
  • 网络Iranian culture;iran culture;Culture of Iran
  1. 伊朗文化深受其地理位置的影响,经过几千年的文明积淀,使本国成为世界上著名的文明古国之一。

    The culture of Iran has being deeply influenced by geographical location , becoming one of the well-known civilized countries in the world from the accumulating of the thousand-of-year civilization .

  2. 以上帝的名义:伊朗文化精神

    On the Name of God : The Spirit of the Iranian Culture

  3. 事实是,在西方的人都知道非常关注伊朗文化和社会很少。

    The truth is that people in the West know very little about the Iranian culture or society .

  4. 跟许多强硬派一样,Mandegary认为伊朗文化已经被过分西化并且远离了真正的伊斯兰文化。

    Mandegary , like many hardliners , believes Iranian culture has become too Westernized and distant from true Islamic culture .

  5. 不过,这可时尚杂志公布的最新男士发型流行趋势,而是伊朗文化部最新推荐的穆斯林男士标准发型。

    Not the latest fashion advice from a celebrity magazine , but a list of acceptable male hairstyles issued by the Iranian government .

  6. 一些伊朗文化部的官员认为让这部反伊朗的电影获奖无疑是一种对我们国家,以及全人类的传媒攻击。

    A group of Iranian cultural officials said that , " awarding an anti-Iran movie is a propaganda attack against our nation and entire humanity . "

  7. 她曾在美国全国公共广播电台等一些新闻机构工作,她在德黑兰从事研究工作的时候曾写过关于伊朗文化的书。

    She is a for National Public Radio and other news organizations and she was writing a book about Iranian culture while doing some of her research in Tehran .

  8. 所以,龟兹古国在本民族文化的基础上吸收了来自东方的印度文化、伊朗文化、中原汉文化和来自西方的希腊文化和罗马文化形成了独具特色的龟兹宗教文化。

    Therefore , in this ancient city Qiuci culture was on the basis of absorption from the East Indian culture , the Iranian culture , and the Central Plains from the Western Han culture and the Greek culture and Roman culture developed a unique Qiuci religious culture .

  9. 古代伊朗宗教文化特征初探

    On Characteristics of Religions and Culture of Ancient Iran

  10. 摘要古代伊朗宗教文化复杂多样,影响深刻而广泛。

    The religions and culture in Ancient Iran are complicated and multiform , and the influences are profound and extensive .

  11. 印度&印度河流域与美索不达米亚(今天的伊朗)的文化交流尤为显著。

    2000 BCE : India - Cultural exchange between the Indus Valley civilization and MESOPOTAMIA ( present day Iraq ) is especially prominent .

  12. 什叶派成为国教,说明什叶派教义成为伊朗传统的主流文化。

    Shiism as a state religion means to be predominant culture of Iranian tradition .

  13. 本文作者以全球化对于伊朗电影的影响为题,首先对伊朗电影产业及文化进行了历史回顾,并着重陈述现状。

    After a historical retrospection of Iranian cinema and its culture , the author puts emphasis on explaining the present situation of Iranian cinema and discusses the theme of the globalization 's impact on Iranian cinema .

  14. 美国驻联合国维也纳机构以及国际原子能机构代表舒尔特大使在伦敦接受采访时说,伊朗在那次会议上做出的反应是进行“伊朗的历史和文化的说教”。

    Greg Schulte is the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in Vienna and the International Atomic Energy Agency , the IAEA . Speaking with VOA in London , Ambassador Schulte said Iran 's response at that meeting turned into a " meandering lesson in Iranian history and culture . "