
ɡū jì fǎ
  • Estimation method;method of estimation
  1. 部分估计中的比率估计法与简单估计法的优劣分析

    More Discussion Between the Ratio Method of Estimation and the Simple Method of Estimation in the Partial Estimation

  2. 提出了两个正态分布的混合分布参数估计的新方法,包括矩估计法和信息矩估计法。后者可根据前馈信息的不同而分成3种。

    New methods for the estimation of parameters in a mixture of two normal distributions were proposed , including the Moment Method of Estimation and the Information-Moment Method of Estimation , which could be distinguished into three kinds according to the difference in feedforward information .

  3. 基于间隔估计法的RFID防碰撞算法

    An Anti-collision Algorithm for RFID Based on Interval Estimate Method

  4. 给出了极大似然估计法、范数理论的数据拟合及三次B样条拟合方法,并对三种方法的特点和适用条件进行比较。

    It presented maximum-likelihood method , normal number and B splines approximation and also made a comparison of the characteristics and conditions used .

  5. 采用加速寿命试验和点估计法获得了膜电阻的基本失效率λRT和布线与工艺基本失效率λC;

    By accelerated life test and point estimate method the basic failure rate λ RT and λ C are obtained .

  6. 最大熵谱估计法是以AR模型为基础的一种参数谱估计方法。

    The Maximum Entropy Method is a kind of parameter spectrum estimation method based on AR model .

  7. 非平稳信号的一种ARMA模型参数估计法

    A Parametric Estimator of ARMA Model for Nonstationary Random Signal

  8. ARMA谱的自适应Kalman估计法

    An Adaptive Kalman ARMA Spectral Estimator

  9. 本文首先对描述HIV病毒纵向动态变化的随机系数常微分方程模型提出了两步估计法。

    This thesis firstly proposes a two stage method for random coefficient ordinary differential equations for the dynamics of longitudinal HIV data .

  10. 这些算法包括如下内容:1、基于Gabor滤波器的主方向估计法。

    The algorithm includes : 1 . Gabor filters based method to estimate dominant orientation .

  11. 基于LMS自适应时延估计法的微地形测距系统研究

    Study on the ultrasonic distance measurement system for seabed coblat-crusts microtopography based on LMS adaptive filter

  12. 网络控制系统T-S模型的建立&基于非线性最小二乘估计法

    The Building of T-S Model in Network Control System Based on the Nonlinear Least Square Method

  13. 一种改进的PGA最大似然相位估计法

    A Modified PGA ML Phase Estimation Method

  14. 在水印提取的过程中根据小波高频系数的统计分布特性,利用最大似然(ML)估计法进行检测,不需要原图像。

    According to the statistical distribution characteristics of wavelet high-frequency coefficients , the watermark is extracted by means of the ML method without the original image .

  15. 作为应用实例,将最小二乘估计法b值与稳健估计b值的偏离度作为中强震的前兆判定指标,对新疆地区b值进行时间扫描。

    As an application example , difference ( Db ) between b value by least square estimation and by robust estimation is used as a discriminating index for precursor of moderate and strong earthquake .

  16. 基于谱估计法的VCSEL噪声特性研究

    Analysis of VCSEL 'S noise characteristics based on spectrum estimation

  17. 首次尝试采用稳健的R估计法建立电力行业股票收益率与经营业绩指标的数学模型。

    Initially applying robust R estimator method , a more significant multivariate regression model among stock profit ratio and business ( achievement ) index such as earnings per share is established .

  18. GM(1,1)与DM(1,l)模型的实质及其参数的最小二乘估计法

    The Crux of Models GM ( 1,1 ) and DM ( 1,1 ) andthe Least Square Estimation Methods of Their Parameters

  19. 笔者通过编辑卡尔曼滤波法的Matlab程序针对现场线形和内力的测量,详细介绍了混凝土连续刚构桥的卡尔曼非线性估计法的应用。

    Author described in detail application of Kalman linear estimation of concrete series rigid frame bridge by editing program Matlab of Kalman filtering method for measurement of field linear and internal forces .

  20. 基于MPEG-1的模拟结果表明了基于宏块分类的运动估计法之有效性。

    Simulation result based on MPEG 1 shows the effectiveness of the motion estimation method based on macroblock ′ s classification .

  21. 基于系统分割的保留非线性快速P-Q分解状态估计法

    System partition based state estimation algorithm using fast decoupled P-Q and retaining nonlinearity

  22. 基于半径法和谱估计法设计了TPMS系统。

    So we designed TPMS which is based on radii method and spectral estimation method .

  23. 传统的VaR估计法,是假定收益服从一定分布,根据收益序列估计参数,从而计算得出VaR。

    The traditional VaR estimation method is assumed that the income obeys a certain distribution , estimates parameters according to earnings sequence , and thus calculates the VaR value .

  24. 应用AR谱估计法求取感应测井的纵向传递函数,可用于感应测井数据反褶积校正。

    This paper demonstrates the application of AR spectral estimation to obtain the vertical transfer function of induction log , and to deconvolve the induction logging data with it for calibration .

  25. 在水文序列的研究中引入了Hurst系数的子波估计法;

    In order to describe the correlative configuration of annual flow peak series , the wavelet estimation method of Hurst coefficient is introduced .

  26. 利用蓄电池的充电电压和充电状态之间的关系,用蓄电池的状态估计法和倒推法,解决了均衡器中开关器件的PWM脉冲占空比的计算问题。

    Taking advantage of the relationship between the state of charges and the voltage of batteries , the duty ratio of switching device in the CEC can be calculated by using measured voltage of battery .

  27. 在对驾驶台语音进行增强研究中,本文提出了在VDR中利用小波阈值短时谱幅度MMSE(minimummeansquareerror,最小均方误差)估计法的语音增强算法。

    During the research of the bridge speech communication enhancement , this paper proposed to utilize the speech enhancement method of wavelet thresholding MMSE ( Minimum Mean Square Error ) estimation for spectral amplitude algorithm for VDR .

  28. 对相干信号源应用极大似然估计法进行测向,结合AP(AlternatingProjection)投影法。最后文章利用凸集间的交互投影提出了一种迭代解法。

    Use ML algorithm plus AP ( Alternating Projection ) algorithm to process related signals . At last the paper proposed a iterative computation method that made use of alternating projection between two convex sets .

  29. 结论改进的谱估计法提供了一种新的TWA检测手段,可以更全面的检测和观察心电中可能隐含的TWA信号。

    Conclusion The improved spectrum-estimating method we proposed provides a new means to detect the concealed TWA in ECG .

  30. 仿真证明,双线估计法的时钟同步精度明显优于传统的时钟同步算法,并具有降低网络开销的优势。最后,在基于FPGA的超宽带硬件平台上验证第3章提出的变步长捕获算法。

    Simulations reveal that DLEA synchronization accuracy is superior to the traditional clock synchronization algorithm , and has the advantage of lower network cost . Finally , we have verified the synchronization algorithm on the FPGA-based UWB hardware platform .