
qǐ yè fā zhǎn jī jīn
  • Enterprise Development Fund;venture expansion fund;business development fund
  1. (一)提取储备基金、职工奖励及福利基金、企业发展基金,提取比例由董事会确定。

    Allocations shall be made to the reserve fund , bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers , and venture expansion fund , with the ratio for such allocations to be determined by the board of directors ;

  2. 英国政府还应该告诉银行,它们的企业发展基金(BGF)根本没有解决真正的股本缺口:现在英国需要的是在创业最初阶段提供支持的规模小得多的资金。

    The government should also tell the banks that their Business Growth Fund has completely failed to address the real equity gap : what is needed are much smaller sums to back very early-stage undertakings .

  3. 确定股份制企业发展基金比率的一种方法&自适应控制方法

    Decision-making method to the ratio of development fund in the enterprise with share ownership system ── by means of self-adaptive control

  4. 决定合营公司从税后利润中提取储备基金、企业发展基金和职工奖励及福利基金的比例;

    Deciding the proportion of allocation for reserve funds , pension funds and bonuses from the taxed profits of joint venture company ;

  5. 国家通过税收政策,鼓励对中小企业发展基金的捐赠。

    The state shall , by means of taxation policies , encourage donations to the development fund for small and medium-sized enterprises .

  6. 中小企业发展基金的设立和使用管理办法由国务院另行规定。

    The administrative measures for establishment and use of the development funds for small and medium-sized enterprises shall be formulated separately by the State Council .

  7. 同时,还需要政府、金融机构共同努力协作,成立中小企业管理机构,建立中小企业发展基金,完善专门的贷款担保机构,有效解决信息不对称问题,改善中小企业融资环境。

    Meanwhile , it needs the government , the financial institutions and the whole society to solve the information asymmetry problem effectively in order to improve the financing environment of SMEs .

  8. 融资问题上,建立健全专门的中小企业金融服务机构,规范直接融资,完善担保制度以推动间接融资发展,创建中小企业发展基金,完善风险投资制度;

    It terms of financing , it is necessary to establish development funds , improve financial service organizations for small and medium enterprises , standardize direct finance , ameliorate guarantee system and develop the policy of risk investment .