
  1. 伏牛山区植物的多样性及其保护天水小陇山锐齿栎群落土壤全N分布特征及与生物多样性关系研究

    The Distribution of Soil Total Nitrogen and Its Correlation to the Plant Species Diversity in the Forest of Xiaolong Mountain of Tianshui , Gansu Province

  2. 伏牛白山羊mtDNAD-loop序列多态性和系统进化分析

    Analysis on mtDNA D-loop Polymorphism and Phylogeny of Funiu White Domestic Goat

  3. 伏牛堂称其米粉中的辣椒酱要比塔瓦斯科辣椒酱(Tabascosauce)辣125倍。

    The restaurant says the hot sauce for its rice noodles is 125 times hotter than Tabasco sauce .

  4. 目的:研究1999年9月~2002年9月伏牛山东南麓地区门诊原发性高血压(EH)及相关疾病患者的主要病因及靶器官损害程度等多项流行病学指标构成情况。

    Objective : To investigate the proportionate rate of the epidemiologic measures on the main etiology and target organ damage of essential hypertension ( EH ) and related diseases among the patients .

  5. 伏牛山南坡生态变化对降水的影响

    The Influence of Ecological Changes on Precipitation on Funiu Mountain 's Southern slope

  6. 我们的小院用伏牛花树篱与外面隔开。

    A barberry hedge bounded our small front yard .

  7. 西峡县地处伏牛山区,石墨矿藏资源十分丰富。

    Xixia county lies Funiu mountain , there is plenty of resource of graphite .

  8. 伏牛山区县域旅游可持续发展模式研究

    Study on the sustainable development patterns of county tourism in the area of Funiu Mountain

  9. 伏牛山东丽不同演替阶段植被群落特征与水土保持特性

    Community Characteristics and Soil and Water Conservation Characteristics of Different Successive Stages in East of Funiu Mountain Area

  10. 淮河流域伏牛山区近20年景观格局动态变化研究

    Study on the Landscape Pattern Dynamic Changes of Funiu Mountain Area in Huai River in Recent 20 Years

  11. 南阳地处中原,群山环抱,襟三山而戴群湖,枕伏牛而蹬江汉。

    Nanyang located in the Central Plains , by mountains , mountain wearing lapel three-Lake , and occipital Funiu Jianghan myself .

  12. 最近在北京开业的一家名为“伏牛堂”的牛肉面馆正努力为湖南争取“第一辣”的头衔。

    Fu Niu Tang , a recently opened beef noodle restaurant in Beijing , is trying to take the spicy crown for Hunan .

  13. 通过调查整理出豫西伏牛野生草坪植物43种,并对这些野生草坪植物的特性及应用价值做了介绍。

    Forty-three species of wild lawn plants of Funiu Mountain have been sorted out through investigation , their characteristics and application value have also been introduced .

  14. 八月里来的有各种结实的李树、梨、杏、伏牛花、榛子、甜瓜、各种颜色的附子。

    In August come plums of all sorts in fruit ; pears ; apricocks ; berberries ; filberds ; musk-melons ; monks-hoods , of all colors .

  15. 通过对喜马拉雅气象现象的研究对比,探讨河南伏牛山区河流形成与演化轨迹。

    Furthermore , the formation and evolution process of rivers in Funiu mountains area of Henan province were discussed by contrast with the study of Himalayan meteorological phenomenon .

  16. 测定了豫西伏牛山区日本落叶松林的林冠截流降雨、土壤渗透速度和地表径流。

    The forest crown interception precipitation , the penetration speed of soil , and the surface runoff of Larix Kaempferi forests in Funiu Mountain in Western Henan Province were measured in this paper .

  17. 这些独立木的种类应当是玫瑰、杜松、冬青、伏牛花(但是这花只可偶而有之,因为它底气味过浓,使人闷恹)、红醋粟、桃金娘、迷迭香、月桂、野蔷薇等等。

    The standards to be roses ; juniper ; holly ; berberries ( but here and there , because of the smell of their blossoms ) ; red currants ; gooseberries ; rosemary ; bays ; sweetbriar ;

  18. 没有甚么人来照料比依卜只小一岁的克丽斯玎,因此这孩子就老是跟他一起在船里,在荒地上,或在伏牛花灌木丛里玩耍。

    There was no one under whose care he could leave Little Christina ; so she was almost always with him in his boat , or playing in the wood among the blossoming heath , or picking the ripe wild berries .