
Discussion on the Management of the Intellectual Property Rights of Enterprise
Major Components for Intellectual Property Rights Management in Petroleum Enterprises
Research on IPR Strategies of Private Technology Companies in China
Study on Intellectual Property Management of Pharmaceutical Enterprises in China
Research on Intellectual Property Management of Enterprise under Environment of Electronic Commerce
Research on Management Mode of Intellectual Property in Enterprise Based on Process Management
Discussion on Strategy for Management of Intellectual Property Rights in High Tech-Science Enterprises
The Problems in the Management of Intellectual Property of the Enterprises of Our Country
Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures of Intellectual Property Right of Export-led Enterprises in Sichuan
Study on the Construction of Enterprise Intellectual Property Management System Based on Knowledge Management
A batch of normative documents such as Rules of Enterprise IPR Management were formulated and promulgated .
Study on Key Factors about IPR Management in Enterprises Based on Scholars ' Investigation of Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait
The intellectual property management system as an important carrier of enterprise intellectual property management will inevitably become an important tool to improve competitive advantage .
In chapter four , the realizations of system and development tools are introduced , and examples of the usage of the system are demonstrated .
This article analyzes the effect of IPR management of private technology companies , and gives solution to the problems of IPR management of private technology companies in China .
With the rapid development of intellectual property management , enterprises need more and more profession managers who were proficiency in IP knowledge and have some other talents in different subjects .
Enterprise intellectual property management consists of an integral system , including such factors as organizational ensurance , institutional ensurance , management functioning ensurance , encouraging mechanism and intellectual property information net .
This article aims to analyze how to set up the intellectual management system from the establishment of the management institution , the relative management rules , the information infrastructure and the valuation of intellectual property .
In this article , the author try to discover the systematic characteristics of the intellectual property management system and use the three-dimensional model to analysis the process of IPMS , in order to provide a practicable plan and make it more scientific and standardized .
Discussion on Intellectual Property Management in Liquor-making Enterprises Under Global Economic Environments
Aigo is an example of the Chinese companies beginning to flex their muscles in managing intellectual property rights .
The key point of intellectual property rights management of supply chain lies in the collaborative management of different enterprises ' intellectual property rights .
In order to provide a reference for Chinese enterprises in the management of intellectual property rights , to help enterprises make better use of intellectual property to create interest .
On the basis of the above discussion and analysis , the writer of the thesis makes a review of the intellectual property-rights assets management mode in Chinese enterprises and attempts to offer her own tentative thoughts on its development ;
This paper discusses on the main contents of archives management of intellectual property rights in enterprise through eight links of the collecting , arranging , safe-keeping , identifying , retrieving , providing for utilization , cataloging and studying , accounting and recording of the archives .
Faced with the fierce global market competition , It is the trend that the enterprises strengthen the inner ip management and build intellectual property manager professionals of its own .
The Intellectual Property Management in the Collaboration between University and Industry .
On the Intellectual Property Management of China 's Enterprises ' Transnational Operations
Even though some enterprises do not possessthere is no special intellectual property management organization in the enterprise , legal advisers and legal personnel may participate in the exhibition with the groups .
Empirical studies show that the proposed IP-based management model to enhance competitive advantage and Evaluation System has feasibility and scientific and has strong guidance on intellectual property management of the enterprises to develop competitive advantage .