
The Study between the Equality Ownership Structure and Accounting Information Reliability
The Measurement and Evaluation on the Reliability of Accounting Information
The reliability of accounting information about reserve for eight items of asset impairments is not optimistic .
Internal control is one key factor to the companies ' performance and the reliability of financial information .
A Challenge to the Fair Value & Due to the Worries of the Financial Turmoil and the Reducing Reliability of Accounting Information
Thus , it will be a reasonable and practical choice to take the reliability of accounting information as the judging standard for accounting information distortion .
Construction of accounting information for the reliability evaluation , we use principal component analysis to give weight to the index constructed by the linear weighted evaluation model .
But from the perspective of investor protection , quantitative measurement of the reliability of accounting information research is still very weak , yet to establish a scientific measure index system and model .
Impact of Impairment Assets Accounting on Information Reliability and Its Solutions
A study on the dependability of assets depreciation accounting information
Independent audit aims to improve reliability or credibility of the accounting information .
In order to secure the credibility and relevance of accounting information , the development of an accounting standard for enterprise merger is imperative .
In order to effectively improve the reliability and relevance of accounting information , the new accounting standards have made many changes , and it is considered high qual ity .
Under normal circumstances , some enterprises in order to avoid the risk and improve the reliability of their accounting information , they can be reasonable provision for asset impairment .
But the unsuitable operation of summing and drawing asset reducing value preparation can not only affect the reliability of accounting information , but also become the means of individual enterprise regulating profit .
Assets devaluation preparation getting of the enterprise aims at improving assets quality of the enterprise , boosting up the reliability of accounting information because of the asymmetry of accounting information , assets devaluation preparation getting policy often can 't come true .
Internal control committees to operating efficiency , reliability of financial reporting and compliance related laws , the reliability of financial statements is the accounting information was reliable , and earnings quality of the information is a reflection of the quality of accounting information .
On the Relationship between Relevance and Reliability of Financial Information
The Quality of Accounting Information : Reliability Prior to Relevance
Value relevance tests generally are joint tests of relevance and reliability .
On the Contradictory between Accounting Information 's Reliability and Relevance & Its Coordinating
Using contract theory , this paper explains the divergence of relevance and reliability of accounting information .
Because insure the reality dependable of accounting information is to the most basic request in accountant .
To carry out accountants ' supervisional duties , to raise the level of accounting informational reality and reliability .
On the Relevance and Reliability of the Accounting Information ; The relationship among accounting information will influence the whole quality of accounting information .
Those disagreement main on how the use of fair value affects the relevance and reliable of the accounting information , those two aspects decide the quality of accounting information on large scale .
The relationship between the correlation and the reliability of accounting information is discussed based on their intrinsic meanings , and further study on the relationship is conducted from the development of international accounting and the present status of domestic accounting .
Restudy on the Correlativity and Reliability of Accounting Information
This article mainly discusses the legal problems caused by the reliability and relativity in disclosing the accounting information .
The purpose of value relevance research is to evaluate comprehensive quality on the relevance and reliability of accounting information .