
  1. 对推进企业补充医疗保险的思考

    Thinking on promotion of supplementary medical insurance by enterprise

  2. 第二,北京市企业补充医疗保险运行具有强制性;

    Secondly , government of Beijing requires the enterprises must establish employee supplementary health insurance .

  3. 论文完善企业补充医疗保险的具体实施方案,具有一定的针对性和操作性。

    This paper has consummated the particular implementing schemes of enterprise supplementary medical insurance , and possesses certain pertinence and operability .

  4. 此外,还将基本医疗保险与企业补充医疗保险、商业医疗保险及社会医疗救助进行了区分。

    In addition , will the basic medical insurance and enterprise supplementary medical insurance , a distinction between commercial health insurance and social medical aid .

  5. 本研究针对三个运行特点,分别给出了建议,以使北京市企业补充医疗保险能更健康迅速地发展,使其效果发挥得更好。

    Firstly , to the first characteristic , I suggest government of Beijing should provide more support for the development of employee supplementary health insurance of Beijing .

  6. 在实践中,本研究对北京市企业补充医疗保险政策的完善具有一定的意义,而且对我国其他省市企业补充医疗保险的发展及完善具有一定的借鉴意义。

    My study not only is helpful to make the policy perfect , maybe it also can bring the new research about employee supplementary health insurance of Beijing .

  7. 第三,北京市企业补充医疗保险是在基本医疗保险和大额医疗费用互助基础上的继续保障,是次之于大额医疗费用互助的第二补充。

    Thirdly , employee supplementary health insurance of Beijing is established not only on the basic health insurance , but also on the health insurance for large medical expenses .

  8. 建立和完善企业补充医疗保险,不仅能够保持职工原有医疗消费水平不降低、解决职工因病致贫问题,而且能够增强企业吸引力、推动企业和谐稳定发展。

    Establish and improve the enterprise supplementary medical insurance , not only keep the stability of the original level of the employee medical treatment consumes , solve the problem of poverty caused by illness , but also enhance the enterprise attraction and boost economic development with harmony and stability .

  9. 政府建立公务员医疗补助,并鼓励、支持企业建立补充医疗保险。

    The government provides medical subsidies for civil servants , encourages and supports enterprises to establish supplementary medical insurance system .

  10. 健全基本养老保险和基本医疗保险制度,鼓励有条件的用人单位为职工建立企业年金和补充医疗保险。

    Improve the basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance systems and encourage employing units , where conditions are favorable , to set up annuity and supplementary medical insurance programs for their employees .

  11. 有条件的企业可以为职工建立企业补充医疗保险。

    Enterprises are encouraged to set up enterprise supplementary medical insurance for their employees , where conditions permit .