
qǐ yè quán lì
  • corporate right;right of enterprises
  1. 经济时代与企业权利安排

    The Economic Times and the Arrangements of Enterprises ' Rights

  2. 从企业权利体系的侧面看劳动力股权

    Reviewing Labor 's Share Right From the Perspective of Enterprise Right System

  3. 主要表现在:知识所有者在企业权利关系中的地位提高;

    It 's mainly represented that the improvement of knowledge owner status in relationship of enterprises rights ;

  4. 刘氏兄弟之间的产权纠纷反映了在我们的企业权利配置中,缺乏一种制度的安排。

    People can find that a institutional arrangement is lacked about firm rights from the property rights dispute between Liu family ` s brothers .

  5. 不同的经济时代有不同的资本观念,而不同资本观念决定企业权利安排,进而决定会计行为。

    There are variable capital concepts in the different economic time , and different capital concepts decide the arrangements of enterprises rights and the accounting behaviours .

  6. 在企业权利的来源和配置中,对人的主体性的认同源自于对人的生物性和社会性双重属性的肯定,它是公平与效率、经济与伦理的融合。

    This article introspects the characteristics of enterprise right system in effect , whose appearance is dual-polarization of shareholders , opportunism of managers and marginal of labor workers .

  7. 谷歌的一个资深律师肯特沃克尔抱怨针对不必要的法律诉讼,将花去更多的资金捍卫其企业权利。

    Kent Walker , one of Google 's senior lawyers , grouses at being forced to spend a lot of money defending the company against frivolous lawsuits by rivals .

  8. 企业权利的配置应满足对各要素主体的主体性认同,这是效率与公平、经济与伦理的融合。

    The allocation of enterprise right should identify the subject nature of each essential factor and the identification is the fusion of fairness and efficiency , economy and ethics .

  9. 商会是市场经济发展的产物,在聚合行业力量、整顿行业秩序、提供公共服务、维护企业权利等方面发挥了积极作用。

    Chamber of commerce is a product of market economy , which plays a positive role in polymerization industry strength , rectifying industry order , providing public services , maintaining enterprise rights .

  10. 本文是从企业权利的来源与配置的视角,以对西方的人力资本范畴的经济分析为主线,对人力资本理论的系统评析。

    From the angle of the source and allocation of organization rights , this thesis , in which economic analysis of western human capital is its main thread , is to analyze human capital systematically .

  11. 种粮劳动报酬管理,论述了粮农和粮食种植服务企业权利、义务关系,提出粮农报酬应当遵循兼顾粮农、消费者和粮食种植企业三方利益的原则。

    In the part of grain planting remuneration management , it discusses the rights and obligations between the farmer and the enterprise that offers grain planting services and suggests the principle that grain planting remuneration should give consideration to the interests of the farmer , consumer and enterprise .

  12. 商标与企业名称权利冲突若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues of Conflicts of Trademark and Enterprise Name

  13. 企业专家权利产生的知识动因及其控制机制

    The knowledge reason of enterprise 's dispersed power and merger controlling mechanism

  14. 法院欣然同意各州以公共利益的名义管理企业的权利。

    The court readily acknowledged the right of States to regulate businesses clothed with a public interest .

  15. 企业财务权利包括财务收益权与财务控制权,对企业财务权利分配的一套制度安排称为财务治理。

    It includes financial profitable rights and financial controlling rights , the set of systematic arrangement of its assignation called financial governance .

  16. 我们必须说这些企业有权利得到他们想要得到的东西,否则政府健康计划的真正受害者将会美国百姓和病人。

    We 'd say these companies deserve what they get , except that the real victims of government health care will be American patients .

  17. 姚说中国会向世贸组织投诉并采取措施来维护中国企业的权利和利益。

    China will appeal to the World Trade Organization and take measures to protect the rights and interests of Chinese companies , Yao said .

  18. 因此,构建中小企业雇员权利保护需要从立法和实践两方面入手。

    Therefore , setting up the protection of employee right in the medium small business enterprise needs two factors : the lawmaking and the practice .

  19. 德国双元制职业教育受训者的权利和义务职工拥有企业的权利。

    Rights and Obligations of the Dual System of Vocational Education Trainees in Germany ; ownership of a business by the people who work for it .

  20. 以企业基本权利保护为基本要旨的企业公民理论在学理层面与各国的宪法制度与宪政实践上都得到了充分印证。

    The system and practice of Constitution all over the world embodies the theory of Corporate Citizen which based on the protection of basic rights of corporation .

  21. 合伙企业的权利和义务由该企业所在地的法律规定,同时也须符合各合伙人共同缔结的协议书。

    The rights and duties of a partnership are regulated by laws of the state where it is formed and by a legal agreement entered into by the co-owners .

  22. 现行法律关于保税港区企业民事权利范围的规定基本适当,但只规定禁止从事的项目对保税港区是不适宜的。

    The current law concerning the range of civil rights of enterprise in bonded port is mainly proper , but only the provision of prohibition items is not enough for bonded port .

  23. 惟有满足独立性、优越性和收益性且附属于企业的权利才能成为特许经营权资产。

    Only a specific right is provided with independence , superiority , and the related profit can flow into the company who have owned this right , can business concession be identified .

  24. 同时,也要把政府在建立中小企业雇员权利保护体系中的作用限定在在一个度内。

    At the same time , when we build the protection system of employee right in the medium and small enterprise , the right of government should be limited in a " degree " .

  25. 去年签署的这项合约,让中国企业有权利在这个世界上矿产资源最丰富的地区之一但也是世界上最动荡和贫穷的国家之一开采铜矿和钴矿。

    The deal , signed last year , gives Chinese companies rights to develop copper and cobalt reserves in one of the world ' richest mining zones but which is also among its least stable and poorest states .

  26. 我国应从法律上从根本上形成对商业秘密保护的完整体系,以保证企业的权利,促进企业的发展,从而为我国的经济发展提供更为完备的法律保障。

    China should legally and fundamentally form a complete system to protect the business secret so as to guarantee the rights of the enterprises and promote the development of enterprises , which will also provide more comprehensive legal protection to the development of our economy .

  27. 高校国有资产管理委员会依法将管理国有企业的权利授权给高校国有资产经营公司,国有资产经营公司接受相应高校国资委的领导,完成与之签订的各项契约。

    The management committee of university state-owned assets entrust the state-owned assets management company of university with the right to state-owned enterprises ' management . The state-owned enterprises accept the leadership from the committee of university state-owned company and fulfill the contract signed by both sides .

  28. 强调充分利用WTO给企业创设的权利,借入世东风,促进我国氧化铝工业快速发展,只有发展,中国氧化铝工业才有出路。

    It is stressed that fast development of Chinese alumina industry can be promoted by fully using the rights created by WTO and only development can be a way out of the Chinese alumina industry .

  29. 企业劳动者的权利必须得以正视。

    Enterprises must be able to address the rights of workers .

  30. 工程款层层拖欠,严重侵犯了承包企业的合法权利。

    Payment in arrears infringes the contractors badly in the construction market of China .