
  • 网络Accounting tasks;targets of accounting activities
  1. 包括用于财务报表和销售报表、损益表、预算、统计分析、会计任务、市场预测和年度报表的图表和图形形状。

    Contains chart and graph shapes for financial and sales reports , profit and loss statements , budgets , statistical analyses , accounting tasks , market projections , and annual reports .

  2. 所得税会计的主要任务是对所得税的计算、记录、交纳和跨期摊配。

    The main task for incom tax accounting is to account , to record , to pay and to spread out beyond period .

  3. 结合高校面临的新的现实、发展趋势和高校会计的新任务,提出其会计目标应该选择决策有用观。

    Considering the new reality , the developing tendency and the new task of accounting of colleges and universities , we should hold a decision-usefulness view .

  4. 提高经济效益是会计工作的根本任务

    The fundamental task of accounting is to raise economic returns

  5. 高校基建会计人员要明确任务,履行职责,加强基建期间的财务管理工作。

    College accountants of capital construction must well define their tasks and earnestly take up their duties to strengthen the financial management during the capital construction period .

  6. 会计教学方法是完成会计教学任务的手段。

    The teaching method of accounting is a measure of accomplishing teaching task .

  7. 提供高质量的会计信息是会计人员的基本任务之一,而其职业判断绩效直接影响会计信息的质量。

    To provide high quality accounting information is one of the basic tasks of accounting staff . But its occupation judgment achievements affect directly the quality of accounting information .

  8. 提高会计信息质量是我国当前会计工作的中心任务。

    Increasing the quality of account information is the core task of account work .

  9. 在此基础上确立的企业发展模式,必然更加重视能源结构的调整以及节能减排技术的研究,这些活动必然需要在企业的会计中予以反映,而环境成本会计恰恰就是这个任务的承担者。

    The business development model established based on the theory above must pay more attention on energy restructuring and energy conservation technology research , which will certainly be reflected in the accounting of the enterprise , and environmental cost accounting is the bearer of reflecting mission .

  10. 建立既符合国际会计惯例又适合我国实情的会计准则,是当前我国会计界的首要任务。

    It is a key task for Chinese accounting field to establish Chinese Accounting Standards which are either suitable to Chinese situation or better coordinated to International Accounting Standards .

  11. 阐明了网络会计的概念和特点,分析了网络会计对会计电算化的影响,重点探讨了网络时代企业会计人员的任务和职责。

    This paper expounds the concepts and features of the network accounting , analyzes on the influence of the network accounting on the accounting computerization , and probes into the tasks and duties of the accountants of the enterprise in the network times .