
  1. 应改善企业亚文化的建议,以促进企业的高效管理。

    The sub-culture of enterprises should be improved to raise management efficiency of enterprises .

  2. 企业亚文化环境对学生学习动机的负面影响比较显著。

    Enterprise 's subculture environment has been evidently causing negative influence on students learning motivation .

  3. 关于企业亚文化现象的思考

    Discussion on sub-culture phenomenon of enterprises

  4. 但是,当企业亚文化与企业文化相背时,其消极影响就不能被忽略。

    The culture and sub-culture of enterprises act on employees of enterprises . When sub-culture reverses culture , the negative influence should not be ignored .

  5. 中国文化与东道国文化的差异、跨国企业主文化与亚文化的差异,都会导致跨国经营企业出现管理上的矛盾和偏差。

    Cultural differences between China and the host countries , cultural differences between primary culture and subordinate culture within the transnational corporations , will cause conflicts and deviations in operation and management .