
  • 网络Enterprise Competitive Advantage;competitive advantage
  1. 分销渠道作为营销4Ps的重要组成部分,越来越受到业界的重视,强大的市场分销能力是一个企业竞争优势的重要体现。

    As an important part of 4Ps of marketing , distribution more and more get the attention of field circle . Powerful ability of distribution is an important embodiment of enterprise competitive advantage .

  2. 价值工程主导下的企业竞争优势构造研究

    The Study to Construct Enterprise Competitive Advantage Based on Value Engineering

  3. 本文按照MichaelPorter提出的企业竞争优势理论,分析了实施ERP对提高企业竞争力的作用。

    This paper analyzes the effect on promotion competitive power of the enterprises by implementing ERP with the theory of enterprise competition vantage , which was put forth by Michael Porter .

  4. 基于专用性人力资本的企业竞争优势研究

    Research on Enterprises ' Competitive Advantages Based on Special Human Resources

  5. 创新人力资源管理增强企业竞争优势

    Innovating Human Resource Management and Strengthening the Enterprise Competitive Advantages

  6. 顾客价值理论成为市场营销管理理论的最新发展,也成为企业竞争优势的新来源和企业发展战略的重要内容。

    Customer Value theory is latest development of marketing management .

  7. 打造人力资源金三角获取企业竞争优势

    Build human resource gold triangle to get the competition advantage

  8. 现代消费者教育:构建企业竞争优势的新途径

    Modern consumers ' education the new method of constructing enterprises ' competitive advantage

  9. 创造性资产是企业竞争优势的来源。

    Created assets are the source of Competitive advantage .

  10. 本文提出了一个企业竞争优势模型。

    In this article , a model of enterprise competitive advantage is constructed .

  11. 运用VE营造企业竞争优势的可能性探讨

    The Possibility Discussion of Applying Value Engineering to Construct Enterprise 's Competitive Advantage

  12. 提升铁路运输企业竞争优势的薪酬战略

    Remuneration Strategy for Improving the Competence of Railway Enterprise

  13. 绿色经营与企业竞争优势

    Research of Green Management and Enterprise Competitive Advantages

  14. 战略联盟:提升物流企业竞争优势的有效途径

    On Strategic Alliance : the Effective Way of Increasing Competitive Advantage of Logistic Enterprises

  15. 合作中组织学习对企业竞争优势有正向影响作用。

    The learning abilities of the enterprises has significant effect on the bargaining power .

  16. 企业竞争优势的基础要素及其协同机理解析

    Basic Elements of Sustainable Competition Advantages in Enterprises and Analysis on Their Coordinated Effect

  17. 基于企业竞争优势的薪酬战略研究

    Study on Compensation Strategy Based on Competitive Advantage

  18. 论外包与企业竞争优势

    Analysis on outsourcing and enterprise competitive advantage

  19. 提升旅游企业竞争优势;

    To enhance tourism enterprises competitive advantage ;

  20. 企业竞争优势与异质型人力资本

    Business Competitive Edge and Heterogeneous Human Capital

  21. 环境政策工具与企业竞争优势

    Environmental Policy Instrument and Business Competitive Advantage

  22. 顾客价值与企业竞争优势&以手机行业为例

    Customers ' Value and Enterprises ' Competitive Advantage & Taking Mobile Industry as an Example

  23. 基于整合能力的供应链伙伴关系与企业竞争优势研究

    Study on the effects of supply chain partnership to competitive advantage based on integration competence

  24. 知识是提高企业竞争优势和增强企业创新能力的核心。

    Knowledge is the core to improve enterprise competition advantage and enhance enterprise innovation ability .

  25. 企业竞争优势的产业组织来源

    Industrial Organization Source of Corporate Competitive Advantage

  26. 企业竞争优势的知识诠释

    Knowledge Annotation of Enterprise Competitive Advantage

  27. 物流与企业竞争优势

    Logistics and enterprise competitive advantage

  28. 企业竞争优势本源的探析&核心竞争力的再认识

    A Discussion on the Original of Corporation Competitive Advantages : A Redefinition of the Corporation Core Competence

  29. 最后指出提高我国企业竞争优势的关键是走企业集团化的道路。

    Also we point out that the key to improving internal competitive advantage is to choose Corporation grouplization .

  30. 核心专长仍然不是企业竞争优势的本源,而隐藏在其背后,为其源源不断提供能量的核心竞争力才是企业竞争优势源泉之所在。

    But in these views on the core competence , the original source of competitive advantages is still hardly found .