
  1. 第七部分:处理中国传媒产权中的非国有成分问题的政策研究。

    Part 7 : The policy research on procession of the issue about non-state-owned components in property rights of media .

  2. 本文对中国传媒产权的非国有成分的现状剖析、理论论证以传媒产权制度改革为最终落脚点。

    And the author argues that the development of non-state-owned components property rights of media greatly impulses innovation of property rights institution of media in China .

  3. 本文认为传媒产权的非国有成分的发展,对中国传媒产权制度的创新起着巨大的推动作用,清晰界定传媒产权,提高产权制度收益是我国传媒产业改革的必然趋势。

    Limitation of property rights of media and improvement of the income of property rights institution are the inevitable trend of innovation of media industry in China .

  4. 指出非国有资本主体不同程度上拥有传媒产权的某些要素,现实传媒产权中已具有非国有成分。

    It points out that the main body of non-state-owned capital possessed of certain essential factors in property right of media . There are non-state-owned components in practical property rights of media .

  5. 在定位分析的基础上,从电视传媒业的产权结构、内部治理结构、组织结构,以及电视传媒产业化经营和资本运作等方面提出了新时期中国电视传媒业体制改革的构想。

    The paper proposes a vision of China 's TV media industry institutional reform from various aspects , including the property rights structure , internal governance structure , organizational structure , management of the industry and its capital operation , etc.

  6. 非国有资本进入传媒业既是中国传媒制度改革的产物也是中国传媒产权制度变革的一个诱因。

    The non-state-owned capital enters media industry is not only the products of Chinese media system transformation , and also becomes one inducement of media property system transforms in China .