
yōu xiān fú wù
  • priority service
  1. 上海英伦是浙江吉利控股集团(ZhejiangGeelyHoldingGroup)的子公司。据《上海日报》(ShanghaiDaily)援引上海强生的话报道称,这些出租车在投入运营后将优先服务老年人和残障人士等有特殊需求的群体。

    The Shanghai Daily cited Shanghai Qiangsheng as saying it will use the vehicles to give priority service to people who have special needs , such as the elderly and disabled .

  2. 文章提出了一种QoS增强的VoIP体系结构,增加了连接准入控制功能,提供了语音分组的IP优先服务,并改进了抖动缓冲的设计,使VoIP系统的QoS得到很大改善。

    In this paper , a VoIP architecture enhanced QoS control is proposed . Connection admission control function and IP priority service of speech packet are provided , and the design of jitter buffer is ameliorated , so QoS of the VoIP system can be improved clearly .

  3. 具有优先服务机制的嵌套式DRR算法

    A Prioritized Nested DRR Algorithm

  4. 具体做法是利用检测系统检测BRT车辆抵达交叉口遇红灯开始排队待行时刻,依据所有待行BRT车辆的最大等待延误判断是否应提供信号优先服务。

    The concept adopts a detection system to detect when BRT vehicles arrive and waits at the approaches because of red signal , and determines whether BRT vehicles need priority on the basis of their maximal delays .

  5. 该报告还显示,54%-57%的亚太地区乘客在短途和长途飞行中会选择空中WiFi作为优先服务,而仅有16%-18%的乘客选择传统的机上娱乐作为机舱优先服务。

    The survey also showed that 54 percent and 57 percent of Asia-Pacific fliers would choose in-flight Wi-Fi as their preferred service on short - and long-haul flights , compared with only 16 percent and 18 percent choosing traditional in-flight entertainment .

  6. 在PSPF算法中,短包可以抢占长包的传输时间而获得优先服务。

    In PSPF algorithm , the short packet can preempt the transmission time of the long packet and be served first .

  7. 排队网络在受限的优先服务原则下的稳定性

    Stability of a Multiclass Queuing Networks under Limited Priority Service Disciplines

  8. 优先服务原则下排队网络的扩散近似

    Diffusion approximation for queueing networks under priority service discipline

  9. 2012将是优先服务客户及消费者年。

    2012 is the year to get in front of your clients and customers .

  10. 重话务下两个队列一个服务台优先服务较长队列的排队模型

    A two-queue , one-server model with priority given to the longer queue in heavy traffic

  11. 定义了一类新的服务原则&受限的优先服务原则。

    This paper defined a new service disciplines , which is limited Priority Service Disciplines .

  12. 根据关键元件或失效风险,我们提出了合理的优先服务规则,从而可以写出系统的转移密度矩阵并进行系统的概率分析。

    Thereafter we can derive the transition density matrix of the system , and conduct the system probability analysis .

  13. 在优先服务原则下,研究了一个三服务台重入型网络和一个任意多个服务台重入型网络的扩散近似。

    Under priority service discipline , the diffusion approximations for a three-stations reentrant networks and a class of the re-entrant networks were studied .

  14. 《服务美国法案》创立了一个新的服务团队,学生们在教育、卫生保健及支持退伍老兵组织等方面,拥有全国范围内的优先服务权。

    Through a new service corps founded in the Serve America Act , students will work on national priorities such as education , health care and supporting veterans'organizations .

  15. 通过以上两步处理,从而做到了在合理使用带宽的情况下,同时也保障优先级高的数据得到优先服务。

    Through the handle of two steps above , thereby leading to both the rational use of bandwidth and priority service for the data which have high priority .

  16. 政府将优先投资服务行业,而非工业和生产行业。

    The government is prioritising the service sector , rather than investing in industry and production .

  17. 如果将富人(affluent)与大众富豪(massaffluent)通常是国际银行优先理财服务的目标客户群包括在内,这个数字甚至更加惊人。

    If the affluent and mass affluent - groups normally targeted for priority banking services by global banks - are included , the numbers are even more impressive .

  18. 比如,跟其他航空公司相比,美国西南航空公司(SouthwestAirlines)提供登机优先权服务比较晚,现在公司提供“晨鸟”自动验票登机服务,单程10美元。

    For example , Southwest Airlines ( LUV ) , which is relatively new to priority boarding , now offers an " EarlyBird " automatic check-in option for $ 10 , each way .

  19. 同时,在缓存器的排队队列中实施优先权服务,将高优先权证书的CRL请求优先响应,这对于保证高额交易证书安全性十分重要。

    Since the technique that the priority queue service in the buffer and responding firstly high - priority certificate over others are adopted , the new scheme ensures certificate security , which is applied to important business effectively .

  20. 我们对酒店的住客是优先提供服务的。

    We give priority to guests staying in our hotel .

  21. 新时期优先优质服务部队实践

    Practice on Serving the Army First and High Quality at New Era

  22. 公司以“客户至上、技术优先、服务第一”为宗旨。

    " Customer first , Technology Advanced ; Service perfect " is our faith .

  23. 宽度优先的服务模型开发有助于识别正确的服务候选者和重用能力。

    The breadth-first service model development helps to identify right service candidates and reuse capabilities .

  24. 不同于传统的先进先出服务规则,提出了反馈优先的服务策略。

    Different with the traditional FCFS discipline , the strategy of feedback priority was proposed .

  25. 航空公司应提供优先登机服务,对承运人体器官的航班班次优先放行。

    Airlines should provide priority boarding services and allow planes carrying human organs to depart first .

  26. 普通邮件还是航空邮件?第八十九条邮电通信企业应当对民用航空电信传递优先提供服务。

    Article 89 The post and telecommunication enterprise shall give priority in service to civil aviation telecommunication transmission .

  27. 普兰斯通以“客户优先、服务第一”为经营之本,制定了“一切以客户为中心”的经营战略。

    Champlain Stone " Customer first , service first " as our management to develop the " all customer-centric " business strategy .

  28. 我们已经指出,总的原则是,我们应该优先对服务和操作使用业务领域的名称,使用动词作为操作名称。

    We have already stated the general principle that we should prefer business domain names for services and operations , using verbs for operation names .

  29. 论述了对红外亚成像目标识别随机服务系统建立的有优先权服务的等待制排队系统模型。基于高优先权队伍的排队机制,提出了随机服务系统自举实现的设计思想。

    A novel waiting - line random serving system model with priority service for the infrared sub - pixel target recognition was proposed in this paper .

  30. 在本例中,实现隔离的方法是:向单独的使用者分配单独的队列,并确保服务提供商按照优先顺序服务所有队列。

    Here , isolation can be achieved by assigning separate queues to separate consumers , and ensuring that the service provider serves all queues in a prioritized manner .