首页 / 词典 / good

  • low
  • let droop;hang down
  • 地势或位置在一般标准或平均程度之下,与“高”相对:~空。~地。~谷。~潮。~沉(a.云层厚而低;b.声音低;c.情绪低落)。

  • 矮短:身材~矮。

  • 细小,沉重:~微(a.声音细小;b.身份或地位低)。~吟。

  • 程度差:~级。~能。眼高手~。

  • 卑贱:~贱。~首下心。

  • 等级在下的:~俗。~档商品。

  • 价钱少:~价出售。

  • 俯,头向下垂:~头从事。


(从下向上距离小; 离地面近) low:

  • 低水位

    low water level;

  • 月亮低悬在天空。

    The moon was low in the sky.


(在一般标准或平均程度之下) low:

  • 低声

    in a low voice;

  • 低碳钢

    steel low in carbon content;

  • 低水平

    low level;

  • 他压低了声音悄悄地说话。

    He lowered his voice to a whisper.


(等级在下的) low:

  • 低年级男学生

    a lower boy;

  • 我比他低一年级。

    I am one grade below him.


(头向下垂) let droop; hang down:

  • 低头

    hang one's head;

  • 害羞地低下头

    lower one's head coyly

  1. 新型塑料能承受很高和很低的温度。

    Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures .

  2. 这个党正提出低税收,以此作为其主要的诱人举措。

    The party is offering low taxation as its main enticement .

  3. 这个公司想摆脱它面向低消费阶层的形象。

    The company wants to break away from its downmarket image .

  4. 棚户区的生活水平很低。

    In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards .

  5. 显然,价格低是一大卖点。

    The price is obviously one of the main selling points .

  6. 今年的申请标准很低。

    The standard of this year 's applications is very low .

  7. 门廊很矮,他低下头才过去。

    The doorway was so low that he had to stoop .

  8. 有很大一部分考生得分很低甚或不获评分。

    A high proportion of candidates get low or unclassified grades .

  9. 他们决定以低租金把那些较小的办公室租出去。

    They decided to let out the smaller offices at low rents .

  10. 她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。

    She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation .

  11. 这房子的供水水压低。

    Water supplies to the house are at low pressure .

  12. 这首歌起调太低,不适合我的嗓音。

    The song was pitched too low for my voice .

  13. 两千块——不能再低了!

    Two thousand ─ and that 's my bottom line !

  14. 他唱的比我们其他人都低八度。

    He 's singing an octave lower than the rest of us .

  15. 她低着头进了汽车。

    She ducked her head and got into the car .

  16. 新到的救济金是低收入家庭的及时雨。

    This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families .

  17. 低收入家庭的生活状况是否已得到改善是一个颇有争议的问题。

    It is highly debatable whether conditions have improved for low-income families .

  18. 他不是疯,只是智力稍低。

    He 's not mad ─ just a little simple .

  19. 飞机俯冲到较低高度。

    The plane made a dive to a lower altitude .

  20. 她工作虽辛苦,但薪水不低。

    Her job is hard work , but the pay is good .

  21. 这些新头头被指责为“层次太低”。

    The new bosses were condemned as ' too lower class ' .

  22. 他们的首要目标是维持低成本。

    Their overriding aim was to keep costs low .

  23. 为了争取更多观众,这家电视台不得不迎合低收入阶层。

    To get more viewers the TV station was forced to go downmarket .

  24. 结论是,需要作出的变更程度很低。

    It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low .

  25. 在食物链中,昆虫是相当低的一级生物。

    Insects are fairly low down the food chain .

  26. 公司想保持低劳动成本。

    The company wants to keep down labour costs .

  27. 泰勒一脚低射,把球射入网角。

    Taylor scored with a low shot into the corner of the net .

  28. 这些改革将会给予能力较低的儿童更好的机会。

    The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children .

  29. 相对来说,这些工作报酬都不低。

    Relatively speaking , these jobs provide good salaries .

  30. 低工资者将收入花在食物上的比例很大。

    The lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food .