
  1. 他解释说公司会支付一切费用,这个说法有点令人不能信服。

    He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything

  2. 但是BP表示他们会支付所有清理费用和由于漏油造成的损失的“合法索赔”。

    But BP says it will pay costs and all " legitimate claims " for losses and damages from the spill .

  3. 相反,星巴克(starbucks)会支付高价,寻找黄金地段。

    Starbucks , by contrast , will pay top dollar for a premium location .

  4. 如果用户点击这些tweet、转发给他人或其他情形,广告主会支付更多的钱。

    But advertisers pay more when users click on the tweet or retweet it to others , among other situations .

  5. 中国消费者已经证明,他们会支付超过100美元,买一双阿迪达斯(adidas)或耐克(nike)的运动鞋。

    Chinese consumers have already demonstrated that they will pay more than $ 100 for a pair of Adidas or Nike sports shoes .

  6. 为解决一系列与特朗普大学有关的诉讼而达成的和解协议所涉的2500万美元,将不会由唐纳德•J•特朗普(DonaldJ.Trump)的慈善基金会支付。

    Donald J. Trump 's charitable foundation will not be paying any of the $ 25 million settlement to resolve a series of lawsuits concerning Trump University ,

  7. FEMA和所在州会支付联邦宣布的灾害事件85%的损失其余15%需要城镇自行承�

    FEMA and the state will pay 85 percent of the cost of a federally declared disaster , leaving the town to pay last 15 percent of the bill .

  8. 据NPR新闻的妮娜·托滕伯格报道,虽然联邦资金不允许用于流产手术,但是一些共同的联邦医疗补助资金会支付给计划生育协会,为妇女提供节育等预防性的服务。

    NPR 's Nina Totenberg says although no federal funds are permitted for abortions , some joint federal state Medicaid money is paid to Planned Parenthood to provide women with preventive services , such as birth control .

  9. 温伯格在协助FBI完成了4件案子而免于坐牢之后,FBI提出让温伯格继续在阿伯斯坎行动帮助他们,并会支付他相应的报酬。

    This was also due to the fact that after he had helped the FBI with the four cases he agreed to as part of his deal to avoid jail time , they offered to pay him to stay on and help them with Abscam .

  10. 刘特佐和一名随行的女性查看了顶层公寓76B,并告诉参与该交易的人员,他会支付3055万美元的现金全款购买公寓。他购买其他房产时,也是支付现金全款。

    Mr. Low went to view Penthouse 76B with a retinue of women and told people involved in the deal that he would pay $ 30.55 million & all cash , as in his other real estate purchases .

  11. 甚至比较穷的消费者都会支付一美圆或者每人支付一美圆。

    Even poor consumers will pay a dollar or so apiece .

  12. 是的,我们会支付所有房间的费用。

    Yes , I will be paying for all the rooms .

  13. 是的,但公司会支付你的全部费用。

    Yes , but the company would cover all your expenses .

  14. 航空公司会支付我住酒店和饮食的费用吗?

    Will the airline pay for my hotel and meal charges ?

  15. 拳击协会会支付这里所有的费用的

    The boxing commission 's paying for all this , everything .

  16. 我估计工作室会支付所有费用。

    I suppose the studio could cover all the fees .

  17. 我公司会支付我旅途中的一切费用。

    Is the company willing to cover all the expenses ?

  18. 如果你们是南方人,你们会支付购买冬衣的额外花销吗?

    Will you pay extra so your Southerner can buy winter clothes ?

  19. 手术费用保险会支付医生为你手术的费用。

    Surgular expense insurance will pay for any nonsurigcal treatment .

  20. 我们肯定会支付清污行动的费用。

    We will absolutely be paying for the clean-up operation .

  21. 我的保险每天会支付50美金。

    My extra insurance will pay $ 50 a day .

  22. 我们会支付中介费用的

    We 'll have to arrange a finder 's fee .

  23. 我会支付某些称之为税的保险费。

    Between paying for something called a premium and something called a tax .

  24. 那也就是说,我们会支付海运的费用。

    What we mean by that is that we would pay for shipping .

  25. 我们住旅馆,你们会支付费用吗?

    Will you be paying for our hotel room ?

  26. 你们每找出一处印刷错误,我会支付1美元。

    I will pay you $ 1 for every typographic error you find .

  27. 用以往的缴税方法,员工会支付得多一些。

    By the traditional formula , our staff had to pay higher tax .

  28. 大多数单位都会支付这一额外的费用。

    Most practices will support this additional expense .

  29. 我在下周会支付你们的货款。

    I 'll pay your goods next week .

  30. 这种保险在约定的日期内,会支付您一定额度的钱。

    This insurance pays you a certain sum of money at an agreed date .