
  1. 算例结果表明,ANP法的决策思路为科学、合理提拔优秀管理者提供了理论支撑,具有很好的实际参考价值。

    The example shows that , ANP method has a theoretical support for scientific and rational promotion of outstanding managers , with good practical reference value .

  2. 但停止抱怨,奋勇向前,并从失败中吸取教训,是一个优秀管理者的重要特征。

    But sucking it up , coming forwardand learning from the experience is the hallmark of a great manager .

  3. 例如,谷歌的研究人员为了找出造就优秀管理者的因素,对该公司的员工进行了研究。

    Google researchers , for example , studied the company 's employees to determine what made the best manager .

  4. 现代护理事业的发展要求护理管理者实现自身角色的转型,成为适应时代发展变迁的优秀管理者。

    With modern nursing profession development , excellent nursing leaders should realize self-role transformation , and know how to lead the underlings .

  5. 提出了以技能型人才、科技骨干、优秀管理者为核心的操作、技术、管理三只骨干队伍建设阶梯培养模式。

    Proposed to skilled personnel , technology backbone , excellent managers as the core , " operating , technology and management " team building three key step training model .

  6. 特雷纳将军、克拉克将军、西点军校的教职工们,你们一直以来都是这所令人自豪的学府的优秀管理者,也是美国陆军新晋军官的杰出导师。

    General Trainor , General Clarke , faculty and staff at West Point , you have been outstanding stewards of this proud institution and outstanding mentors for the newest officers in the United States Army .

  7. 本文就如何在管理教学中塑造优秀管理者,在综合分析多种教学方法的基础上,结合教学实践,提出一种新的教学方法&拟真教学法,具有较强的实践意义。

    On the basis of how to train outstanding superintendent in teaching management and analysing several teaching methods , combining with teaching practice , this paper put forward a kind of new teaching method & imitative scene teaching , which has practical sense .

  8. 优秀的管理者通常都知道搞“一言堂”的后果。美国制动蹄有限公司总裁小威廉oBo盖文在其1949年的经典著作《自下而上的管理》中指出,要想成功地激励员工,需要的是“教育,而非说教”。

    Great managers have always known the trouble with dictating to employees . Successfully motivating employees " involves teaching rather than telling , " William B. Given Jr. , the president of American Brake Shoe Co. , wrote in his 1949 classic Bottom-Up Management .

  9. 这本书可以帮助你成为一名优秀的管理者。

    This book can help you to be an excellent manager .

  10. 优秀的管理者通常都知道搞一言堂的后果。

    Great managers have always known the trouble with dictating to employees .

  11. 如果你一直这样做了,你就有可能成为优秀的管理者。

    If you have to do so , you may become a good manager .

  12. 罗德尼特斯基表示,优秀的管理者还明白一个道理,有了错误应该勇于承担责任,但有了成绩也不能全部归功于自己。

    Good managers will also learn that takingresponsibility doesn 't always include the successes , Rodnitzky said .

  13. 总而言之,我们如何才能锁定或成为当今乃至未来最优秀的管理者呢?

    More generally , how can anyone hope to spot or be the best executive for today and tomorrow ?

  14. 现在,这些公司所面临的问题主要是缺乏优秀的管理者,而限制高管年薪这类的措施并不能改变这种情况。

    The issue at these companies is the lack of effective owners , and things like pay limits don 't change that .

  15. 在激烈的竞争环境下,公司大学的创建,既需要有优秀的管理者,又需要在教育、企业管理的边界中寻求最佳结合点。

    To be a competitive corporation university , it needs not only excellent managers , but also cooperation between education and industry .

  16. 随着形势的发展,共生理念也必将成为优秀学校管理者最重要的思想理念。

    With the development of this new situation , the concept of symbiosis will surely become the most important concept of excellent school management staff .

  17. 然而研究发现,抽空与人单独会面、帮助员工解决问题、对他们的生活感兴趣的那些人,才是优秀的管理者。

    Instead , it was people who made time for one-on-one meetings , helped employees work through problems and took an interest in their lives .

  18. 同理,行业专家也能优秀的管理者,但得明了哪些技能是的&并去提升技能。

    Equally , specialists can become good managers , but they need to know what skills will be required of them & and be prepared to develop them .

  19. 在分析建设一支优秀企业管理者队伍必要性的基础上,提出了优秀企业管理者队伍建设的途径。

    Based on analyzing the necessity of building a contingent of the excellent managers of the enterprise , this paper puts forward the path for building a contingent of the excellent managers of the enterprise .

  20. 私募股权投资者可以利用其在多个行业、领域的投资经验,帮助目标企业建立适当的公司治理结构,并且其关系网络、声誉也可以为目标企业吸引优秀的管理者,改善公司治理效率。

    Private equity investors can take advantage the experience of investment on different industries and areas , and its reputation and relationship can attract excellent managers to the target company . Then the company can improve its corporate governance .

  21. 知识经济时代对企业管理者提出了更高要求,建设一支适应知识经济时代要求的优秀企业管理者队伍至关重要。

    The age of the knowledge-based economy puts higher requirements for the managers of the enterprise , and building a contingent of the excellent managers of the enterprise fitting in with the requirements of the age of the knowledge-based economy .

  22. 我们还需要能够通过公司内部培训课程而得来的优秀经理人(管理者)。

    We also need good managers , which we can achieve through in-house training courses within the company .

  23. 对优秀的软件管理者来说,理解精确性与准确性之间的区别是一种基本技能,因为他们必须准确地对投资、风险以及变化带来的影响进行预测。

    Understanding the difference between precision and accuracy is a fundamental skill of good software managers , who must accurately forecast estimates , risks , and the effects of change .

  24. 能够真正适应现代企业管理,具有市场意识、竞争意识和责任意识的精干、高效、优秀的中层管理者非常短缺。

    The lean , efficient and excellent middle-level managers who can really adapt to modern business management with a market awareness , competition and sense of responsibility are in very short supply .

  25. 在这种情况下,优秀的企业管理者不会仅仅满足于事后管理的旧有模式,而会采取积极的措施来改进企业的经营管理。

    In this case , the outstanding enterprise administrators will not only be satisfied with the old mode of " management afterwards ", but will also take positive measures to improve the management of enterprises .

  26. 爱多士称:我们每月将大约10亿美元的新资金投入世界各地的对冲基金&包括我们自己的对冲基金和一些最为优秀的资金管理者。

    " We put about a $ 1bn of new money a month into hedge funds around the world - into our own hedge funds and into some of the best money managers ," says Ms Erdoes .

  27. 让护士长成为具备优秀领导能力的管理者;

    Enable head nurse to become has the outstanding leadership superintendent ;

  28. 天秤座的人是优秀的法官,管理者,作家和社交家。

    Libras are good judges , managers , writers and social workers .

  29. 你真的可以教一个人成为优秀的领导者或管理者吗?

    Can you actually teach someone to be a great leader or manager ?

  30. 挑选最优秀的成员作为管理者,只有团队成员优秀,才能表明你也优秀。

    Select the best people As a manager , you are only as good as the people on your team .