
  1. 企业财力综合分析的方法研究

    Research on Financial Synthetic Analysis Method for Enterprises

  2. 论述了国内捣固焦技术的现状是捣固焦炉数量少,企业财力不足。

    The present situation for pestling coking technology of our country is that it has few stamp-charging coke ovens and have insufficient financial resources for enterprise .

  3. 这样的投资水平超过了小型私人企业的财力。

    Such a level of investment is beyond the ~ of a small private company .

  4. 收购克莱斯勒可能的成本,将超出多数中国企业的财力。

    The likely cost of a deal with Chrysler would be beyond the resources of most Chinese companies .

  5. 准确的成本估算和有效的成本控制可以更好的为软件企业积蓄财力,可以增强软件企业的竞争力。

    Accurate cost estimation and effective cost control can accumulate financial power and strengthen competition ability of software enterprise .

  6. 加强工程项目管理是施工企业积蓄财力、增强企业竞争力的必由之路。

    Enhancing engineering 's project cost management is the only road for construction enterprises to accumulate financial resources and strengthen the competitiveness .

  7. 这一举动在献出金钱、专业技能和时间方面,为其他人树立了一个强有力的榜样,包括与他一样的亿万富翁、企业以及财力远不如他的个人。

    It sets a powerful example for others to follow in donating money , expertise and time - from fellow billionaires , companies and individuals with far more modest means .

  8. 小企业通常没有财力投资建设复杂的因特网平台。

    Small businesses don 't have the means to develop a sophisticated Internet presence .

  9. 中小企业由于自身财力、物力、人力的限制,面对危机的能力不足。

    Because of the constraint of financial , material and manpower , SMEs lack the capacity in crises .

  10. 想要走出低迷成为赢家的企业还需要财力资源去抓住这期间出现的任何机会。

    Firms who want to be winners coming out of the downturn will also need the financial resources to seize any opportunities that arise during it .

  11. 我国测井已具备一定的自主创新能力,现有的工业基础为发展随钻测井技术和装备提供了保障,石油企业雄厚的财力也提供了资金保证。

    China ′ s logging industry has developed certain independent creation ability , and current domestic industry basis provides technological guarantee , and petroleum enterprisers provide abundant funds for developing LWD technology and equipment .

  12. 许多大中型企业都投入大量财力和技术人员,通过NAS,SAN等存储技术建立起自己专业的存储网络。

    Many large and medium-sized enterprises are putting in a lot of financial and technical staff , build their own professional storage network based on NAS , SAN storage technologies .

  13. 但由于MIS开发和应用过程中还存在一些问题,使企业(尤其是财力不足的中小企业)对MIS的开发和应用产生了犹豫。

    But some enterprises are still hesitating to develop and implement the MIS because of some problems in the development of the MIS , especially for those medium and small-sized enterprises who lack money .

  14. 有位分析师把这场较量称为世界互联网大战的第一场战役,对阵的两家企业都拥有雄厚财力。

    What one analyst likened to the first battle in the world war of the internet pitted two companies with deep pockets against each other .

  15. 这些企业所掌握的财力规模,使其能够利用影响力,(为它们)制造一个经济及政治权力日益增强的良性循环。

    The scale of resources such businesses commanded enabled them to wield influence to create a for them virtuous circle of growing economic and political power .

  16. 有位分析师把这场较量称为“世界互联网大战的第一场战役”,对阵的两家企业都拥有雄厚财力。

    What one analyst likened to " the first battle in the world war of the internet " pitted two companies with deep pockets against each other .

  17. 美国税收制度变得越来越错综复杂,并且对大企业有利,因为这些企业有财力聘用律师帮助他们应付税收问题。

    The US tax system gets ever more complex , which favours large companies that can afford to hire lawyers to navigate their way through it .

  18. 伦敦的企业只能梦想拥有哪怕一小部分优步(Uber)之类企业的财力。

    London-based companies can only dream of having even a fraction of the type of financial power of a company such as Uber .

  19. 分析了影响企业品牌建设的因素,这些因素主要有开发项目、企业规模、企业财力和企业人员素质。

    This paper analyzes the impact of corporate brand-building factors . These factors are mainly development projects , firm size , financial resources and business enterprise the quality of personnel .

  20. 商业秘密是企业经过长期积累而获得的具有巨大商业价值的秘密信息,凝结着企业大量的财力、物力、人力,能够为企业增强竞争优势,带来经济利益。

    Trade secret is confidential information which is obtained by the enterprises after long-term accumulation and absorption of large amount of money , material and manpower and which is of large commercial value as well as competitive edge to the company .