
  • 网络traditional knowledge;tradition knowledge;conventional knowledge
  1. 传统知识正逐渐被认为是一种具有巨大经济潜力的知识来源。

    Traditional knowledge is gradually recognized as an important knowledge source that has great economic potentialities .

  2. 目前,全球都掀起了保护传统知识的热潮。

    Nowadays , the protection of traditional knowledge is evoking heat discussion worldwide .

  3. TRIPS协议与《生物多样性公约》、传统知识和民间文学的关系

    Relationship Between TRIPS Agreement and CBD , Traditional Knowledge and Folklore

  4. 其次,讨论了生物遗传资源和相关传统知识的国际法律保护&CBD与TRIPs协议的冲突及解决。

    Furthermore , it discusses the biological genetic resource and the international legal protection of related traditional knowledge & The conflict and solution between the CBD and TRIPs agreements .

  5. WIPO还同意建立一个基金,帮助土著居民参与到关于当地遗传资源和传统知识的讨论中来。

    WIPO also agreed to set up a fund to help indigenous people attend discussions of its work on local genetic resources and traditional knowledge .

  6. SKOS语言是W3C设计的一种标准的编码语言,专门针对传统知识组织系统的计算机表示和机器可处理。

    SKOS language is a kind of standard coding language designed by W3C , aiming at computer representation and machine process of traditional knowledge organization system .

  7. 第一部分论述SSK形成的历史条件。阐明了传统知识社会学、默顿学派的科学社会学是SSK的思想渊源;

    The first part is to demonstrate historical condition of the forming of SSK : Traditional sociology of knowledge and Merton 's school are the ideological resource of SSK ;

  8. 它们是在去年USPTO和EPO与印度签署了在授予专利之前先检索传统知识数据库(TKDL)的协议之后出现的事情。

    They follow agreements signed last year by the USPTO and the EPO with India to consult its Traditional Knowledge Digital Library ( TKDL ) before granting patents .

  9. 世界卫生组织的非洲地区主任LuisSambo警告说,政策应该既要考虑到拥有传统知识的人,也要考虑到那些可能从传统知识中获益的群体。

    The WHO 's regional director for Africa , Luis Sambo , warned that policies should consider both those holding traditional knowledge and the communities that could benefit from it .

  10. 但是也不可否认的是,知识产权制度在保护传统知识方面不乏可利用之处。随着全球贸易竞争的日趋激烈,EDI在国际贸易中所具有的重要地位将愈益明显。

    From many aspects , intellectual property conflicts with traditional knowledge and played a negative role in benefit sharing . It plays an important role in the fierce competition in global trade as well as challenges in many aspects the traditional legal systems based on paper international trade .

  11. 结论:结果表明,胰岛细胞多肽激素的释放形式为连同颗粒膜的整体释放(whole-releasing),而非传统知识认为的胞吐分泌;

    Conclusions : The results made it clear that the releasing pattern of polypeptide hormones of pancreatic islets can be a whole-releasing together with granular membrane not exocytosis as considered from traditional ideas .

  12. 通过引入分布式知识管理(DKM)来解决传统知识管理所面临的问题,基于供应链知识管理的构成要素分析,提出了供应链的知识管理模型。

    The concept of Distributed Knowledge Management ( DKM ) is proposed to handle problems with traditional Knowledge Management ( KM ) . By studying the components of supply chain knowledge , a new model is suggested for KM in supply chain .

  13. 论文首先在分析了传统知识表示的不足后,探讨了基于本体的知识表示,并在此基础上研究了教学领域中知识本体的构造方法,构造了计算机网络的知识本体CNCO。

    First of all , after analyzing the shortcomings of traditional knowledge representation , the paper probes into the ontological knowledge representation , investigates the constructing method of knowledge ontology in teaching domain , and builds knowledge ontology of computer network ( CNCO ) .

  14. 传统知识的巨大价值日益彰显。

    The great value of traditional intellectual properties is increasingly conspicuous .

  15. 额济纳旗鸟类及当地蒙古族的相关传统知识

    Birds of Ejina and Related Traditional Knowledge of the Local Mongolians

  16. 中医药传统知识术语英译的探讨

    Research on the English Translation of Traditional Knowledge of Chinese Medicine

  17. 传统知识保护的国际协调态势及其对我国的影响

    International Harmony State of Traditional Knowledge Protection and Its Influence on China

  18. 基于传统知识组织资源的本体自动构建

    An Automatic Approach to Ontology Building by Integrating Traditional Knowledge Organization Resources

  19. 论中医药传统知识的概念及范畴

    Preliminary Discussion on Conception and Domain of Traditional Knowledge of Chinese Medicine

  20. 论传统知识寻求知识产权保护的正当性

    Justification of Protecting Traditional Knowledge by Intellectual Property Law

  21. 对农业传统知识保护模式的思考

    Reflections on Protection Pattern of Traditional Knowledge in Agriculture

  22. 东盟传统知识保护的法律政策研究

    Study of Laws and Policies of ASEAN Concerning Protection of Traditional Intellectual Properties

  23. 传统知识体系的腐蚀或丧失将会被所有人感觉到。

    Any erosion or loss of traditional knowledge systems will be felt by all .

  24. 在历史的长河中,传统知识与土著居民的生活息息相关。

    Historically , TK is closely related to the daily life of indigenous people .

  25. 滑稽是上演与人们传统知识或思维定式相左的桥段。

    Funny is staged with the people of traditional knowledge or mindset at odds plot .

  26. 展会办展时间短,给传统知识产权保护方式带来困难。

    Exhibition exhibition time is short , it is difficult to the traditional intellectual property protection .

  27. 传统知识的新颖性分析

    On the Novelty of Traditional Knowledge

  28. 论传统知识的法律保护

    On Legal Protection of Traditional Knowledge

  29. 传统知识论一直是寻求确定性知识并为之辩护的事业。

    The traditional theory of knowledge has been trying to seek and defense the definiteness of knowledge .

  30. 农民权问题主要涉及植物遗传资源及相关传统知识,是当前发展中国家和发达国家知识产权之争的焦点之一。

    The issue of farmers ' rights mainly concern traditional plant genetic resources and related traditional knowledge .