
  • 网络Low calorific value gas;low-heat value gas;low heat synthesize gas
  1. 低热值煤气燃烧技术探讨

    Technique for combustion of low-heat value gas

  2. 重油制低热值煤气掺混LPG效率的评估

    Estimation of efficiency for heavy oil gasification at low heat calorie gas mixing LPG

  3. 低热值煤气活性石灰竖窑及其发展前景

    Active lime Shaft-kiln using gas with low calorific value its development

  4. 低热值煤气高温空气燃烧数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of High Temperature Combustion for Low Heat Value Gas

  5. 燃低热值煤气工业锅炉技术的开发与应用

    Development of Low-heat-value Coal Gas Fired Industrial Boiler Technology and its Application

  6. 两段式固定床低热值煤气站工艺

    A process of low heat value gas with two-stage fixed bed gasifier

  7. 露天边坡的高挥发性、复合薄煤层适合于用地下气化技术生产中、低热值煤气,气化剂不同,其热值不同,用途不同。

    Different gasification agent produces different heat value gas with different use .

  8. 低热值煤气燃烧技术的应用与分析

    The application and analysis of combustion technology of low heat value gas

  9. 低热值煤气预热后直接用于加热炉燃烧的研究

    Research on Low Quantity of Heat Gas Directly Applied in Heating Furance

  10. 低热值煤气供民用技术的探讨

    On Civil Application of Low Calorific Value Gas

  11. 低热值煤气燃气发电在济钢发电工程中的应用

    Application of Net Calorific Value Gas Power Generation in Electric Generating Project of Jigang

  12. 除了电力之外,多联产系统的一次产品还主要包括裂解气化生成的半焦和低热值煤气及合成气。

    Besides electricity output , the main products of the system include the pyrolysis semi-char and syngas .

  13. 小区低热值煤气、电、热联供总能体系研究报告

    A Total Energy System for Integrated Supply of Gas , Electric Power and Heat Energy in a Small Area

  14. 低热值煤气采用天然气增热后与焦炉气掺混做为城市补充气源的分析与探讨

    Analysis on Supplementary Town Gas Sources with Coke Oven Gas , Low Calorific Valve Manufactured Gases and CNG Mixed

  15. 燃用低热值煤气锅炉给水温度对排烟温度及电厂热经济性能的影响

    Effects of Water Feeding Temperature of Low-calorific Value Gas-fired Boiler on Fume Exhaust Temperature and Heat Economy of Power Plant

  16. 燃用中低热值煤气时燃气轮机的压气机与透平的重新匹配

    A Rematching of Compressor and Turbine for a Gas Turbine When Operating on Gas of a Medium and Low Heat Value

  17. 论述了一种可将高炉煤气等低热值煤气用于工业高温加热炉的新方法。

    This paper presents a new method of using low caloric value gases such as BFG in high temperature industrial heating furnace .

  18. 适合钢铁厂低热值煤气燃气轮机有单筒燃烧器和多筒燃烧器二种类型。

    The gas turbine using a low caloric value gas , which is suitable for iron and steel plants , has both single and multi tube type burner .

  19. 首先,建立了低热值煤气燃烧过程实验台,设计开发了燃料系统、送风系统、燃烧系统、数据采集系统、后处理系统。

    The test-bed is made up by fuel system , air supply system , burning system , the system for data collecting and the system for the after-processing .

  20. 采用冷态模型试验的方法,以自行设计的低热值煤气烧嘴为对象,研究了其同向大速差射流燃烧室内气流的流动特征。

    The flow characteristics of multi-jets in the same direction and in great velocity difference in combustion chamber were researched by the cold mould simulating test of self-designed low-calorie value gas burner .

  21. 低热值煤气燃烧稳定性的试验研究喷嘴特性对燃烧室内烟粒浓度和火焰辐射的影响

    Experimental study of flame extinction characteristics for a gas turbine combustor burning low BTU gas investigation of atomizers effect on soot concentration and flame radiation in a small model gas turbine combustor

  22. 本文在对不同工艺所要求的燃气互换性条件进行分析的基础上,结合低热值煤气的燃烧特点,提出了一组适合于锅炉和加热炉的燃气互换准则数。

    Y analysing some fuel gases technology and combustion of low heating value gases , this paper suggests a series of criteria for the interchangeability of fuel gases in boilers and industrial heating furnaces .

  23. 同时,对低热值煤气燃烧过程的数值模拟结果与实验研究结果进行对比研究,验证了数值模拟结果的准确性。

    At the same time , the exactness of numerical simulation through the comparison between the numerical simulation results and the research results in the burning process of low calorific value gas was tested .

  24. 基于煤气化的联产系统中燃气轮机需燃烧含有大量氢气的中低热值煤气,含氢燃料的预混燃烧回火问题更为突出。

    Considering there exist large amount of hydrogen gas in medium or low-heat-value coal gas supplying gas turbine to combust in IGCC , problem of flashback is arising in such kind of fuel containing hydrogen .

  25. 通过对以低热值煤气为燃料的炉窑和锅炉节能改造的实例分析,讨论了高炉煤气、转炉煤气及混合煤气等低热值煤气的燃烧技术。

    Y analysing energy-saving transformation of low heat value gas burning furnace and kiln , this paper discusses the combustion technologies of low heat value gas such as blast furnace gas , converter gas and combination gas . etc.

  26. 在工业生产某些过程中有大量的低热值煤气产生,由于含有大量惰性气体,因而发热量很低、着火困难、燃烧性能差。

    There is a lot of low calorific value gas in industrial production , and they have very low calorific value . Because of the existence of lazy gases , there are difficulties in lighting fire and bad characteristics of burning .

  27. 根据实际情况,通过推导,得出了低热值油煤气掺混LPG的效率计算公式。

    According to actual condition , this paper formularized the efficiency of low calorie oil gas mixed with LPG .

  28. 对邯钢合理选择燃烧低热值高炉煤气的燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电技术(CCPP)进行了评价,并简要介绍了邯钢引进该项技术的开发与应用。

    It is apprised that the reasonable selection of gas turbine combined cycle power plant firing low heating value blast furnace gas , and introduced that the development & application of the technology in Han-steel .

  29. 低热值高炉煤气应用实践SHL20-2.45/400-AⅡ型燃煤锅炉改燃高炉煤气改造

    The Application of the Blast Furnace Gas of Low Calorific Value

  30. 低热值高炉煤气在发电设备中的应用

    Application of Low Heating Value Blast-furnace Gas in Power Unit