
  • 网络london company
  1. 这是因为这家伦敦公司的老板们今夏为了保持公司正常运转,让员工睡在办公室的太空舱里。

    That 's because , in a bid to keep things ticking over this summer , bosses at the London company are asking staff to sleep at work - in space pods .

  2. 伦敦公司CapitalEconomics资深中国经济学家威廉姆斯(MarkWilliams)在周二一份报告中以官方言论为依据说,中国似乎正在接近于为抗通胀而允许汇率更快升值。

    China appears to be on the verge of allowing faster currency appreciation in response to inflation , ' Mark Williams , senior China economist for Capital Economics in London , wrote in a note Tuesday , citing official comments .

  3. 上周某日,我也当了一天水管工,在上述三位前白领的伦敦公司与他们会合,对奇特的“时髦水管工”现象进行调查。

    And for one day last week I was a plumber too-joining all three former white collar workers at their London firm to investigate the peculiar phenomenon of posh plumbers .

  4. 9月21日,这家伦敦公司开始了一场并购拉锯战,把对福士的现金竞价提高到了99亿美元(101亿美元)。

    On September21st the London-based firm seemed to end a long takeover battle by raising its cash bid for Foster 's to A $ 9.9 billion ( $ 10.1 billion ) .

  5. 伦敦地铁公司的发言人为推迟发车直到警方赶来的决定作了辩解。

    A London Underground spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived .

  6. tubelines指责阿尔斯通维护不力,并认为伦敦地铁公司反应过度。

    Tube lines blamed Alstom for poor maintenance and London underground for over-reacting .

  7. 伦敦咨询公司IntegerResearch的奥利弗哈特菲尔德(OliverHatfield)表示:这是一种大规模整合。

    It is a massive consolidation , says Oliver Hatfield , at London-based consultants Integer Research .

  8. 两年后,他又收购了伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany),该公司是伦敦标志性黑色哈克尼(Hackney)出租车的生产商。

    Two years later he swallowed up the London Taxi Company , maker of the iconic black Hackney cab .

  9. 但伦敦咨询公司EnergyAspects的阿姆里塔森(AmritaSen)表示,这种机会主义的购买在未来可能减弱力度。

    But such opportunistic buying could be weaker in future , said Amrita Sen at London-based consultancy Energy Aspects .

  10. 而且,吉利的声明标志着伦敦出租车公司开始扭亏为盈,该公司的前身是锰铜控股(ManganeseBronze)。

    Still , Geely 's announcement marks the beginnings of a turnround for the company , formerly known as Manganese Bronze .

  11. FirstLight是由伦敦灯具公司AnotherCountry推出,是包括了黑色、白色以及赤褐色的吊灯系列,相比某些巨型灯件,它的设计风格更为简约,但却完整展示了关键的制作过程。

    First Light , a ceramic pendant in black , white and terracotta by London-based Another Country , is more humble in design than some of the larger-scale pieces , but tells that all-important maker story .

  12. inspiringinterns这家位于伦敦的公司,自夸它可以在三天内提供能胜任岗位的实习生。

    Inspiring interns , a London firm , boasts that it can provide competent interns within three days .

  13. 今年年初,中投公司还投资收购了伦敦水务公司泰晤士水务(ThamesWater)9%的股份。

    At the start of the year , CIC also made an investment in Thames Water , buying an 9 per cent stake in the London water utility .

  14. 伦敦咨询公司EnergyAspects估计,中国在2014年为其战略石油储备购买了大约8700万桶原油,到年底这个数字可能再增加2000万桶。

    Energy Aspects , a London-based consultant , reckons China has bought about 87m barrels of crude for its SPR in 2014 , a figure that could rise by another 20m barrels by the end of the year .

  15. 来自伦敦LCP公司的沃尔特·巴里。

    Walter Barry , from LCP in London .

  16. 看T型台上的3D盛宴,伦敦Burberry公司用一场全世界直播的3D时装展向伦敦时装周致敬。

    A 3D trip down the catwalk , British company Burberry capped off London fashion week with a 3D show , streamed live around the world .

  17. 中国国有化工企业中化集团(Sinochem)已商定以5.32亿英镑(合8.79亿美元)购买伦敦上市公司EmeraldEnergy。

    Sinochem , the state-controlled Chinese chemicals company , has agreed to buy London-listed Emerald Energy for 532m ( $ 879m ) .

  18. 但到目前为止,通常会看到的情况是伦敦初创公司TheOutsideView的联合创始人罗布•赛姆斯(RobSymes)的经历。

    But so far , the experience of Rob Symes , co-founder of a London start-up called The Outside View , is typical .

  19. 伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany)已经为其黑色出租车规划了未来前景,包括绿色科技、出口到世界各地的城市以及专门的打车应用。

    The London Taxi Company has set out its vision of the future for the black cab and it involves green technology , exports to cities across the world and dedicated taxi apps .

  20. 最为成功的电动汽车厂商日产(Nissan)和经典黑出租车的制造商伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany)也准备赶在2018年期限之前开发出全电动车型。

    Nissan , the most successful electric car manufacturer , and the London Taxi Company , which builds the iconic black cab , are developing fully electric models ahead of the 2018 deadline .

  21. 嘉能可还在矿业企业中持有大量直接股权,包括在伦敦上市公司xstrata所持35%股权。

    Glencore also has extensive direct interests in mining companies including a 35 per cent of the London-listed Xstrata .

  22. 为了帮助管理人员对这一行动计划做好准备,JohnLewis请来了伦敦咨询公司SandlerLanz为其提供顾问服务。

    To prepare managers for this programme of action , John Lewis brought in the London-based Sandler Lanz consultancy to advise them .

  23. 伦敦Ochre公司也成功地把节能灯打造成艺术品,它们制作的SeedCloud大型组合吊灯就如同一件雕塑装置。

    The idea of lighting as a work of art was also explored at London-based Ochre , where a large grouping of its Seed Cloud pendant lights looks more like a sculptural installation .

  24. 伦敦出租车公司(LondonTaxiCompany)面对许多竞争者,比亚迪是最新出现的一个。伦敦出租车公司生产的TX4气派、宽敞、造型仿佛“老爷车”,一直以来都是来自世界各地的游客心目中“伦敦”的代名词。

    It is the latest of a slew of potential competitors to the London Taxi Company , builder of the TX4 , the classy , roomy traditional-style cab that says " London " to potential visitors from all over the world .

  25. 伦敦咨询公司EnergyAspects称,自5月份开始全球石油需求大幅下滑是全球增长放缓的先行指标,而欧洲和日本公布的最新国内生产总值(GDP)数据也证实了这一点。

    A sharp drop in global oil demand that began in May was a ' leading indicator ' of slowing global growth , as the latest round of gross domestic product data from Europe and Japan have confirmed , says London consulting firm Energy Aspects .

  26. Tenon的企业服务总监米夏埃拉•约翰斯(MichaelaJohns)解释道,许多受访者认为他们已然输给了总部位于伦敦的公司。

    Many felt they had already lost out to London-based firms , explained Michaela Johns , director of business services at Tenon .

  27. 另一家在秘鲁拥有权益的伦敦上市公司斯特拉塔(xstrata),股价也下跌了1%尽管大盘是在上涨。

    London-listed Xstrata , another mining company with interests in the Andean nation , slid 1 per cent in a rising market .

  28. 上月,伦敦上市公司非洲矿业(AfricanMinerals)同意以1.68亿美元,向中国铁路物资总公司(CRM)出售其12.5%的股权,外加未来铁矿石产出的承购协议。

    Last month , London-listed African Minerals agreed to sell China Railway Materials Commercial Corporation a 12.5 per cent stake in the company for $ 168m , as well as an off-take agreement for its future iron ore output .

  29. 当美林(MerrillLynch)将其遭受的290亿美元亏损记入伦敦子公司后,这家美国投行可能几十年内都不用在英国缴纳企业所得税了。

    Merrill Lynch is unlikely to pay corporation tax in the UK for several decades after $ 29bn of losses suffered by the US investment bank were charged to its London-based subsidiary .

  30. 美银美林(BankofAmericaMerrillLynch)驻伦敦北欧公司和投行业务副主席哈里縠德维克(HarriSundvik)要他的助理把健身计划像会议一样放入每天的日志中,这样它们就不会从他的时间表上被挤掉了。

    Harri Sundvik , vice-chairman of Nordic corporate and investment banking at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London , asks his PA to put workouts into his diary as meetings so that they are not crowded out in his schedule .