
zhù zhái shānɡ pǐn huà
  • housing commercialization
  1. 关于城镇住宅商品化问题的探讨

    On the Discussion about Housing Commercialization in Township

  2. 随着住宅商品化和我国市场经济的不断深入,传统计划经济模式下的居住区概念已经逐渐被内涵丰富的居住社区概念所取代。

    As housing commercialization and market economy developed , the concept of residential area under traditional planning economy background has gradually been replaced by the concept of residential community .

  3. 试论住宅商品化的支撑体系

    Study on supporting system of commercialization of housing

  4. 住宅商品化与整体居住环境意识

    Residential commercialization and overall living environment consciousness

  5. 改革开放后,我国的住宅商品化取得了辉煌成就,住房市场快速发展,我国已经或根本上解决了住房短缺问题。

    The housing market has developed fast , our country already or has solved the housing shortage problem fundamentally .

  6. 在我国城镇住房制度改革扎实推行、成效颇丰的背景下,住宅商品化已成为大势所趋。

    In our urban housing system reform , solid carry out quite good results in the background , residential commercialization has become represent the general trend .

  7. 同时,也指出住宅商品化改革的成功与否还与众多因素有关,因此,经济理论模型与现实改革之间存在一定的差距。

    Meanwhile , it indicates the success of commercial housing 's reform is up to many factors . Therefore , there is a gap between the theory and the reality .

  8. 随着住宅商品化进程的加快,住宅的开发必须遵循市场的规律,进行市场营销策略的策划。

    With the acceleration of the commercialization of dwelling houses , the development of dwelling houses must comply with the market rules to go on the plan of the market sales .

  9. 随着住宅商品化的发展,供暖计量及收费问题已成为建筑行业必须解决的问题。

    Along with the development of the commercialization of the dwellings , the problems of the heating measurement and payment have become the ones that must be solved by the construction industry .

  10. 在单位制解体、住宅商品化和社区自治化的背景下,社区成为国家政治建设的战略性空间。

    In the progress of the housing system reform , personal housing of town privatize and community moving towards autonomy , the community is already become a strategic political space of state building .

  11. 住宅商品化促进了住房市场的竞争,在竞争激烈的房地产争得一席之地,并获得可观利润,关系到众多房地产企业的生死存亡。

    Residential commoditization encourages the housing market competition . In the fierce competition in the real estate for his place , and making substantial profit are in relation to the survival of enterprises .

  12. 此后二十年住宅商品化持续发展,城市居民根据自己的购买能力和偏好自主地选择住宅,城市居住空间开始出现分异。

    The residential commercialization has been continually moving toward . The urban residents can choose the houses according to their purchasing power and preferences , and the urban residential space began to appear in the fractionation .

  13. 从住宅商品化需要出发,分析传统的住宅供暖系统存在的问题,提出能满足单独调节、分户计量的系统设计的改进方法。

    Basing on the requirements of commercializing residence , this article analyzes the problems which exist in the former residence heating system , and presents the improved method which can adjust and measure the systematic design respectively and separately .

  14. 但是由于种种原因,低收入人群在住宅商品化的社会环境下无法依靠自己的能力解决住房问题。现在住房问题不仅是一个经济问题,也成为一个社会问题。

    Due to various causes that the low-income people cannot rely on their own ability to solve the housing problem in that mercantile residences environment , housing problem is not only an economic issue , but a social problem .

  15. 住房制度的改革带来城市住宅商品化以及住房管理专业化,使得城市的治理结构和治理方式也在发生相应的变化。

    The reform of urban housing system brought about the commercialization of urban housing and the professionalization of urban housing management , which led to a series of changes in the structure of urban governance and the method of urban governance .

  16. 住区建设,作为城市建设中与人们日常生活关系最为密切的部分,随着住宅商品化的深入和房地产的发展,在量和质上都取得了显著的成效。

    With the development of the deepening commercialized in house and real estate , the residential district construction , as the closest part with people 's daily life in the urban construction , has made the remarkable effect in quantity and on the qualities .

  17. 住宅楼商品化对供热系统设计的影响

    The Effect of the Commercialization of Residential Buildings on the Heating System Design

  18. 随着住宅逐渐商品化,人们对于住宅的质量提出了更高的要求。

    With the commercialization of the housing , people bring forward higher requirements on the quality of the housing .

  19. 住宅日益商品化的今天,市场已经成为中国社会城市百姓获得住房的主要渠道。

    Today people in the cities of China mainly get their residential buildings on the market because of housing commercialization .

  20. 住宅内墙商品化浅探

    Simple research into commercialized of interior Wall of house

  21. 住宅建设的商品化,对新时代的商住开发带来了内容丰富的新要求。

    Commercialization of housing construction for commercial and residential development of a new era has brought a rich new requirements .

  22. 住宅商品房的产业化装修模式

    Industrialized Residential-housing Decoration Mode

  23. 随着住房体制改革的深入发展,住宅市场化、商品化是改革的必然结果。

    With the in-depth development of housing reform , it is inevitable that the housing is marketing and commercializing .

  24. 多元化的住宅开发模式和商品化经营方式使得当前的城市居住空间布局呈现出许多和以往不同的特点。

    The placement of urban residential space is showing the feature difference of the past , meanwhile being influenced by the diversified pattern of housing exploitation and the commercialisation way of housing management .

  25. 1978年之后,公共住房福利政策逐步向住房商品化政策转变,采取的政策模式为:一是开始公共住房商品化政策的尝试;二是公共住宅福利化和商品化政策并重。

    After 1978 , the public housing benefit policy shifted to the housing commodity policy , the policy model : attempt the public housing benefit policy ; attempt both the public housing benefit policy and he housing commodity policy .

  26. 住宅市场化、商品化是经济体制转变的必然结果,但占人口大多数的中低收入者很难完全依靠自己的力量购买住房,他们需要政府的帮助。

    The commercialization is the inevitable result that the economic system transforms , but it is very difficult for the middle and low - income family to purchase the house by themselves , they need the support of the government .

  27. 这种形式的住宅符合当前的房改政策和住宅商品化要求,达到了住宅室内灵活布局,建筑底部多功能利用的目的。

    In conclusion , it is abiding by the general housing policy nowadays coping with the requirements of a commercial housing market and with a multi-functional flexible ground floor planning .

  28. 我国房地产开发业是随着城市住宅建设事业的发展、城市住宅商品化的推行,以及城市土地使用制度改革的深化,逐步从建筑业分离出来的新兴行业。

    The real estate industry of China is an emerging industry , stemming from the construction industry with the development of urban house constructions , the commercialization of urban houses and the reformation of urban land usage system .

  29. 因此,国家应从战略高度,通过立法,规范住宅合作社的行为,以推进实现住宅商品化、社会化的进程和人均一间房的居住目标。

    So , China should restrict the behavior of dwelling cooperatives by laws , push the process of dwelling commercialization and socialization and reach the aim that one owns on house .

  30. 现阶段国民经济的发展客观上要求住宅产业成为新的经济增长点,住宅商品化则是住宅建设成为增长点的关键。

    At present , the development of national economy objectively requires the housing industry becoming a new increasing point , and the key is to commercialize living houses .