
fú ěr tài
  • Voltaire
伏尔泰[fú ěr tài]
  1. 他的歌词体现了高度的文化修养。他甚至还引用了伏尔泰。

    His lyrics are highly literate . He even quotes Voltaire .

  2. 伏尔泰(Voltaire)提出了具有先见之明的警告,他认为:“工作可以使我们免除三大害处:烦闷、纵欲、饥寒。”

    Voltaire offered a prescient caution , observing : " Work saves us from three great evils : boredom , vice and need . "

  3. 伏尔泰(Voltaire)据说曾说过这么一句话:如果你见到一个瑞士银行家从窗口跳出去,跟着他跳,肯定能赚钱。

    If you see a Swiss banker jumping out of a window , follow him . There is sure to be a profit in it , Voltaire is once said to have remarked .

  4. 他们是失败者,但又以惊人的热情,坚定不移地对抗他们是失败者这个事实,同时还不断驳斥伏尔泰(Voltaire)、卢梭(Rousseau)和萨特(Sartre);

    They 're the losers but , with incredible passion , they remain steadfastly in denial of that fact , churning away at their refutations of Voltaire , Rousseau and Sartre ; their verses vindicating Il Duce ;

  5. 不久前,国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christineLagarde)表示,如果18世纪法国作家伏尔泰(Voltaire)今天还活着,他将建议我们不要追随银行家去赚钱,而要追随金融家去赚钱。

    Christine Lagarde , head of the International Monetary Fund , recently said that 18th century French writer Voltaire would today advise us not to follow the banker in pursuit of money , but rather to follow the financier .

  6. 论伏尔泰宗教思想的形成及中国文化的影响

    On Voltaire 's Religious Thoughts and Their Influence over Chinese Culture

  7. 真正有权力和真正有礼貌的,都不虚荣。&伏尔泰

    True power and true politeness are above vanity . & Voltaire

  8. 伏尔泰曾经说过:常识并非那么平常!

    Voltaire once said : Common sense is not that common .

  9. 对于如今仍然存在的一些金融问题,伏尔泰有何建议?

    What does he tell us about financial problems that still resonates ?

  10. 勤劳常是快乐之父。&伏尔泰

    Labor is often the father of pleasure . & Voltaire

  11. 祈祷中的莱布尼茨③是伟大的,崇拜中的伏尔泰是壮美的。

    Leibnitz praying is grand , Voltaire adoring is fine .

  12. 伏尔泰认为自己的主要身份是诗人和剧作家。

    Voltaire saw himself primarily as a poet and dramatist .

  13. 伏尔泰的文化史观&以印度为例

    Voltaire 's viewpoint of cultural history-take India as an example

  14. 伏尔泰向世人宣布,腓特列大帝是个驴蛋。

    Frederick the Great , declares Voltaire , is an ass.

  15. 眼泪是悲哀无声的语言。&伏尔泰

    Tears are the silent language of grief . & Voltaire

  16. 论伏尔泰与孟德斯鸠中国观的主要分歧

    On the Major Differences of the China Views between Voltaire and Montesquieu

  17. 非线性系统故障诊断的伏尔泰拉泛函理论

    Volterra functional theory of fault diagnosis for nonlinear system

  18. 偏见是愚人的推论。&伏尔泰

    Prejudice is the reason of fools . & Voltaire

  19. 持久的争论意味着双方都是错的。(伏尔泰)

    A long dispute means that both parties are wrong . ( Voltaire )

  20. 也就是说,伏尔泰是个真正的法国人。

    In other words , he was a Frenchman .

  21. 这些表演最初在苏黎世的一个叫伏尔泰酒馆的地方上演。

    These shows started in Zurich in a place called the Cabaret Voltaire .

  22. 神估总在最强大的军队一边。&伏尔泰

    Providence is always on the side of the strongest battalions . & Voltaire

  23. 伏尔泰爱情是一副以天性为画布、用想象创作的油画.

    Voltaire Love is a canvas furnished by Nature and embroidered by imagination .

  24. 法国哲学家伏尔泰曾说过,完美是优良的敌人。

    To paraphrase Voltaire , the perfect is the enemy of the good .

  25. 正如伏尔泰曾经说过的,常识不是普遍的。

    It is Voltaire once said , common sence is not that common .

  26. 出自:伏尔泰,他临终前,一位牧师请他与撒旦断绝关系。

    Said by : voltaire when asked by a priest to renounce satan .

  27. 言简意赅。伏尔泰告诉我的,恰好正是我们需要知道的。

    He tells me all I want to know , and nothing more .

  28. 宽恕我伞兵敌人的美德&那是一个伟大的奇迹伏尔泰

    To forgive our enemies their virtue that is a great miracle . Voltaire

  29. 你们知道伏尔泰是第一个提出

    Did you know voltaire was the first to suggest

  30. 休息是件好事,但无聊却是其兄弟。&伏尔泰

    Rest is a good thing , but boredom is its brother . & Voltaire