
  • 网络Ytterby;Ytterby IS;Yteerby
  1. 开放的伊特比矿藏可以帮助制作瓷器,化学家加多林为了帮助他的朋友--一位英国瓷器生产商,而在这里工作。

    The mine at Ytterby had opened to help with the demand for porcelain , and chemist Johan Gadolin was working at the mine because of his friendship with an English porcelain maker .

  2. 镱、钇、铽和铒这四种颇为拗口的元素被排列在一起是有原因的,它们都是通过几近不可能完成的手段采获的,其名称都取自其发现地——瑞典伊特比的一处石英采矿场。

    Ytterbium , yttrium , terbium , and erbium - they 're a mouthful to say , and there 's a reason that they 're listed together . All four were found in a rather unlikely way , taking their name from the quartz quarry in Ytterby , Sweden , where they were unearthed .