
  • 网络Ethical Studies;Ethics Studies;Studies in Ethics;research ethics
  1. 论应用伦理学研究的重要使命

    On the Important Mission of Applied Ethical Studies

  2. 应用伦理学在西方的兴起对以前的理论伦理学构成了一系列挑战,并为伦理学研究构建起了全新的平台。

    The rise of applied ethics in the West has challenged western traditional theoretical ethics and hence established a new platform for ethical studies .

  3. 浙江省江苏大学伦理学研究生LVTiantian花了几年的时间阅读《亚里士多德》和《柏拉图》。

    LV Tiantian , a graduate student majoring in ethics at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang , has spent years reading Aristotle and Plato .

  4. 另一门名为“比较伦理学研究导论(IntroductiontoComparativeEthicsStudies)”的课程,由丽贝卡·富勒(RebeccaFowler)教授,她提出使用“不恰当的词汇”将影响学生的成绩,“该状况每出现一次扣一分”。

    A further course entitled " Introduction to Comparative Ethics Studies " taught by Professor Rebecca Fowler also states that the use of " inappropriate terminology " will impact on students ' grades , " with the deduction of one point per incident . "

  5. 马库拉应用伦理学研究中心执行总监、授课教师KirkO.Hanson指出,课程供不应求的状况是由多种原因造成的。

    The course is in demand for many reasons , said Kirk O. Hanson , the course instructor and executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics .

  6. 约翰·霍普金斯大学伯曼生物伦理学研究所(JohnsHopkinsBermanInstituteofBioethics)主任鲁斯·R·费登(RuthR.Faden)说,孩子特别需要保护。“首先,因为他们的健康很依赖我们,其次因为童年时期健康受损的影响非常大,”她说。

    Ruth R. Faden , director of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics , said children have a special claim to protection . " First , because they are so dependent on us for their well-being , and second because deprivations in childhood have such an outsize effect , " she said .

  7. 中国经济伦理学研究的现状和对策

    Present situation and countermeasure of the economic ethics research of China

  8. 深化卫生事业改革应关注卫生经济伦理学研究

    Concerning Health Economical Ethics Research on Deepening the Health Service Reform

  9. 国内公共管理伦理学研究综述

    Overviews of the Domestic Study on the Ethics of Public Management

  10. 组织工程在口腔颌面外科中的伦理学研究

    Ethical Study of Tissue Engineering in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

  11. 加强基层卫生院护理管理工作的伦理学研究

    Strengthen the Ethical Research on Nursing Management at Grass-Roots Healthcare Centers

  12. 行政人格是行政伦理学研究的主体性视角。

    Administration personality is the subjectivity perspective of administration ethics study .

  13. 普世伦理是当前应用伦理学研究的热点问题。

    Universal Ethic is a popular issue of applied ethics at current .

  14. 中国民族伦理学研究概述

    A Survey of the Ethnics Studies of Chinese Minority Nationalities

  15. 的问题,一直是道德哲学和伦理学研究的一个重要问题。

    Is always the key question for moral philosophy and ethical research .

  16. 当代中国生命伦理学研究与发展的思考

    Considerations on Research and Development in Bioethics in Modern China

  17. 中国警察伦理学研究的对象及内容

    The Objects and Content of Research on Chinese Police Ethics

  18. 中国艾滋病减少危害战略的伦理学研究

    Ethical Issues in Strategy of HIV Harm Reduction in China

  19. 认真分析这一命题,对深化生态伦理学研究具有重要意义。

    It has great significance for deepening ecology ethics analysis .

  20. 民族文化的传承一直是伦理学研究的重要课题。

    Culture inheritance is always an important topic in Ethics .

  21. 开展工程伦理学研究增强工程师责任意识

    Studying Engineering Ethics and Prompting Engineers ' Consciousness of Responsibility

  22. 关于产前诊断中性别选择的伦理学研究

    Ethical Research on the Sex Choice during the Prenatal Diagnosis

  23. 关于中小学教师语言暴力的伦理学研究

    An Ethical Study of Primary and Secondary School Teachers ' Language Violence

  24. 树突状细胞瘤苗的临床研究进展及其伦理学研究

    Ethical Issues and Progress in Clinical Study of Dendritic Cell Tumor Vaccine

  25. 国外信息伦理学研究述评

    An Overview on the Research of Information Ethics Abroad

  26. 生育健康服务:生命伦理学研究的新课题

    Reproductive health services : a new topic in the research of life ethnics

  27. 国内行政伦理学研究综述

    A Summary of Researches on Administration Ethics in China

  28. 中国活体肝脏移植的伦理学研究

    Ethics of liver transplantion with living donors in China

  29. 改革开放30年西方伦理学研究回顾与反思

    A Literature Review and Reflection on Western Ethics over the Past Thirty Years

  30. 伦理学研究道德方面的对错问题。

    Ethics isthe study of what is morally right and what is not .