
  • 网络traditional linguistics
  1. 中国传统语言学的词类研究之检讨

    A Review of Parts of Speech Study in the Chinese Traditional Linguistics

  2. 传统语言学的主要特征?

    What are the main features of traditional linguistics ?

  3. 传统语言学强调语言的精确性。

    Traditional linguistics stresses the exactness of language .

  4. 传统语言学将语言看成是可供客观分析的固定体系。

    Traditional linguistics always treats language as a fixed system subject to objective analysis .

  5. 传统语言学主要研究主动到被动的形式上的转换。

    The traditional approach mainly studies the transformation from active forms to passive forms .

  6. 传统语言学界认为语言包括语音、词汇和语法。

    Traditional linguistic idea was that language contains speech sound , vocabulary and grammar .

  7. 传统语言学认为,隐喻是一种修辞,在话语中起到修饰的作用。

    Traditional linguists believe that metaphor is a figure of speech with decorative function in discourse .

  8. 认知语言学与传统语言学理论相比,更系统地解释了英语介词。

    Since cognitive linguistics provides a more systematic account of English prepositions compared with the traditional theories .

  9. 无论传统语言学、结构语言学或是转换生成语言学,都认为语言学研究的对象只是语言本身。

    Whether the traditional linguistics , structuralist linguistics or transformational-generative linguistics all thought linguistics studied only language itself .

  10. 认知语言学对隐喻学的研究也表现了浓厚兴趣,传统语言学认为隐喻和转喻只是语言的一种形式变化,它作为语言的一种修饰手段,仅仅是修辞学、文体学的研究对象。

    In the eye of traditional linguistics , Metaphor and Metonymy are just a kind of language form variation .

  11. 动植物名物词研究是传统语言学中名物研究的重要组成部分。

    The research on animal nouns and plant nouns is the important component of research on object in traditionallinguistics .

  12. 正是由于颜之推等人的努力,音韵学在这一时期成熟起来,并成为以后1000多年中国传统语言学的主流之一。

    This made phonology become mature and become one of the main stream of Chinese linguistics in latter 1000 year .

  13. 传统语言学注重对词序的分类进行研究,即从语法、语用和语义三方面研究。

    Traditional approaches focus on the classification of word order , such as syntactic approach , semantic approach and pragmatic approach .

  14. 信息反馈与汉语修辞在传统语言学中,隐喻和转喻被看作是语言形式上的修辞,即语言使用现象。

    Information feedback and rhetorical devices in Chinese language in traditional linguistics , metaphor and metonymy were regarded as rhetorical devices .

  15. 因此,相对于以主观主义或客观主义为根基的传统语言学,认知语言学视角下的比喻语言意义构建优势明显。

    Therefore , cognitive approach to meaning construction of figurative language is better than traditional approach based on either subjectivity or objectivity .

  16. 语法研究的薄弱,恰好证明了中国传统语言学重实用,轻本体的特征;

    That the study of grammar is weak shows that Chinese traditional linguistics values pragmatics and lays less stress on the object .

  17. 因此,在学习、借鉴西方语言学理论我们决不能摒弃自己的传统语言学。

    Therefore , we should not ignore our own traditional linguistics at the time of learning and using Western linguistics for reference .

  18. 随着英语在全球的主导地位日益明显,传统语言学因忽略其广阔深远的背景关系而成为其传播的理论基础,英语愈发以合理的姿态占据着主导地位。

    As the dominating status of English in the world becomes manifest , traditional linguistics justifies its dominance by ignoring its broad context .

  19. 与传统语言学研究不同在于:这种方法可以用公式来推导,并可反复使用和验证的。

    The new method differs from the traditional linguistics in that it can be derived by formulas and be applied and testified repeatedly .

  20. 20世纪50年代以来的国外翻译规范研究大体上可分为3个方面:传统语言学、篇章语言学和翻译研究学派。前两种规范研究是规定性的,注重制定一定的语言学规范和文本类型样板;

    Since 1950s foreign studies of translation norms have been conducted mainly from three approaches : traditional linguistics , text-linguistics , and translation studies .

  21. 传统语言学受结构主义的影响强调语言的结构,忽略了多义词不同意义之间的联系。

    Traditional linguistics affected by structuralism , emphasizes the structure of language , and ignores the association of different meanings of a polysemous word .

  22. 本文将从传统语言学和现代语言学视角来探讨先锋小说的特点,尤其是它的不可接近性。

    This article discusses the vanguard novel from the traditional linguistics and the modern linguistics angle , especially its character of being not accessible .

  23. 传统语言学翻译观把翻译描述为一个仅是语言转换的过程,忽略了文本中的文化因素。

    Traditional linguistics-oriented translation principle describes translation as the process of only language transformation , which ignores the transmission of cultural elements in the texts .

  24. 认为这一时期的汉语人文性在理论上有着中国传统语言学、西方语言学、苏联语言学三方面的来源;

    The theoretical sources of humanism in Chinese linguistics are traced back to the traditional Chinese linguistics , Western linguistics and the Soviet Union linguistics .

  25. 传统语言学认为转喻只是一种修辞手段,其功能主要在于间接指称或达到某种修辞效果。

    Traditionally , metonymy was regarded only as a rhetorical device and it was mainly used to refer to something or to achieve certain rhetorical effects .

  26. 关于多义词中各意义的形成及其关系问题,传统语言学和认知语言学都做出了相应的解释。

    Concerning its formation and the relationship of various senses of a single lexical item , corresponding explanations can be found in both traditional and cognitive linguistics .

  27. 二是在理论层面,通过传统语言学、句法结构理论和修辞形态学的观照,间接地讨论了诗格在诗学意义上的若干形式问题。

    It indirectly discusses the poetry forms and rules in poetic sense by observing traditional linguistics , syntax , rhetorical structure theory and the morphology of reflection .

  28. 总体而言,对习语的研究主要有两种观点,即传统语言学观及认知语言学观。

    Therefore , diverse ideas and theories concerning idioms arise . Generally speaking , there are two views on idioms , i.e. , traditional view and cognitive view .

  29. 不可否认,翻译研究的文化转向使译学研究摆脱了传统语言学研究范式的桎梏,为其注入了新鲜的血液。

    There is no denying that the proposal of cultural turn has freed translation studies from the conventional linguistic approach and gives itself a new lease of life .

  30. 中国传统语言学中的实用主义思想,除了“实用”本身的合理性以外,也是中国传统文化的必然结果。

    The pragmatism thought in the Chinese traditional linguistics is the destined result of the Chinese traditional culture , apart from the reasonability in " pragmatic " itself .