
qǐ yè zhí ɡōnɡ
  • staff and workers of enterprise
  1. 国有企业职工可以兼职。

    Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight .

  2. 企业职工医疗保险、城市居民医疗保险和新农合已经覆盖13亿人口。

    The health care program has already covered 1.3 billion people .

  3. 健康促进对某炼油石化企业职工健康相关的KAP影响评价

    Effectiveness Evaluation of Health Promotion on Health KAP among Workers in Oil Refinery Enterprise

  4. [目的]探讨厂矿企业职工近期乙肝病毒(HBV)感染状况,以便加强厂矿企业职工的健康管理。

    [ Objective ] To explore the recent infection situation of HBV among employees of factories and mining corporation in order to strengthen supervision on their health .

  5. 简述了灰理论中GM(1,1)动态预测模型的特点及其建模过程,并将其应用于企业职工工伤事故频率预测中。

    In this paper , the characteristics and setting up procedures of GM ( 1,1 ) dynamic prediction model in gray theory is briefly described , as well as its application in prediction of accident frequency .

  6. 针对攀钢(集团)公司企业职工培训和技能鉴定的特点和要求,运用软件工程的思想和方法,对基于Web的技能培训鉴定信息系统进行了详细的需求分析和功能设计。

    For the Panzhihua Iron and Steel ( Group ) Company corporate staff training and skills to identify the characteristics and requirements , using ideas and methods of software engineering , skills training , Web-based information system appraisal carried out a detailed requirements analysis and functional design . 2 .

  7. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  8. 企业职工职业病防治知识知晓率调查

    Survey on knowledge about occupational disease prevention among workers in enterprises

  9. 国有产权转让中的机制设计&基于企业职工的合约选择

    Mechanism Design for SOPR Transfer : Based on Firm-Employee Contract Choice

  10. 论企业职工思想道德建设

    On the building of mentality and morality of employees in enterprises

  11. 国有企业职工需要结构及其态势研究

    The trend and structure of need for staff of national enterprises

  12. 改制企业职工代表大会的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration of the Workers ' congress in System-changing Enterprises

  13. 企业职工利益的治理功能:理论与实践

    Governance Functions of Employee 's Interests : Theories and Practices

  14. 因此对企业职工体育开展情况进行研究就显得尤为重要。

    Therefore , the Workers Sports in the study is particularly important .

  15. 国有建筑企业职工持股激励机制分析

    Analysis on Employee Stock Ownership Stimulation Mechanism in the State-Owned Construction Enterprises

  16. 我国企业职工收入差距测度及分解分析

    Measure and Decomposing Analysis of China 's Industry Wage Gap

  17. 国有企业职工的压力与心境状态调查

    An Investigation of Stress and Mood State of Employees in State-Owned Enterprise

  18. 工矿企业职工酒精依赖及影响因素分析

    Analysis of alcohol dependence and its influential factors among workers

  19. 广东省大型企业职工体育管理体制现状

    Current situation of employee sport management of large enterprises in Guangdong province

  20. 日本民间企业职工年薪连续第四年下降

    Annual wages in Japanese private sector decreased for the fourth consecutive year

  21. 国有大型企业职工培训的现状与对策研究

    Present Situation Study and Countermeasure of Staff Training in Huge State Enterprises

  22. 对施工企业职工生育保险基金现状的几点思考

    Thinking about current situation of birth insurance fund of construction enterprise staff

  23. 这些现象,影响了企业职工经济权益的实现。

    These phenomena , affecting the economic interests of enterprises to achieve .

  24. 外经贸企业职工持股的法律思考

    Legal Thoughts of Worker-holding Shares in Trade Export Enterprises

  25. 论调动企业职工生产积极性的激励机制和方法

    On Stimulation Machanism and Methods of Arousing Staff 's and Works ' Zeal

  26. 论市场经济下的企业职工体育文化

    On Athletics Culture of Enterprise Staff in Market Economy

  27. 提出通过健全和完善公司的内外部治理机制约束经理人员行为,强调企业职工在企业治理中制衡的优势;

    The superiority of employees in enterprise is emphasized in controlling insider control .

  28. 国有企业职工身份置换探析

    Status replacement of state-own enterprises staff in system reform

  29. 刍议企业职工思想政治工作

    A Modest Proposal for the Reform of Ideological Work for Staff and Workers

  30. 矿山企业职工违章综合评价系统研究

    Study on Comprehensive Evaluation system of Employees ' Regulation Breaking in Mining Enterprise