
  • 网络Penguin Dad;Daddy At Home;Le Papa pingouin
  1. 企鹅爸爸和企鹅妈妈连续好几天坐着孵蛋。

    The penguin parents sat on the egg for days on end .

  2. 整个冬天当帝企鹅爸爸站立着孵化它的蛋时,不仅天气异常地寒冷,天也是黑的。

    Not only is it unbelievably cold while the emperor dad stands holding his egg all winter , it 's also dark .

  3. 但是,一旦企鹅蛋转交给了企鹅爸爸,企鹅妈妈就会迫不及待的返回食物丰富的乐土。

    However , as soon as the egg is transferred to the father , the mother takes off to return to her feeding grounds .

  4. 就在这饥饿父亲的注视下,企鹅妈妈把许多好东西喂给小企鹅吃,却一口也没有给企鹅爸爸吃。

    Under the gaze of the starved father , the mother feeds the chick all sorts of goodies but not giving dad a morsel .