
zhòng yì yuán
  • a member of the House of Representatives
众议员[zhòng yì yuán]
  1. 竞选州长或成为一个成功的参议员或国会众议员都要有很多钱。

    Money is also needed to run for the Governor of a state , or successful senator , or a member of the House of Representatives .

  2. 一些众议员和参议员昨天工作了整整一天。

    Some members of the House and Senate worked all day yesterday

  3. 会议由众议员玛克辛·沃特斯组织。

    The meeting was organised by Congresswoman Maxine Waters .

  4. 昨天,众议员JohnCarter提出了这一法案。

    Representative John Carter introduced the new legislation yesterday .

  5. 但是对于众议员博纳(JohnBoehner)来说并不是这样。

    But that was not how it sounded to Representative John Boehner .

  6. 爱荷华州的众议员steveking称,他不相信众议院能通过整个法案。

    Representative Steve king of Iowa said he did not believe the house would pass the whole bill .

  7. 民主党众议员JoeSestak服役31年,现在已经作为海军上将退休。

    Democratic Representative Joe Sestak , served 31 years , and retired as an admiral .

  8. 副总统乔拜登(JoeBiden)也向许多众议员和参议员打了电话。

    Joe Biden , the vice-president , is also phoning many House and Senate members .

  9. 民主党众议员霍尔特(RushHolt)表示,这部法律引领了一个新的时代。

    Democratic Representative Rush Holt said the law ushers in a new era .

  10. 马萨诸塞州公开的同性恋民主党众议员BarneyFrank成为憎恶同性恋者攻击的目标。

    And openly gay Democratic Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts was the target of a homophobic slur .

  11. 几年前,当美国政府考虑解除对使用手机的禁令时,众议员汤姆・彼得里(TomPetri)在2008年联合他人提出了《停止机上噪音还我们清静法案》(HaltingAirplaneNoisetoGiveUsPeaceAct)。

    Several years ago , when the government considered lifting its cellphone ban , U.S. Rep. Tom Petri co-sponsored the Halting Airplane Noise to Give Us Peace Act of 2008 .

  12. 随着众议员保罗瑞安(paulryan)被提名为共和党副总统候选人,美国总统选举俨然已经成为了一场高声喧哗的意识形态之争。

    With congressman Paul Ryan as the Republican vice-presidential candidate , the US election is shaping up to be a full-throated ideological brawl .

  13. 这也令一些议员不安,加州众议员HowardMcKeon反对在军事开支上进行新的削减。

    This has made some lawmakers feel uneasy . Representative Howard McKeon of California opposes new cuts in military spending .

  14. 加利福尼亚州的共和党众议员DuncanHunter曾在伊拉克和阿富汗担任海军法庭官员。

    Republican Representative Duncan Hunter of California served in Iraq and Afghanistan as an officer in the marine court .

  15. 伊利诺斯共和党众议员亚当·金津格(AdamKinzinger)也和若干民主党员一起,作为联合发起者在法案上签名。

    Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois , a Republican , also signed on to the bill as a co-sponsor , joining several Democrats .

  16. 多年来,众议员理查德格普哈特(richardgephardt)一直是保护主义者的化身。

    For years , the protectionist urge was exemplified by representative Richard Gephardt .

  17. 共和党众议员莱恩·保罗(RonPaul)反对美国参与任何国外行动,包括外国援助方面,他呼吁美国军队从阿富汗撤退。

    Congressman Ron Paul , who s all US involvement abroad , including foreign aid , called for a withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan .

  18. 众议员Carter认为胡德堡枪击事件中的受害者有资格获得紫心勋章,因为他认为胡德堡枪击事件属于敌对分子袭击。

    Representative Carter says the Fort Hood victims deserved the Purple Heart because he considers the shooting to be an enemy attack .

  19. 得克萨斯州民主党众议员杰克·布鲁克斯(JackBrooks)是一位坚决的公民自由拥护者,他不愿让一纸秘密的总统命令模糊了其中的区别。

    Representative Jack Brooks , a Texas Democrat and a fiery civil-liberties advocate , wasn 't about to let a classified presidential decree blur the distinction .

  20. 亚利桑那州众议员吉佛兹(GabrielleGiffords)是这次枪击事件的幸存者。

    Arizona Representative Gabrielle Giffords is a survivor of the shooting .

  21. 他委任佛罗里达州众议员员斯库茨(DebbieWassermanSChultz)担任民主党全国委员会的主席。

    He chose Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida to head the Democratic National Committee .

  22. 有个叫“塔兰特县公开携枪”(OpenCarryTarrantCounty)的团体格外活跃,他们涌进了不支持该提案的众议员庞乔·内瓦雷兹(PonchoNevárez)的办公室。

    One particularly bouncy group , Open Carry Tarrant County , flooded the office of Representative Poncho Nev á rez , a non-supportive Democrat .

  23. 加州众议员赵美心(JudyChu)说,尽管发生了亚利桑那州悲剧,这类的活动是民选官员工作的一个重要部分。

    But despite the Arizona tragedy , events like these are an important part of the work of a public official , says California Congresswoman Judy Chu .

  24. 众议员JohnBoehner说他和其他共和党已经做好准备回到华盛顿特区工作。你可能已经注意到他的头衔:少数派领袖。

    Representative John Boehner , saying he and other Republicans are ready to get back to work in Washington , D.C. You might have noticed his title : minority leader .

  25. 4月,克鲁兹与威斯康星州共和党众议员保罗·D·瑞安(PaulD.Ryan)共同撰写了一篇评论文章,称赞这项贸易促进法案在将来的贸易协定的问题上增加而非减少了国会的权力。

    In April , Mr. Cruz wrote a commentary with Representative Paul D. Ryan , Republican of Wisconsin , praising the trade promotion bill for giving Congress more power not less over future trade accords .

  26. 事件造成6人死亡,14人受伤。伤者包括众议员加布里埃尔·吉福德(GabrielleGiffords)。

    Six people were killed and fourteen were wounded , including the representative , Gabrielle Giffords .

  27. 他们用作弊手段偷走了我们的就业,来自密西根州的共和党众议员麦克罗杰斯(MikeRogers)周三在辩论开始时表示(当日稍后将举行投票表决)。

    They cheat to steal our jobs , said Mike Rogers , a Republican representative from Michigan , as debate opened in the House ahead of the vote later on Wednesday .

  28. 美国女众议员吉佛兹(GabrielleGiffords)几天或几周之内就能出院。

    U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords could be released from a hospital there in just days or weeks .

  29. 联邦调查局正在调查民主党众议员TomPerriello的弟弟佛吉尼亚家中燃料被切断事件。他的地址被一名右翼博主发布到互联网上,称这是这位立法者的地址。

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating cut fuel lines at the Virginia home of Democratic Representative Tom Perriello 's brother , whose address was posted online by a right-wing blogger who said it was the lawmaker 's address .

  30. 然而,大部分共和党立法者对实施这部法律所需的费用表示担忧,包括印第安那州共和党众议员罗基塔(ToddRokita)。

    Most of the Republican lawmakers , though , voiced concerns about the costs of implementing the law , including Republican Representative Todd Rokita of Indiana .