
  • 网络Enterprise brand management;Corporate brand management
  1. 目前尽管很多企业品牌管理问题还未成为企业品牌策略的考虑重点,但是不少企业品牌管理的焦点已经开始想企业核心竞争主体转移。

    Although many of the corporate brand management has not yet becoming a major consideration in corporate brand strategies , but many companies has begun to think to transfer the core competitiveness .

  2. 中国企业品牌管理的问题及其出路

    On Problems of Brand Management of Chinese Enterprises and its Solution

  3. 中外企业品牌管理研究综述

    The Review of Chinese and Foreign Researches on Enterprise Brand Management

  4. 多品牌战略是企业品牌管理的战略选择之一。

    Multi brand Strategy is one of the brand management strategies .

  5. 论基于价值评估的企业品牌管理

    Research on Enterprise Brand Management Based on Value Evaluation

  6. 初探高技术企业品牌管理体制的建立

    Studies on brand system of high-tech enterprises

  7. 物流企业品牌管理

    Logistics Enterprise 's Brand Management

  8. 第四部分用万科房地产企业品牌管理模式为例加以说明。

    The fourth part uses WanKe Real Estate brand management mode to be the example for explanation .

  9. 试谈企业品牌管理

    Brand Managing for Enterprises

  10. 最后,本文通过一个典型案例的分析以及理论结合实际的研究,试图为我国航运企业品牌管理策略的实施提供参考。

    Finally , This paper tries to provide some references during the process of Chinese middle-small shipping enterprises conducting the brand management through analyzing a typical case .

  11. 我国轿车企业品牌管理模式主要来自品牌来源、品牌架构、品牌关系、品牌管理方法和品牌地域等五个方面。

    Brand management models primarily come from five aspects , such as brand sources , brand structures , brand relationships , brand management methods , and brand regions .

  12. 随着我国资本市场改革的不断深入,证券公司品牌价值在企业品牌管理、企业经营、建立企业核心竞争力等经济活动中越来越显示其重要性。

    With Chinese capital market reform going deep , brand value of securities company is being more and more important in economic activities such as enterprise brand management , enterprise management , establishing the enterprise core competitiveness .

  13. 主要介绍六味斋老字号企业品牌管理的研究目的和意义、研究内容、研究方法、研究目标和拟解决的主要问题、创新点。

    It introduces the purpose and significance of the research of " Liuweizhai old brand " brand management . It also includes the main content , research methods , research objectives , the main problems to be solved and innovation .

  14. 关于工业企业服务品牌管理的探索

    Researches on the Management Approaches of Service Brand in Industrial Organizations

  15. 浅析化妆品企业的品牌管理

    A Brief Talk on the Brand Management of Cosmetics Enterprises

  16. 信息不对称、扩散效应与企业的品牌管理

    Information Asymmetry , Spread Effect and Brand Management in Enterprises

  17. 品牌延伸是很多企业实施品牌管理的重要战略。

    Brand extension is very important strategy for many enterprises ' brand management .

  18. 论企业品牌危机管理

    The Study on Crisis Management of the Enterprise Brand

  19. 本文对房地产企业的品牌管理进行了系统的分析与研究,明确了市场竞争中构建房地产企业品牌管理的必然性,提出目前品牌管理在房地产企业的误区。

    The text made a systemic analysis and research to the Brand Capital of real estate industry .

  20. 第4章阐述研究结论,提出对本土玩具企业品牌形象管理的启示。

    Chapter 4 presents the research conclusion and management revelation on the establishment of successful local brand image .

  21. 其中,企业品牌资产管理问题导致了大多数的品牌危机。

    Among them , the management problems of the brand asset led to most of the brand crisis .

  22. 以顾客忠诚度为中心的营销理念,是中国企业品牌战略管理中的软肋。

    The enterprises of China are much weaker with respect to the marketing strategy centered on client loyalty compared with overseas competitors .

  23. 但是,品牌概念在中国的兴起只是近20年的事情,我国企业在品牌管理、品牌营销等方面比较落后。

    But the brand conception emerged in China only twenty years ago . Our enterprises got behind in brand management and brand marketing .

  24. 你可以提到以下内容:公司的产品和服务,与同行业相比销售情况,企业品牌、管理、历史和文化。

    Some contents you can mention include : products and services , sales compared in the industry , brand , management , history and culture of the company .

  25. 品牌生命周期各阶段顾客对品牌的认知和态度各异,企业在品牌管理活动中应当依据各阶段顾客品牌态度的不同,采取相应的品牌战略,推动品牌的发展。

    As customers ' attitude and cognition are different to various stages of brand life cycle , enterprises should adopt some corresponding brand strategies to impel brand development .

  26. 论述了物流企业服务品牌管理的三个层次:知名度管理、美誉度管理、忠诚度管理;最后提出了物流企业服务品牌忠诚度的创建流程以及维持与提高策略。

    The paper explains the connotation of service brand strategy of logistics enterprises , discusses its three management levels : fame , reputation and loyalty and puts forward how to establish and maintain its loyalty .

  27. 要加强企业品牌的管理,就必须增强相关品牌的系列效应,利用创新加强品牌组合,增强与消费者的密切联系,营建品牌的良好生存环境。

    To improve the brand management of enterprises demands the improvement of serial effects of the relevant brands , utilization of innovation for the improvement of brand combination , enhancement of the relation with the customers , and construction of brand 's proper living environment .

  28. 我国企业的品牌管理状况令人担忧,存在许多管理的误区,如品牌的生命周期短、夭折率高、品牌价值低、盲目进行品牌延伸、缺乏品牌的核心价值等等。

    Our brands ' management is poor and a great number of mistakes exist in our brands ' operation , such as the short life cycle , high failure rate , low brand value , blindness of brand extensions , lack of core value , etc.

  29. 但是,我国的航空公司刚刚走出卖方市场竞争的阶段,有时候仍然会忽视企业品牌忠诚管理,导致消费者在购买和使用电子机票的过程中没有形成满意和品牌忠诚。

    However , the airline companies in our country just walk out the stage of seller market , and they sometimes neglect the companies ' brand loyalty management , which is important to form customer satisfaction and brand loyalty during the ticket booking and flying process .

  30. 第二部分研究背景分析,指出我省白酒企业进行品牌经营管理研究的背景;

    The second part is analysis of the research background .