
  • Dante;Dante Alighieri;Alighieri Dante
  1. 我学习意大利语以便能读但丁的原著。

    I studied Italian so that I would be able to read Dante in the original .

  2. 教堂离但丁广场只有几步之遥。

    The church is a short walk from Piazza Dante .

  3. 我记得很清楚,另一天晚上,不知什么使我们谈起但丁对维吉尔的崇拜。

    I remember vividly another evening , when something led us to talk of dante 's veneration for virgil .

  4. 但丁(Dante)在700年前谱写了他的《神曲》(DivineComedy),但这些文字也不妨用来描述今年第三季度的情况。

    Dante wrote his Divine Comedy 700 years ago but he could have been describing the third quarter of this year .

  5. 结论丁羟甲苯、维生素C和维生素E对紫外线照射诱发的DNA损伤均有拮抗作用,但丁羟甲苯和维生素C的作用具有一定的双重性,维生素E是拮抗紫外线照射诱发DNA损伤较为理想的拮抗剂。

    Conclusion Butylated hydroxytoluene , vitamin C and vitamin E possessed antagonism to UVR-induced DNA damage but butylated hydroxytoluene and vitamin C possessed dual nature , vitamin E was a sort of perfect antioxidants in antagonism to UVR-induced DNA damage .

  6. 在巴德,这意味着学生们将去研读但丁(Dante)、洛克(Locke)和W·E·B·杜波依斯(W.E.B.DuBois)的著作,而这些书通常是他们追求丰富人生的富裕同龄人才会研读的。

    At the Bard school , that means works by Dante , Locke and W.E.B. Du Bois that have populated and enriched the lives of their more affluent peers .

  7. 但丁写道,上帝不仅是令人目眩的光辉景象,最重要的是,他是“I'amorchemoveilsoleel'altrestele”……

    Dante writes that God is not merely a blinding vision of glorious light , but that He is , most of all , l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle ...

  8. 但是就在下一句话中,他转向了但丁:所以,布鲁图再次背叛了一位信任他的长者,就像他之前背叛庞培(Pompey)和加图(Cato)那样。

    But he turns Dantesque in the very next sentence : And so , once again , Brutus betrayed an older man who trusted him , just as he had earlier betrayed first Pompey and then Cato .

  9. 曼哈顿学校最近关于但丁的《地狱》(Inferno)一书中,第9和第10囊里做出的惩罚进行了一场讨论。讨论过程中,一名学生说她认为身体折磨是“与故事逻辑相符合的”。

    During a recent discussion in the Manhattan school on punishments doled out in the ninth and tenth pouches of Dante 's Inferno , one student said she thought the physical torture was " consistent with the logic of the story . "

  10. 但是就在下一句话中,他转向了但丁:“所以,布鲁图再次背叛了一位信任他的长者,就像他之前背叛庞培(Pompey)和加图(Cato)那样。”

    But he turns Dantesque in the very next sentence : " And so , once again , Brutus betrayed an older man who trusted him , just as he had earlier betrayed first Pompey and then Cato . "

  11. 但是,但丁(Dante)在《地狱》(Inferno)的最后一篇中谴责布鲁图,判他在地狱的最底层永远被撒旦嚼食,和他同在地狱底层的是谋反罪同犯卡西乌斯以及叛徒犹大(JudasIscariot)。

    Dante , by contrast , in the final canto of " Inferno , " condemned Brutus to be forever chewed by Satan in the lowest circle of hell , alongside Cassius , his accomplice in the sin of betrayal , and Judas Iscariot .

  12. 用这伟大的形式,就像但丁在地狱里证实。

    In this great form , as Dante proved in Hell .

  13. 三个哲学诗人:卢克莱修,但丁和歌德

    " Three philosophical poets : lucretius , Dante and coethe "

  14. 但丁:真是累死了。你怎么还在这里?

    Dante : What an ordeal . You 're still here ?

  15. 但丁:好吧,女士,现在我明白了。

    Dante : Okay Lady , I get the picture now .

  16. 但丁、莱奥纳多和米尔顿都是极有天赋的人。

    Dante , leonardo , and Milton were men of genius .

  17. 我忍不住要拿给但丁看看。

    And I just had to come back and show dante .

  18. 但丁:负责?你这么在意吗?

    Dante : Responsible ? Does it bother you that much ?

  19. 但丁:重伤至此,你已经不行了!

    Dante : no you can 't fight with that wound !

  20. 是的,比如说但丁、薄伽丘和阿里奥斯托。

    Yes , such as Dante Alighieri , Boccaccio and Ariosto .

  21. 但丁在炼狱中游历时,听到其他的声音而分心。

    Dante is distracted by noises when he is visiting the inferno .

  22. 但丁拿着带子冲到我房间。

    Dante came busting into my room with the tape .

  23. 但丁:我说过,你做不到的。

    Dante : I told you , you can 't do it .

  24. 但丁:我们注定是双生子。

    Dante : and we 're supposed to be twins .

  25. 他用自己的方式遵守对但丁承诺。

    He 's keeping his promise to Dante in his own way .

  26. 困境?激情?但丁拿它们当家常便饭。

    Quandary ? Passion ? Dante ate them for breakfast .

  27. 但丁:对不起,还没有开始营业。

    Dante : Sorry , not open for business yet .

  28. 但丁:提起这个,你算说对了。

    Dante : Now that you mentioned it , you 're right .

  29. 但丁:哦,我喜欢干净利落的女人。

    Dante : Ooh , I love a fast woman .

  30. 评但丁《论世界帝国》中的法律思想

    On the Legal Thoughts of Dante 's On World Government