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huì yì
  • knowing;understanding;associative compounds,one of the six categories of Chinese characters(六书)
会意 [huì yì]
  • (1) [understanding;knowing]∶会心

  • 会意的眼色

  • (2) [associative compounds,one of the six categories of Chinese characters(六书)]∶六书之一。指合二字或三字成一字以表一意者。如人与言为信,止与戈为武

会意[huì yì]
  1. 会意字组合方式及其生成机制分析

    Mode of Combination of the Understanding Word and Producing Mechanism Analysis

  2. 会意字在构形过程中都有其一定的字素选取原则。

    All there are its certain words to usually choose the principle in the course of topography in the understanding word .

  3. 他向她会意地眨了一下眼睛。

    He gave her a knowing wink .

  4. “我知道你明白。”他说道,会意地眨一眨眼。

    ' I know you understand , ' he said and gave a conspiratorial wink .

  5. 他会意地看了她一眼。

    He glanced at her knowingly .

  6. 戴安娜会意,任由他们自己去解决。

    Diana took the hint and left them to it

  7. 我去取车的时候碰到了比尔,他咧着嘴会意地笑了笑。

    When I went to collect the car , Bill met me with a conspiratorial grin .

  8. 罗恩朝她会意地一笑。

    Ron gave her a knowing smile

  9. 弗兰克会意而笑后就给我们讲起了他的童年。

    Frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood .

  10. 他向桥牌搭档使了个会意的眼色。

    He cast a sly glance at his bridge partner .

  11. 呃,我跟Alyssa喝了次咖啡,我们俩特投缘&她长得美、又迷人,我说的笑话她都会意。

    Well , I had coffee with Alyssa , and we really hit it off & she 's beautiful , and charming , and laughed at my jokes .

  12. 人们通常对此报以深深的叹息和会意的表情。

    This is usually greeted with deep sighs and knowing looks .

  13. 当人家问你是谁送的时,只要回以一个会意的微笑。

    When asked who sent them just give a knowing smile .

  14. 同符会意字初探

    The Elementary Research on the Meaning - joint Character of Same Symbols

  15. 这么说着,杜新箨和范博文都会意似的哈哈笑起来。

    At this , the two of them shared a knowing laugh .

  16. 他终于会意过来他得了诺贝尔奖。

    It finally sinks in that he have win a Nobel Prize .

  17. 上周末召开的欧盟紧急峰会意在抵制贸易保护主义。

    An emergency EU summit was called this weekend to combat protectionism .

  18. 汽车司机会意地咧嘴一笑,向我竖起大拇指。

    The driver grinned and gave me a thumbs-up sign .

  19. 被问及潜在利益冲突时,刘德顺会意地笑了。

    Asked about potential conflicts of interests , Prof Liu laughs knowingly .

  20. 一种会意的赞同的光彩闪现在他的眼睛里。

    An intelligible gleam of assent twinkled in his eye .

  21. 他那黝黑的脸庞流露出会意的表情。

    There was a knowing expression on his swarthy face .

  22. 那座巨大的金佛正会意地微笑呢。

    The giant golden Buddha is smiling so knowingly .

  23. 演讲者与听众彼此心会意通。

    The speaker was en rapport with his audience .

  24. “是的,我知道,”她会意地迎着他的目光说。

    " Yes , I know . " She met his glance comprehendingly .

  25. 英汉语言会意单位特色之对照研究

    A Contrastive Study of the Characteristics of the Ideographic Units in English and Chinese

  26. 我知道台下传来的是会意的笑声。

    And I know that 's knowing laughter .

  27. 向侍者做了个手势,侍者会意并拿来了帐单。

    Gestured to a waiter , who got the message and brought the bill .

  28. 语言不通,眼能会意。

    The eyes have one language everywhere .

  29. 这周末维多利亚帮我在她府邸举办读书会意在推广我尚未出版的自�

    Victoria kindly offered her home for a reading of my unpublished memoirs this weekend .

  30. 大约过了一个星期,他才会意过来他母亲已经死了。

    It take a week for it to sink in that his mother have die .