
  • 网络Berkshire;The Berkshires
  1. 在纽伯里举行的伯克郡障碍赛中“水玉精灵”把骑师掀了下来。

    Crystal Spirit unseated his rider in the Berkshire Hurdle at Newbury

  2. 我在伯克郡他的家中再次见到了他。

    I next saw him at his house in Berkshire

  3. 斯塔布菲尔德在位于伯克郡梅登黑德(Maidenhead,Berkshire)的家中工作。

    Ms Stubblefield works from her home in Maidenhead , Berkshire .

  4. 这位校长PaulPerachi后来成为伯克郡的青少年法庭法官。

    That principal , Paul Perachi , later became a court judge for Berkshire County .

  5. 但这只是众多有趣的可能性之一:如果是贝卢斯科尼(Berlusconi)在伯克郡或默克尔(Merkel)在华沙又会怎样呢?

    But that is just one of many amusing possibilities : how about Berlusconi in Berkshire ; or Merkel in Warsaw ?

  6. 采访人告诉女王,有一名图书管理员取下了皇冠上的珠宝,把它们放在了一个BathOliver的饼干盒里,并藏在了伯克郡。

    He revealed that a librarian removed the stones out of the jewels and placed them into a Bath Oliver biscuit tin before hiding them in Berkshire .

  7. 英国伯克郡独立学校威灵顿学院(WellingtonCollege)去年斥资50万英镑,在一座配有中式水榭的塔式建筑中开设了一家汉语言中心。

    Wellington College , an independent school in Berkshire , last year opened a & # 163 ; 500,000 Mandarin language centre housed in a pagoda complete with Chinese water garden .

  8. 在芝加哥餐饮业从业多年的本o席勒表示,他发现他的伯克郡小屋(BerkshireRoom)餐厅买到的一些柠檬的质量大不如前了,不光尺寸小了,而且果汁含量也变低了。

    Chicago restaurant veteran Ben Schiller says he 's seen poorer quality in some of the limes at his restaurant The Berkshire Room , including limes that are smaller in size and lower juice content .

  9. 在悉尼出生,在伯克郡工作的企业家唐娜•艾达•桑顿(DonnaIdaThornton)专门开办了一家“牛仔诊所”——为女士们提供专家级的牛仔裤挑选指南。

    Sydney-born Berkshire-based entrepreneur Donna Ida Thornton runs innovative Denim Clinics , which provide a comprehensive masterclass in helping women find their perfect jeans match .

  10. 英格兰南部的伯克郡泰晤士河畔的一个城市。

    A city on the River Thames in Berkshire in S England .

  11. 仍然伯克郡的一个拖车公园里油印自由宣言

    still pumping mimeographed manifestos out of a trailer park in the Berkshires .

  12. 首届“雷丁纹身大会”在英国伯克郡雷丁市举行。

    The first Reading Tattoo Convention was held in Reading , Berkshire , UK .

  13. 有些伯克郡的居民邀请交响乐团在户外表演一些音乐会。

    Some Berkshire residents invited a symphony orchestra to perform a few outdoor concerts .

  14. 他一定会……像四人扔猪游戏里的伯克郡猪一样,尖叫不止。

    He is going to ... Squeal like a Berkshire white in a four-man pig toss .

  15. 凯特早年住在伯克郡,距离伦敦60英里。

    Kate spent her early years in the English county of Berkshire , 60 miles outside London .

  16. 2008年,他们在伯克郡里丁市附近的阿夫顿法院举行第一次婚礼。

    They married for the first time at Ufton Court , near Reading , Berks , in2008 .

  17. 今年1月,莫顿在伯克郡皇家医院产下了体重为7磅14盎司的莫莉。

    Baby Molly was born in January at the Royal Berkshire Hospital at the healthy weight of 7lb 14oz .

  18. 比尔盖茨是伯克郡-哈撒韦公司的董事,而且是巴菲特多年的桥牌牌友。

    Bill Gates serves on the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway and is a long-time bridge buddy of Buffett 's.

  19. 伯克郡有个官方名称是“皇家郡”,在这里你可以搜罗到最传统最古怪的皇家婚礼纪念品。

    With Berkshire officially called the Royal County , where better to hunt down both traditional and quirky royal wedding souvenirs ?

  20. 这头迷你牛于1999年出生在伯克郡的纽布里,2006年被瑞德家在一次稀有物种拍卖会上买回。在约克郡西部的里士顿长大。

    The tiny cow was born in Newbury , Berkshire in1999 and bought by the Ryder family at a rare breed auction in2006 .

  21. 最后一天,他们在克莱夫登庄园拍摄——这是伯克郡梅登黑德一座19世纪的别墅。

    It was the boys ' last day on set , filming at Cliveden House , a 19th-century mansion in Maidenhead , Berkshire .

  22. 1440年亨利国王六世在英格兰伯克郡依顿创建该男子中学。

    Eton College , founded by King Henry VI in1440 , is a private secondary school for boys in Eton , Berkshire , England .

  23. 但令人吃惊的是,这个区域也有着强烈的乡村色彩,丰富多样的活动。而且,人们从这里很容易抵达阿巴拉契亚国家步道和伯克郡的远足路径。

    But the area is also surprisingly rural and activity-rich , with easy access to the Appalachian Trail and hiking paths in the Berkshires .

  24. 伦敦被英国其它地区和保守党首相统治;而且,卡梅伦首相来自伯克郡一个没有外国人的乡村。

    It is ruled by the rest of the country , and by a conservative Prime Minister brought up in the foreigner-free Berkshire countryside .

  25. 许多餐厅老板向教授征求建议,这其中包括著名大厨赫斯顿•布鲁门索。他也为自己在伯克郡布雷市备受赞誉的肥鸭餐厅咨询斯宾塞教授。

    Celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal is among restaurateurs who have sought the professor 's advice for his award-winning Fat Duck in Bray , Berkshire .

  26. 珍妮特-斯皮勒和特雷莎-霍普金斯两人是兼职农民,他们在伯克郡沃金厄姆村把养羊作为业余爱好。

    Part-time farmers Janet Spiller and Teresa Hopkins keep the Wiltshire Horn sheep as a hobby in the village of Hurst , near Wokingham , Berkshire .

  27. 包括亿万富翁沃仁-布非的伯克郡汉莎伟有限公司在内的切斯科股东们正在进行磋商,为开办第一家美国分公司做准备,切斯科股票下跌。

    The stock has slumped as Tesco , whose shareholders include billionaire Warren Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway Inc , gets ready for its first US venture .

  28. 小王子伯克郡和外婆在家附近散步时,他和一个陌生人开始了谈话。

    The young prince was walking with his grandmother , Carole Middleton , near her home in Berkshire , when he struck up a conversation with a stranger .

  29. 22岁的维多利亚安德鲁斯来自伯克郡的纽伯里从十几岁起就开始对娃娃非常痴迷,在每个娃娃身上花费了800英镑。

    Victoria Andrews , 22 , from Newbury in Berkshire , has been obsessed with the dolls , each of which costs 800 , since she was a teenager .

  30. 据报道,他们小时候在英国伯克郡的拉德格罗夫预科学校读书就认识了,据说斯特劳本茨也参加了哈里王子的婚礼。

    The two friends reportedly met as children while attending the Ludgrove Prep School in Berkshire , England , and Straubenzee is said to have attended Prince Harry 's wedding as well .