
  • 网络evelyn;evelyne;Eveline
  1. 伊夫琳出色的组织能力很快就被老板发现。

    Evelyn 's excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers

  2. 伊夫琳的职业生涯蒸蒸日上,而我的则停滞不前。

    Evelyn 's career is accelerating , and mine is plateauing out a bit

  3. 套用伊夫琳•沃(EvelynWaugh)一句著名的台词,我往往把孩子视为有缺陷的成年人。

    I tend to regard babies as defective adults to paraphrase Evelyn Waugh 's infamous line .

  4. 伊夫琳总是责备我,给我施加很大压力,因为我撞坏了她的车。

    I took a lot of heat for crashing Evelyns car .

  5. 伊夫琳俯过身来在他的面颊上吻了一下。

    Evelyn leaned over and kissed him on the cheek .

  6. 伊夫琳:你知道河马有时会杀人吗?

    Evelyn : Did you know hippos sometimes kill people ?

  7. 伊夫琳:对呀!河马是很会款待其他动物的好主人呢!

    Evelyn : Yes ! Hippos are great hosts for other animals .

  8. 伊夫琳给她爸爸买了礼物,因为她爱爸爸。

    Evelyn bought a gift for her father because she loves him .

  9. 早在审判之前,我同伊夫琳的婚姻就已破裂。

    Even before the trial my marriage to Evelyn had begun to fail .

  10. 我同伊夫琳离婚,并于1958年6月14日同温妮结了婚。

    I was divorced from Evelyn , and married Winnie on June 14,1958 .

  11. 伊夫琳和本一起走回家。

    Evelyn and Ben are walking home together .

  12. 伊夫琳左思右想了一阵之后,非常终为她的书想出了几个好名字。

    After a bit of brainstorming , Evelyn came up with several great titles for her book .