
dī pín
  • low frequency;lf
低频 [dī pín]
  • (1) [low frequency]∶接近于无线电频谱最低频域的频率

  • (2) [bass frequency] [声]∶可听声信号的低频部分或用于这部分的通道,例如250赫以下的频率成分

  1. 极低频电磁场对小鼠睾丸细胞DNA以及精子染色质结构的影响

    Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on DNA of testicular cells and sperm chromatin structure in mice

  2. 低频超声小探头联合螺旋CT检查对胃癌术前分期的评价

    Retrospective evaluating low frequency mini-probe endosonography combined with spiral computed tomography in the preoperative staging of gastric carcinoma

  3. 这就确凿地证实了振荡的本质是次光球层的低频声波本征模式。

    This firmly establishes the nature of the oscillations as low acoustic eigenmodes of the subphotospheric layers .

  4. 杨利伟解释道,10赫兹以下的低频振动会引起人的内脏共振,甚至会危及一个人的生命。

    Vibrations in the spacecraft below 10 Hz can damage the internal organs , and even threaten a person 's life , Yang explained .

  5. 提示心房损伤后,P波频谱能量分布向更低频率段转移。

    It was suggested that P waves power spectrum shifted to lower frequency after atrial injury .

  6. 太阳X射线爆发与甚低频传播相位异常关系的研究

    Study on the Correlation between the Solar X-ray Burst and the VLF Phase Anomaly

  7. 低频电磁场频率对半连铸高强Al合金组织结构的影响

    Effect of Frequency of LF Electromagnetic Field on Microstructures of Semi-Continuously Cast High-Strength Al Alloy

  8. 低频、低功耗CMOSLNA的设计优化技术

    Low frequency and low power CMOS LNA design optimization techniques

  9. COX-2在大连地区胃癌中的低频率表达、甲基化状态及其肿瘤遗传学意义分析

    Infrequent COX-2 Expression Due to Promoter Hypermethylation in Gastric Cancers of Dalian , China

  10. DDS在低频矢量网络分析仪中的应用

    The Application of DDS Technology in Net Analyzer

  11. 低频脉冲磁场对大鼠学习与记忆、EEG及脑组织形态学的影响

    Effects of Low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field on learning , memory , EEG and brain tissue morphology in rats

  12. 低频交变电磁场对(Al2O3+Al3Zr)p/Al复合材料凝固组织和干滑动磨损性能影响

    Effect of Interchanged Low-frequency Electromagnetic Field on Microstructure and Property of ( Al_2O_3 + Al_3Zr ) - p / Al Composites

  13. 低频脉冲电磁场治疗骨质疏松症的Meta分析

    A meta-analysis of pulsed electromagnetic fields for osteoporosis

  14. 磁光谱表明,θk极大值对应的频率随Nd的掺入量增加而移向低频端。

    The magneto-optical profile shows that the frequency corresponding to the maximum θ _k shifts to low frequency as Nd component increases .

  15. TCSC阻尼系统低频振荡的控制策略分析

    The control method analysis of TCSC in damping low-frequency oscillation

  16. 随着计算机进一步发展,科学计算可视化越来越受到重视;而适用于低频区RCS(雷达散射截面)计算的传统方法MOM(矩量法),也越来越显示其价值;

    With the development of visualization in scientific computing , traditional MOM for low frequency RCS has been re evaluated .

  17. 电力系统低频振荡与PSS分析

    Power System Low Frequency Oscillation PSS Analysis

  18. 采用相位推算法测量低频FSK信号频率

    Measuring Frequency of Low FSK Signal Adapting Phase Deducted Method

  19. 低频词比高频词有更大的ERP晚正成分(LPC);

    Amplitudes of late positive component ( LPC ) were larger for low than for high frequency words ;

  20. ENSO事件对中高纬大气低频振荡的调频作用

    Frequency Modulation Effect of ENSO Events on Atmospheric Low-frequency Oscillations in the Extra-tropical Latitudes

  21. Si/SiGe/SiHBT的直流特性和低频噪声

    Si / SiGe / Si HBT 's DC Characterization and Its Low-frequency Noise

  22. 海岸碎波拍的计算近岸低频波浪的Boussinesq模拟

    Boussinesq Modeling of the Surf Beat in the Nearshore Zone

  23. 第三种方法是测量二极管在各负偏压点下的输入阻抗与低频结电容C(V)来求得二极管的结参数;

    In the third method the parameters of a varactor diode are determined by the measurements of the input impedance only at negative biases and the junction capacitance at low frequency ;

  24. 对于索质量较大、张力较大、MR阻尼器安装位置较低、外界激励较大、频谱特征多变、低频为主时需要较强的MR阻尼器。

    To some larger cable mass , larger cable tension , lower site of dampers , larger excited loads , more complex frequency spectrum and low frequency , the stronger MR damper is need .

  25. 掺入Co2+主要影响材料的磁导率,使μ〃rf的第二峰随着Co2+离子增加向低频移动。

    But doped Co 2 + mainly affects permeability and the second peak of μ″ r moves to low frequency with Co 2 + content increase .

  26. 最后,通过掺杂实验表明,掺杂的Ag离子增加低频时的导电性,使交流阻抗谱趋于平坦。

    At last , the dope experiment shows that Ag + can improve conductivity of complex in low frequency and make the spectrum more flat .

  27. 直接耦合GMSK调制器低频性能的改进

    Improvement of Low Frequency Performance of DC-coupled GMSK Modulators

  28. PCMCIA卡式低频振动波形数据记录器

    A data recorder for low frequency vibration waveform with PCMCIA memory card

  29. 电力系统稳定器(PSS)用来解决电力系统低频振荡问题。

    The power system stabilizer ( PSS ) is used to resolve the problem of low frequent oscillation in power system .

  30. Wolfram综合征I型基因异质性突变引起低频非综合征型聋

    Heterogenous mutations of Wolfram syndrome ⅰ gene responsible for low frequency nonsyndromic hearing loss