
  1. 对因特网应用冲击传统旅游业务代理的状况研究

    Study on the Impacts of Internet Application on Traditional Travel Agency

  2. 它的诞生为传统旅游产业的发展带来了新的挑战和契机。

    It brings challenges and opportunities to development of traditional touring .

  3. 其他的82%都不在传统旅游区内。

    The other 82 percent are outside of traditional tourist zones .

  4. 目前,大多数游客选择的是当地传统旅游中介机构。

    For now , most travellers use local bricks-and-mortar travel agents .

  5. 在传统旅游团服务中,包括了出发地的交通工具服务和目的地的食宿玩地接服务。

    Traditional group travel service includes original transport service and destination tour service .

  6. 传统旅游市场细分的缺陷及对策

    The Drawbacks of Traditional Tourism Market Segmentation and Countermeasures

  7. 其他的82%都“不在传统旅游区内”。

    The other 82 percent are " outside of traditional tourist zones . "

  8. 那么,传统旅游目的地旅游产品的优化、创新就是整个旅游目的地全方位的优化和创新。

    So optimizing and innovating tourism products is optimize and innovation for the destination .

  9. 传统旅游目的地再发展研究&肇庆案例

    Redevelopment of the Traditional Tourist Destinations in China : A Case Study on Zhaoqing

  10. 这对像杭州市这样的传统旅游城市的发展提出了新的挑战。

    And it presents new challenges for traditional tourist cities such as Hang Zhou .

  11. 传统旅游企业电子商务化的可行之路

    Feasible Approach to Realize Electronic Tourism Commerce

  12. 传统旅游发展方式注重景观资源、资本要素的投入,忽视人本关怀。

    Traditional tourism development focuses on landscape resources and capital inputs but ignores humanistic concerns .

  13. 电子商务改变了传统旅游业的运作模式,极大地推动了旅游业的发展。

    E-Commerce has changed the traditional tourism mode and push tourism forward in great degree .

  14. 从传统旅游到生态旅游,城市旅游至丛林探险,变化正在悄然发生。

    Changes are being made from traditional sites to eco-tourism , rural tourism and adventure tourism .

  15. 第四章是有关生态旅游的基础理论。首先介绍了生态旅游的本质特征,进而又将生态旅游与传统旅游进行对比。

    Firstly this chapter introduces the essential characteristics of ecotourism and compares it with the traditional ecotourism .

  16. 实现可持续旅游一定要依据环境经济学中外部性内部化理论,克服传统旅游活动存在的不足,使旅游资源达到高效率配置。

    The implementation of Sustainable Tourism must base on the Environmental Economy theory of internalization of external factor .

  17. 传统旅游目的地创新发展研究&以云南大理为例

    A Study of Developing Traditional Tourist Resorts in an Innovative Way & Based on the case of Dali in Yunnan

  18. 本文通过分析高校传统旅游教学模式存在的弊端,提出了新形势下的高校旅游教学模式。

    This article puts forward a new college tourism teaching style based on analysis of the deficiency of present tourism teaching .

  19. 从组织方式上看,势必造成对传统旅游组织中介旅行社运营管理的冲击;

    From the way of the organization of tourism products , it will impact the operation and management of travel agencies ;

  20. 在对传统旅游目的地旅游产品优化创新中,首先搭建理论的平台,通过对旅游产品优化创新理论的研究,为实践指明方向。

    To begin with , it is important to build some theories of optimizing and innovating tourism products to guide practice .

  21. 计算机、通讯、互联网电子交易的发展,对我国传统旅游业提出了新的机遇和挑战。

    Computer , communication , Internet electronic business development , traditional to our country tourism industry presents new opportunities and challenges .

  22. 论文对传统旅游目的地的创新开发体系进行深入研究。

    This paper is to study the innovative development of traditional tourism destination by taking Sichuan Anren as a case study .

  23. 互联网与传统旅游业的结合把旅游业推向了一个崭新的时代&网络旅游时代。

    The combination of the internet and the traditional tourism has pushed tourism to a completely new era & internet tourism era .

  24. 随着休闲旅游时代的到来,非传统旅游资源已经成为旅游产业化成长的新兴支撑要素。

    With the coming era of leisure tourism , the nontraditional tourism resource has become an emerging supporting element for tourism industrialization .

  25. 东帝汶完全可以以统一、和谐、完整的传统旅游文化产品吸引世界各地的游客。

    The East Timor can absolutely attract visitors from all over the world in light of unified , harmonious and complete traditional culture .

  26. 传统旅游城市入境游客满意度评价及其期望-感知特征差异分析&以西安欧美游客为例

    An Analysis on the Expectation-perceived Performance and Satisfaction of Inbound Tourists in Traditional Tourist Cities & A Case Study of Xi'an Western Tourists

  27. 再次就是有关生态旅游资源的概念、特征、分类以及与传统旅游资源的对比。

    The next content is the concept of ecotourism resources , characteristics , classification , and compares it with the traditional tourism resources .

  28. 在纽约、洛杉矶等传统旅游城市,这早已不是什么新鲜事。

    And it 's not just the typical tourist hubs of New York and Los Angeles , where such efforts have long been commonplace .

  29. 生态旅游是对传统旅游忽视环境保护的一种纠正,更重视对旅游资源的保护,是旅游业可持续发展的必然选择,也是生态博物馆可持续发展的出路。

    Eco-Tourism , which is a correction to the traditional tourism that ignored the environmental protection , pays more attentions to the protecting tourist resources .

  30. 并尝试构建喀什地区旅游业可持续发展的保障体系,使喀什传统旅游目的地在创新中求得发展,在竞争激烈的旅游市场上拥有一席之地。

    And try build Kashgar sustainable tourism development security system so Kashgar traditional tourism destination in innovation seek development , competitive tourist market owned place .