
  • 网络Position tolerance;positional tolerance;Location tolerance
  1. 主要研究在变动几何CAD环境下进行位置公差分析技术。

    In this paper , the technique , of position tolerance analysis in CAD based variation geometry is mainly studied ;

  2. 法兰状零件位置公差的快速测量

    Instant Measuring of Position Tolerance for Flange-shaped Parts

  3. 查取公差值后能在AutoCAD中实现尺寸、形状、位置公差的自动标注;

    After inquiring the value of the tolerance of dimension , shape and placement , then it can be marked automatically in AutoCAD .

  4. 形状和位置公差的选择及应用

    Choice and application of the tolerance of the shape and position

  5. 形状和位置公差标准发展概况

    Standard Present Situation and Development of the Form Tolerances and Position Tolerances

  6. GB/T1958-1980形状和位置公差检测规定

    Rules for inspection of form and position tolerances

  7. 新国家标准《形状和位置公差》与其旧标准的对比

    The comparison of new national " geometrical and tolerancing " standard with the old one

  8. 运用工件定位的原理来分析零件位置公差标注中基准的选择

    Analysis of Selection of Reference in Dimensioning Workpiece Position Tolerance by Applying Positioning Principle of Workpiece

  9. 竹木复合木质桌的主要尺寸偏差较小,形状和位置公差均符合木质桌标准要求。

    The shape and position tolerances are in line with the standard requirements of the wooden table .

  10. 设计基准与工艺基准不同时对轴类零件位置公差的影响

    The Influence to Place Error of Spare Parts of Shaft for Different of Design Datum and Technology Datum

  11. 新颁布的形状和位置公差标准涉及一系列新的基本概念和表示方法。

    Reciporocity requirement and zero geometrical tolerance are two newly specified basic concepts in the latest issue of tolerance standards .

  12. 介绍1996年新系列形状和位置公差国家标准与原标准的异同。

    The similarities and differences between the new serials of form tolerance and position tolerance of GB-1996 and the old one were introduced .

  13. 在零件的精度设计中,绝大多数情况下尺寸公差和形状、位置公差间的关系都采用独立原则。

    The absolute principle is adopted for the relation on dimension tolerance and the shape and position of hardware in the process of precision design in general instance .

  14. 在考虑了装配公差和形状位置公差的条件下,采用极大极小法,给出了该型发射装置改进后的平行度计算方法。

    Taking into account assembly tolerance and geometric tolerance , with the maximum and minimum method , a parallel degree calculating method for the missile launcher is put forward .

  15. 文中以均值为零的正态分布作为误差模型,分别就幅度、相位以及安装位置公差对赋形方向图副瓣带来的影响进行了统计分析。

    This paper analyses the impact of the magnitude , phase and installation position tolerances on sidelobe of shaped-beam pattern using a normal distribution with zero mean as error mode .

  16. 通过对浪形保持架冲孔模的改进,保持架定位准确,保证了铆钉孔位置公差,达到了工艺要求。

    Through the improvement of the piercing die for the wave-shaped cage , cage positioning became accurate , the position tolerances of rivet holes were ensured , and technical requirements were met .

  17. 按照形状与位置公差国家标准中圆度误差的规定,采用最小二乘圆法建立了圆度误差的数学模型,并对其进行了仿真分析。

    The paper , in accordance with the state standards of shape and position tolerance for roundness error , presents mathematical model of roundness error applying the least square , and analyses it through emulation .

  18. 针对在AutoCAD2004软件模型空间中没有标准图框、标题栏、明细表、粗糙度符号及位置公差的基准符号等问题。

    In view of AutoCAD 2004 not having the standard drawing frame , the title block , the detailed list of specifications , roughness mark and location tolerance datum mark in the AutoCAD 2004 's models space .

  19. 应用两个子程序能自动标注六项形位公差代号和八项位置公差代号,从而实现了技术图样中形位公差代号的自动标注。

    With the ap - plication of the two sub-programs , six tolerance code letters for shape and position and eight letters can be marked automatically to realize the automatic marking of them in the technical drawing .

  20. 首先给出了一些位置公差带的数学定义,并采用等效尺寸法进行位置公差的极值分析,最后给出了一个零件的位置公差分析实例。

    Some vector mathematical definitions are first given to position tolerance zones ; the equivalent dimension method is adopted to the position tolerance analysis in order to worst case analysis ; at last , tolerance analysis to a part is given .

  21. 位置度公差的标注类型及使用方法

    The Type of Annotation of Position Tolerance and Its Usage Method

  22. 不同的公差原则在位置度公差中的应用

    Application of Tolerance Principles Referring to Position Tolerance

  23. 合理地选用位置度公差及其相应的公差原则,对提高产品质量和降低成本具有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important significance for raising products quality and reducing costs through selecting position tolerance correctly .

  24. 本文比较详细地介绍了位置度公差值的计算公式及如何标注。

    In this paper , the calculating formula and marking method of positioning tolerance are presented in detail .

  25. 针对导弹的结构特点,提出了三维公差带的概念,利用优化算法,在零部件质心位置的三维公差带内,将导弹装配体的质心调节到允许的范围内。

    According to the characteristics the missile , structure this paper puts forward the concept of three-dimension tolerance zone , and the centroid of missile is adjusted into the allowable range .

  26. 标准安装方式为GC-B系列与轴承并排,相同的位置,相同的公差要求。

    Standard arrangement is to install this type alongside a bearing with the same location tolerance .

  27. 单件加工中位置度误差的公差圆图解分析法

    A graphic analytical method using tolerance circle to analyze the positional alignment error in the single piece maching

  28. 全跳动除了尺寸,对形状,方向和位置都给出了公差规范要求。

    Profile controls everything that total runout does as well as size if the size dimension is made BASIC .

  29. 对原检测方法进行了改进,使测量方便,保证了滚道尺寸、形状和位置严格控制在公差范围内。

    The original measure method was changed in order to keep measure convenient and control strictly the raceway size , shape and location within the tolerance range .

  30. 不同质心位置下的汽车正碰变形与速度分析GB/T13319-1991形状和位置公差位置度公差

    The analysis of the frontal collision deformation and velocity of the vehicle in different locations of the center of mass