
wěi ɡē
  • Viagra
  1. 医学方面的进步像“伟哥”等药物能让XY染色体的男性背叛的更为长久和强烈。

    Medical advances like Viagra and erectile dysfunction remedies ensure that those with XY chromosomes can cheat longer and um , stronger .

  2. 伟哥没有被批准用于女性,而辉瑞公司在发现这项研究无利可图之后也放弃了争取FDA的批准。

    Viagra has not been approved for use in women , and Pfizer gave up on pursuing that FDA approval after studies of the drug in women failed to show a benefit .

  3. 他们并不认同这样一个观点:即你永远不知道自己什么时候可能需要假冒伟哥(Viagra)或是仿制的劳力士(Rolex)。

    They are not convinced by the argument that you never know when you might need counterfeit Viagra or a replica Rolex .

  4. 辉瑞原本应该在2012年就会失去伟哥(Viagra)产品的专利保护权,但公司成功把专有权延长到了2020年。

    its hugely profitable drug Viagra was supposed to go off patent in 2012 , but the company managed to extend its exclusivity rights until 2020 .

  5. 另有报道指出,磷酸二酯酶-5抑制剂西地那非(sildenafil,伟哥)通过增加cGMP的积聚激活PKG,进而保护缺血/再灌注的心肌细胞。

    It has also been reported that inhibition of phosphodiesterase-5 with sildenafil ( Viagra ) which can augment cGMP accumulation protects cardiomyocytes from ischemia / reperfusion injury via a PKG-dependent mechanism .

  6. 当然,就像草药伟哥(viagra)的卖家据说所发现的那样,当消费者支出下滑,一些产品销路不错,一些产品则很糟糕。

    Of course , as the sellers of herbal viagra are said to be discovering , when consumer spending falls , some products do well and others do very badly .

  7. 辉瑞制药在这方面有过成功的经验;辉瑞原本应该在2012年就会失去伟哥(Viagra)产品的专利保护权,但公司成功把专有权延长到了2020年。

    Pfizer has had some success with this ; its hugely profitable drug Viagra was supposed to go off patent in 2012 , but the company managed to extend its exclusivity rights until 2020 .

  8. 伟哥类的药物早前的研究就显示能抑制PDE5酶,但进一步了解它存在的部位并如何起作用的研究显是必要的。

    Drugs like Viagra have been previously shown to inhibit PDE5 , but further research was necessary to understand where or how this was occurring .

  9. Flibanserin被广泛吹捧是“女用伟哥”,虽然这个名字并不十分准确。

    Flibanserin has been widely touted as the " female Viagra ," though the moniker is not quite accurate .

  10. 但是昔多芬对于人的影响还不确定。但是Golombek说人们不应该急于为了防止时差综合症而而使用伟哥。

    But the potential impact on humans isn 't clear , and Golombek said people shouldn 't rush out to prevent jet lag with doses of Viagra .

  11. 那就是他出去服伟哥的时候吧?

    That 's when he went for some medicinal courage ?

  12. 知道把伟哥给一个政治家会发生什么事吗?

    Know what happens when you give a politician viagra ?

  13. 伟哥,又名西地那非,由辉瑞公司生产。

    Viagra , also known as sildenafil , is manufactured by Pfizer Inc.

  14. 你的意思是他没对你说服用过伟哥。

    You mean he didn 't tell you he was taking viagra .

  15. 辉瑞正在考虑是否要打任何直接提到伟哥的广告。

    Pfizer is considering whether it will run any advertisement directly mentioning Viagra .

  16. 西瓜果皮有一些物质和伟哥具有同样的效果。

    The rind on watermelons has some of the same effects as Viagra .

  17. 它们还找出过人类生长激素药片、伟哥和溴基安定。

    They also found tablets of human growth hormone , Viagra and Bromazepam .

  18. 运动是最好的伟哥!

    Taking more exercise is the best viagra !

  19. 同时,蓝莓中也含有一种利于血液循环的天然化合物,作用与“伟哥”相似。

    The berries also contain compounds that improve circulation for a natural Viagra-like effect .

  20. 哪棵树需要伟哥呢?

    Which one of those trees needs viagra ?

  21. 多尔的广告是辉瑞首次通过电视推销伟哥。

    The Dole commercial is the first time Pfizer has promoted Viagra through television .

  22. 透过伟哥案件谈医药企业的法律环境适应

    On the Legal Environment Adaptation of Medicine Manufactures through the ' Viagra ' Case

  23. 伟哥起初还是用来治疗高血压的呢

    Viagra was originally invented to treat hypertension .

  24. 这不是一个小动作,而且,烤猪肉远比服用伟哥让人受用得多。

    Besides , some nicely grilled pork is much more gratifying than taking Viagra .

  25. 你有听说过“伟哥”吗?

    Ever hear of something called viagra ?

  26. 那是更好吃一些烤猪肉比把伟哥。

    It is much more gratifying to eat some grilled pork than to take Viagra .

  27. 但他很难说需要多少瓜氨酸可以产生伟哥样作用。

    But he can 't say how much citrulline is needed to have Viagra-like effects .

  28. 一项新的研究表明,服用伟哥的患者更不易心脏病发作。

    Patients taking Viagra are less likely to suffer a heart attack new research claims .

  29. 其中一项研究表明伟哥在女性身上会产生和男性相似的效果。

    One study found that it works in a similar way that it does in men .

  30. 她们被随机分为两组,分别服用伟哥与安慰剂,持续八周。

    The women were randomly assigned to receive either Viagra or a placebo for eight weeks .