
  • 网络Enterprise archives;Business Archives
  1. 加入WTO后企业档案服务的几个热点

    Some Topics of General Interests in Business Archives Service After WTO Entry

  2. 企业档案信息化建设中系统安全问题探索

    An Inquiry into Problems of System Safety in Information Construction of Business Archives

  3. Type:模块类型,比如系统模块(car)、jar模块(jar)、web档案文件(war)、企业档案文件(ear),等等。

    Type : The type of module , such as system module ( car ), jar module ( jar ), web archive ( war ), enterprise archive ( ear ), and so on .

  4. 知识视角下的企业档案工作新思维

    New Thought of Enterprise Archives From the Viewing Angle of Knowledge

  5. 扫描模块实现了企业档案实质内容的录入;

    Scan module to implement essential content input of enterprise archives ;

  6. 浅谈企业档案信息资源的开发与利用

    Superficial discussion on the development and utilization of archive information resources

  7. 开展企业档案工作目标管理活动的作用

    Effects Developing the Objective Management Activity in Enterprise 's Archives Work

  8. 论民营企业档案人员激励机制的构建

    On Establishing Incentive Mechanism for the Files Personnel in Private Enterprises

  9. 民营企业档案工作发展的思考

    A Thought on the Development of Archives Work in Private Enterprises

  10. 加强企业档案主体管理提高企业整体竞争能力

    Strengthen archives management in enterprise and improve its entire competitive ability

  11. 试论企业档案目标管理工作的有效途径与方法

    Effective way and method of the target management for enterprise files

  12. 浅谈企业档案编研的几个问题

    Talking about Some Problems of the Compiling-Studying of Enterprise 's Archives

  13. 如何做好电力企业档案信息资源的开发利用

    Ways to Develop and Utilize Archive Information Resources for Electric Enterprises

  14. 浅谈民营企业档案管理

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Archives Management in the Private Enterprises

  15. 改制后企业档案工作的发展思路

    Developing Idea of Enterprises ' Archive Work after Structural Reform

  16. 油田企业档案信息网络化管理的探讨

    Discussion on Network Management of Files Resource of Petroleum Enterprise

  17. 国家综合档案馆接收破产企业档案的思考

    A thought on national comprehensive archives accepting the archives of bankrupt enterprises

  18. 民营企业档案工作研究述评

    A Review on the Research of the Archival Work in Private Enterprises

  19. 电力企业档案与多种经营活动

    On the Archives of Electric Power Enterprises and Their Multiform Operating Activities

  20. 知识管理与企业档案工作者的机遇

    On knowledge management and the chance of archivists in enterprises

  21. 关于三资企业档案管理工作的几点想法

    Some Thinking on the Administration of Archives in the Three Foreign-invested enterprises

  22. 网络环境下应加强企业档案的信息化建设

    Under the Network Environment Should Strengthen the Enterprise File the Informationization Construction

  23. 简析加强非国有企业档案管理的重要性

    Generally Analyze the Importance of Archives Management in Non-state Enterprise

  24. 谈企业档案库房的日常管理工作

    Talking About the Daily Management of Files Storeroom in Enterprise

  25. 怎样做好电力施工企业档案管理的探讨

    Inquisition into How Well Manage Files for Power Construction Enterprises

  26. 对县级供电企业档案工作的探讨

    Discussion on files work of county grade power supply enterprise

  27. 企业档案馆发展道路之我见

    My opinion on the development way of the enterprise archives

  28. 现代技术手段在企业档案管理中的应用及对策

    The Application of Modern Technology in Enterprise File Management and Related Strategies

  29. 民营企业档案工作管理初探

    A Brief Study on the Archive Management in Private Enterprises

  30. 适应时代发展搞好化工企业档案数字化

    Improvement Archives Digitalization of Chemical Enterprise Meeting the Time Development