exercise and Shengmaiyin on it .

  5. 结论:大鼠颈淋巴引流障碍,可导致血压、心率、EEG调节功能减弱,压力感受器灵敏度降低,易产生体位性低血压。

    Conclusion : Experimental cervical lymphatic blockage may lead to disturbance of homeostasis of the cardiovascular regulation , the BP , HR and BS decreased and may lead to posture hypotension .

  6. 第2组21例患者均出现OH症状,18例因不能耐受体位性低血压症状而完成部分试验,3例完成全部试验。

    Result : In the first group 24 patients finished tilting-test without any symptom of the OH , while in the second group 3 patients accomplished all tilting-test and have the OH symptoms , 18 cases had to drop because of the severe symptoms of the OH during tilting test .

  7. 目的探讨2型糖尿病(DM)及糖尿病合并高血压(DMH)患者发生体位性低血压(PH),及其与糖尿病神经病变、高胰岛素血症和胰岛素抵抗(IR)的关系。

    Objective To investigate the occurrence of postural hypotension ( PH ) in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus with or without hypertension ( DMH or DM ), and the relationship of PH and diabetic neuropathy , hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance .

  8. 各组均未见体位性低血压的发生。

    Orthostatic hypertension did not happen in three groups during treatment .

  9. 术中头孢曲松所致过敏性休克误认为麻醉后体位性低血压

    Ceftriaxone-induced anaphylactic shock mistaken for postural hypotension from anesthesia during surgery

  10. 体格检查提示为严重的感觉运动神经病、体位性低血压和消瘦。

    Physical examination showed the patients had polyneuropathy , positive hypotension and emaciation .

  11. 目的探讨足底推拿对人工心脏起搏器安装术后病人便秘、体位性低血压、伤口愈合时间、睡眠时间、伤口疼痛的作用效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of footplate massage on patients with cardiac pacemaker .

  12. 斜床站立可改善不完全性脊髓损伤所致的体位性低血压。

    The standing bed treatment could improve the orthostatic hypotension in incomplete spinal cord injury .

  13. 体位性低血压是指在直立体位下的血压的下降。

    Orthostatic hypotension ( OH ) is a fall blood pressure after an upright position .

  14. 下肢加压绷带可有效防止坐姿性体位性低血压的体征和症状

    Lower limb compression bandaging is effective in preventing signs and symptoms of seating-induced postural hypotension

  15. 胰岛素抵抗与2型糖尿病体位性低血压的关系

    Study on the relationship between insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus with postural hypotension

  16. 目的观察斜床站立对颈髓损伤后体位性低血压的治疗作用。

    ObjectiveTo observe the therapeutic effect of standing bed on orthostatic hypotension with cervical spinal cord injury .

  17. 本征临床特征是体位性低血压、植物神经症状伴有锥体外系征。

    The disease is characterized by postural hypotension , and symptoms of vegetative nervous system and extrapyramidal system .

  18. 通过对药物剂量的控制,各组均未见体位性低血压的发生。

    Through the adjustment of drug dosage , orthostatic hypotension did not happen in three groups during treatment .

  19. 原发性高血压患者低水平白蛋白尿与亚临床靶器官损害预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。

    Low-grade Albuminuria and Subclinical Target Organ Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented .

  20. 下肢和腹部压迫绷带预防老年人进行性体位性低血压:一项随机、单盲、对照研究

    Lower Limb and Abdominal Compression Bandages Prevent Progressive Orthostatic Hypotension in Elderly Persons . A Randomized Single-Blind Controlled Study

  21. 许可病人增加运动时,应对病人进行仔细的评估,确认没无体位性低血压。

    When the patient is allowed to increase activity , careful evaluation should be made to assess for orthostatic hypotension .

  22. 其机制谓与直立性低血压有关,或与乏氏动作有关。(5)易发生体位性低血压;

    The mechanism of this was explained to be associated with erect postural hypotension or related to Valsalva 's maneuver .

  23. 肝移植术后胆道并发症高危因素分析预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。

    Analysis of High Risk Factors for Biliary Tract Complication Following Liver Transplantation hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented .

  24. 未发生体位性低血压、不能耐受药物不良反应及实验室指标异常。

    There were no observation on the postural hypotension , the serious adverse reactions and changes of the laboratory examinations .

  25. 而性别(P>0.05)、年龄(P>0.05)、瘫痪情况等与引起体位性低血压或头晕、胸闷等不适关系不大。

    However , gender ( P > 0.05 ), age ( P > 0.05 ), degree of paralysis were not related to orthostatic hypotension and discomfort .

  26. 这是由体位性低血压引起的,老年低血压也能引起脑和心脏的严,供血不足。

    This is causes by the body posture hypotension , the old age hypotension can also cause the brain and heart 's strictness , the blood supply insufficiency .

  27. 注意:服后可出现胃肠道反应、体位性低血压、精神症状、不自主运动。

    Attention : Not symptom of low blood pressure of sex of reaction of gastric bowel path , posture , spirit , own campaign can appear after taking .

  28. 结果显示,治疗组各临床症状好转率,特别是肢体疼痛、足背动脉波动减弱、肢体皮肤色泽变浅及体位性低血压好转率明显高于对照组,两组比较有显著性差异(P<001);

    Results showed that the improvement rates of every clinical symptom in the therapic group were significantly higher than that in the control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 结果两组病人采用不同的护理方法对病人术后伤口疼痛、睡眠时间、便秘、体位性低血压、伤口愈合时间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Results There were significant differences between the groups as regards wound hurts , sleeping time , constipation , postural hypotension , time of wound healing ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 结果发现神经内科住院患者跌倒的内在因素有高龄、躯体移动障碍、意识障碍、认知障碍、眩晕发作、跌倒病史、低血糖反应和体位性低血压;

    Results The internal factors affecting neurological inpatients ' tumble were senility , moving disorder , consciousness disorder , cognitive disorder , dizziness , history of tumble , hypoglycemic reaction , and postural hypotension .