
  • 网络eton;Eton College;Eton School;Eaton College
  1. 十天前,我丈夫去参加伊顿公学(EtonCollege)1974届毕业生的重聚会活动。

    Ten days ago my husband went to a reunion at Eton College for the leavers of 1974 .

  2. 6月初,伊顿公学(EtonCollege)的男生们聚在泰晤士河边,观看头戴鲜花装点的草帽的同学进行划船比赛。

    Around the beginning of June at Eton College , boys gather on the banks of the Thames to watch classmates wearing flower-festooned straw hats row past .

  3. 他上的是伊顿公学,英国最昂贵的私立学校。

    He attended Eton , the most exclusive private school in Britain .

  4. 现在他被伊顿公学开除了,他去哪儿上学呢?他将来又会怎样呢?

    Where will he go to school now he 's been thrown out of Eton ? What will become of him ?

  5. 威廉•范伯根(WilliamVanbergen)出身伊顿公学,他创立了必益教育(BEEducation)——这家咨询公司创立的初衷是帮助中国学生入读英国顶尖名校。

    William Vanbergen , an old Etonian , is founder of BE Education - a consultancy originally set up to help Chinese students get into the UK 's top schools .

  6. 伊顿公学的校长TonyLittle警告说,现在的英国教育体系太过关注女生,可能会造成男生的教育失败。

    The headmaster of Eton , Tony Little , warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls .

  7. 如果你希望你的孩子将来能领导这个国家,那他们就需要接受鹤立鸡群的训练,伊顿公学(etoncollege)在这方面就做得很出色。

    If you want your children to lead the country , they need to be trained to stand out from the crowd and Eton College does the job nicely .

  8. 另一个房地产经纪人更是离谱,声称伊顿公学(EtonCollege)今年秋季入学的新生中,有三分之一是中国人。实际上,真实的比例还不到3%。

    Another estate agent got into a muddle , saying one-in-three pupils starting school at Eton College this autumn is Chinese . The true figure is less than 3 per cent .

  9. 在英国,曾经有一种说法是,滑铁卢(Waterloo)和整个帝国都建立在伊顿公学(Eton)的操场上。

    In England , it was once said that Waterloo and the empire were built on the playing fields of Eton .

  10. 我把话题转向他在伊顿公学的老校友鲍里斯约翰逊(borisjohnson),约翰逊与他的性格更为相似,目前担任伦敦市长。

    I change the subject to a politician who is more congenial , his old school friend from Eton , Boris Johnson , who is now mayor of London .

  11. 伊顿公学(Etonian)一名15岁的学生同样喜欢,他要求我不要公开他的名字。

    So too does a 15-year-old Etonian , who asked not to be named .

  12. 富于个人魅力的约翰逊,是毕业于伊顿公学的老派保守党政界人物,今年5月份当选伦敦市长。他承诺将比前任肯•利文斯通(KenLivingstone)更严格地控制伦敦政府开支。

    The charismatic Mr Johnson , an Old Etonian Conservative politician , was elected in May promising tighter control on city spending than that of his predecessor , Ken Livingstone .

  13. 康伯巴奇生于伦敦,父母都是演员——父亲是蒂莫西·卡尔顿(TimothyCarlton),母亲是旺达·文瑟姆(WandaVentham)。他在哈罗公学(著名私立男校,与另一著名私立学校伊顿公学名声不相上下——译注)上高中时演出了第一个重要角色。

    He was born in London , to parents who were in the business - the actors Wanda Ventham and Timothy Carlton - and had his first substantial part in high school at Harrow , the famous boys ' boarding school that is the Yale to Eton 's Harvard .

  14. 当然他上的是名牌学校伊顿公学。

    Of course he was at the right school , eton .

  15. 伊顿公学是英国公学中的一朵奇葩。

    Eton College is a shinning pearl among English public schools .

  16. 很高兴受到伊顿公学的邀请来演讲。

    I am very pleased to be invited to speak here .

  17. 今天在座的不少是伊顿公学前沿社的成员。

    Many of you are members of the Frontier Society .

  18. 我在伊顿公学过了三年狂放不羁、频频作恶的生活。

    My life at Eton lasted for three wild and evil years .

  19. 你原以为他是个老伊顿公学的书呆子。

    You thought he was an old Etonian nit .

  20. 他获得了伊顿公学的奖学金。

    He won a scholarship to study at eton .

  21. 他们已为儿子预约报名入伊顿公学。

    They 've put their son down for Eton .

  22. 伊顿公学还专门为中国学生开设了一个教授英语及英国文化的暑期班。

    Eton runs a summer school in English language and culture for Chinese schoolboys .

  23. 在伊顿公学政治学会的演讲

    Speech at the Political Society of Eton College

  24. 他被选入伊顿公学社团。

    He was elected to the Eton Society .

  25. 他替儿子报名上伊顿公学。

    He put his son down for Eton .

  26. 其中一人是伊顿公学的主管,波斯特院长。

    One of these was Provost Bost , administrator of the public school , Eton .

  27. 威廉王子在第一天去温莎附近的伊顿公学的路上。

    Prince William on his way to his first day at Eton school near Windsor .

  28. 威灵顿公爵曾经说过,人生的胜负是在伊顿公学的操场上决定的。

    It was Wellington who said battles are won on the playing fields of Eton .

  29. 在伊顿公学,这位未来的总理常常被简称为维集(英文意思是素食者)。

    At Eton , the future prime minister was frequently referred to as Veggie for short .

  30. 就在上周,我无意间发现了伊顿公学1974届校友之谜的答案。

    Last week I stumbled on an answer to the Eton College 1974 leavers ' conundrum .