- dislocation line

However , the pure edge dislocation is easily etched along the dislocation line , inducing an etch pit of inverted hexagonal pyramid aligned with the surface step . Detective Sun 's mouth curved in a smile , but his eyes narrowed .
During subsequent vacuum annealing , much finer precipitates of 10  ̄ 20nm form on the dislocation lines and low angle boundaries . They are both beneficial to improving the thermal stability .
Computer Simulation of the Dislocation Gliding Process in Al-Single Crystal
A study of ETCH-FIGURES of dislocation lines in molybdenum crystals
The dislocation lines are decorated by foreign atoms .
The dislocation lines are mostly oriented along the ( 110 ) and ( 112 ) directions .
Dislocation lines , dislocation bands , cell and labyrinth structures are typical dislocation configurations in the fatigued alloys .
The total dislocation length per unit volume of material ; alternately , the number of dislocations that intersect a unit area of a random surface section .
Dislocations were detected on both planes of ( 001 ) and ( 100 ) of YVO 4 crystal , as well as mosaic structure and stress area on some samples .
The results showed that small amount of retained austenite transformed into martensite and fine carbide precipitated along martensite twin and dislocation . Crystal type of the carbides was identified as η Fe 2C .
The morphologies of misfit dislocations , threading dislocations and texture regions , related to disordering at GaAs / Si samples , have been observed by using a scan electron microscope .
The other was pure screw misfit dislocations with line directions of 〈 110 〉 .
We found that transverse dislocation structures , acted as the line defect , can form waveguides too ;
There are a great many lattice defects , such as a vacancy type of Frank dislocation loops which dimension is very tiny , and a type of coiled dislocations and stack faults .
The problem for the interaction between a uniformly moving screw dislocation and interface rigid lines in two dissimilar anisotropic materials are investigated .
In unloaded room aging specimens no loop and helical dislocation are found , but in the fatigue fractured samples they are found , some irregular helical dislocations formed by the climbing of dislocations .
The influence of dislocation pile up to intergranular fracture is discussed .
The etching pattern of dislocation loop consisted of several dislocation lines . While with increasing annealing time it changed into semicircular .
One was pure edge misfit dislocations with line directions of 〈 100 〉; Localization of anchor nodes for wireless sensor networks under magnetic dipole model
Because most of the dislocations are anchored by the precipitated-phase particles , the free ends of dislocations are pushed moving and turned around with these particles as their centers , until the dislocation lines are settled parallel to the direction of current .