
  1. 合成孔径声呐(syntheticaperturesonar,简称SAS)载体的随机运动、声波传播媒质不稳定等会影响成像的质量。

    Synthetic aperture sonar imaging is affected by random motion and medium instability .

  2. 实验结果表明,声脉冲的波形和脉冲宽度取决于PVDF压电膜的厚度,阶跃电压的下降沿宽度,以及背衬材料和声传播媒质的形状等多个因素。

    We find that the waveform and the pulse width of the ultrasonic pulse are determined by the thickness of the PVDF piezoelectric film transducer , the falling time of the step-function voltage , the transducer backing and the shape of the acoustic propagation medium .

  3. 光纤到桌面,提供现代资讯传输最理想的传播媒质,领先国际水准。

    Optical fiber to the desk is the most suitable media of modem information transmission .

  4. 根据媒质疏密程度来分析纵波传播时媒质的运动状态,并通过媒质间相互作用力与媒质运动状态的关系,证明媒质单位面积相互作用力的功率等于能流密度。

    Based on the relationship of the inner force in a media and its movement , it can be proved that the inner force intensity in a media is simply equal to the energy flow density .

  5. 电磁波在媒质中的传播完全取决于媒质的色散。

    The propagation of electromagnetic waves in a medium is dictated by material dispersion .

  6. 从麦克斯韦方程出发,对平面电磁波在两种不同媒质中的传播进行了具体的分析、比较,说明电磁波的传播与媒质有很大关系。

    The transmission of plane electromagnetic wave in two different media is analyzed and compared on the basis of the Maxwell equations .