
  • accounting computerization;Computerized Accounting;Accounting by Electronic Data Processing
  1. 会计电算化模拟实验模式探讨

    An Explorative Discussion of the Models for Accounting Computerization Simulation Experiment

  2. 关于科研单位实现会计电算化若干问题的探讨

    A Probe into Issues on Accounting Computerization in & D Institutes

  3. 中国的GIS教育与人才培养会计电算化教育存在的问题及其对策

    The Education of GIS In China The Problems Existing in the Education of Electronic Data Processing Accounting and Their Countermeasures

  4. 基于VB的会计电算化无纸化考试系统

    Computerized Accounting Net Examination System Base on VB

  5. 以培养应用型人才为出发点的会计电算化专业,开设ERP沙盘教学课程显得尤为重要。

    It is important to set up ERP sand table curriculum for training applied talents as starting points .

  6. 为实现会计电算化业务中的财务管理功能,系统采用了典型的信息管理系统(MIS)模式。

    To implement the financial management function in accounting by EDP , system applies typical MIS model .

  7. 从中小企业实施会计电算化的局限性入手,引入ASP这种新型网络服务模式。

    In view of small and medium-sized enterprises limitation of accounting by EDP , this paper introduces ASP , a new-type network service mode .

  8. 结合会计电算化专业ERP沙盘教学实践,研究ERP沙盘教学中存在的主要问题及解决对策,并提出为保证ERP沙盘教学质量必须要处理好的几个问题。

    This paper studies the problems existing in teaching and the solutions according to the teaching practice of accounting profession , and raises several questions to ensure the quality of teaching .

  9. 网络财务是我国会计电算化发展到一定阶段的产物,它主要得益于计算机网络技术、特别是Internet技术的飞速发展和企业开展电子商务的需要。

    Internet finance comes as a result of the development of computerized accounting to a certain stage , which benefits from the rapid development of computer net technology , particularly from Internet technology and the demand of enterprises to develop electronic business .

  10. 高校会计电算化原始数据的采集及质量控制

    College Original Data Collection of Computerized Accounting and Its Quality Control

  11. 企业推行会计电算化应注意的问题

    Attention Should Be Paid to Matters in Enterprises ′ Accounting Computerization

  12. 会计电算化情况下财务指标计量的滞后与改进

    The Lag and Improvement of Finacial Measures Computation in Computer Accountant

  13. 职业学校会计电算化教学初探

    Probe into the Teaching of Accounting with Computers in Vocational School

  14. 会计电算化对审计工作的影响

    The impact of implementation of enterprise electric-accounting information system on audit

  15. 企业设计会计电算化软件的语言选择

    The Language Selection of Enterprises ' designing the computerized Accounting Software

  16. 会计电算化教学内容及程序研究

    A Study of the Teaching Contents and Procedure of Computer Accounting

  17. 会计电算化专业实践教学体系若干问题的探讨

    A a Number of Issues for Accounting Computer Practice Teaching System

  18. 会计电算化局域网共享资源的安全管理研究

    Safety management research on the shared resource of accounting computerization LAN

  19. 会计电算化中会计分录编制方式的探讨

    Discussion of the Way of Compiling Accounting Entries in Computerized Accounting

  20. 电子商务时代会计电算化发展新趋势&网络财务

    The New Developing Trend of CAIS in Electronic Business Generation

  21. 会计电算化网络软件的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Software of Accounting Electric Calculation Network

  22. 对会计电算化系统条件下内部控制的思考

    The Internal Controls under the Condition of Computerized Accounting System

  23. 试论会计电算化课程体系的重构

    On Reconstruction of the Curriculum System of Accounting Computerization Specialty

  24. 任务驱动教学法在会计电算化教学中的应用

    Application of Task-Driven Method in the Teaching of Accounting Computerization

  25. 会计电算化是什么?请具体点。

    Does accountant report calculate what is changing ? Ask detailed dot .

  26. 成人高校会计电算化的内部控制研究

    Research on Internal Control of Accounting Computerization in Adult Colleges

  27. 会计电算化在高校教育培训管理中的应用

    Application of Computerized Accounting in the Educational Training of the Higher Education

  28. 开放式会计电算化局域网的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a LAN for Open Accounting Computerization

  29. 会计电算化的现状及其发展趋势

    The Status Qua of Computerized Accounting and the Trend of Its Development

  30. 高等职业教育会计电算化教学模式的探讨

    A probe into the electronic accounting teaching model in college