
  • rumour
传谣 [chuán yáo]
  • [rumour] 传布谣言

  1. 他听到了一些传谣,说我们的工资要减少。

    He 'd picked up some tale that we were to have a cut in wages .

  2. 现在有传谣说这位歌手是这个部长的第10个情人。

    There is a rumor being spread abroad that the singer is the minister 's tenth lover .

  3. 没有人喜欢谣言,这是你避免传谣或说你同事坏话的理由。

    Nobody likes a gossip , and that 's the reason to avoid spreading rumors or badmouthing your coworkers .

  4. 报刊造谣传谣与新闻真实性原则相违背,引发对日后新闻职业道德规范发展和记者专业队伍建设的呼吁。

    Contrary to the principle of true news authenticity , rumor Caused the call of journalistic ethics and journalists professional team construction in the following period .

  5. 这是一个容易滋生、传播谣言的时代,更是&个容易陷入传谣-辟谣-再传谣循环的时代。

    This is an age of easy to breed and spread rumors , and it is also easy to fall into a " tale-rumors-tale " Time cycle .

  6. 这位代市长拒绝回答有关一起牵连广泛的腐败丑闻的问题,他恳请深圳市民和公务员不要信谣传谣。

    The acting mayor denied suggestions of a widespread corruption scandal , imploring Shenzhen residents and civil servants not to believe these rumours or to spread them .

  7. 但正如《北京青年报》所说的,简单谴责“谣言”是容易的,造谣传谣者也自当受到法律制裁,但必须追问的是,一般人对这样的“谣言”,为何总是宁可信其有,不可信其无?

    As the Beijing Youth Daily pointed out , though , ' Simply criticizing ' rumors ' is easy -- and those who spread rumors will be punished by the law . What we need to understand is why the average person believes it 's better to believe these rumors , rather than disbelieve them . '