
  • 网络Fangshan Restaurant
  1. “仿膳饭庄”最先的创办人名叫赵仁齐,他是清宫的一位厨官。

    Zhao Renqi , a kitchen official of the Qing Court , first established Fangshan Restaurant .

  2. 今天,到北京的游客,要来仿膳饭庄,便可以一试昔日中国皇帝的享受。

    Today , visitors to Beijing can have a try of the food and dishes of Chinese emperors at the Fangshan Restaurant .

  3. 当然,北京还是中国御膳房所在地,仿膳饭庄号称是宫廷烹制方法的真正保管人。

    Beijing was also , of course , the home of Chinese imperial cuisine , and Fangshan restaurant claims to be the true custodian of palace cooking skills .