
  • 网络price support;price subsidy
  1. 论西方国家农产品价格补贴政策及其影响

    On western policy of price subsidy for agricultural products and its influence

  2. 中国的煤层气厂商受益于税收减免和价格补贴。

    CBM producers in China benefit from tax breaks as well as the price subsidy .

  3. 在电力行业应用ccs达到一定规模之后,则有可能通过调整能源价格补贴ccs电厂。

    Only when the application of CCS in the power sector has risen up to a certain scale is it possible to subsidize CCS power plants by adjusting energy prices .

  4. 随后构建对称信息下的TPT-RSC协调模型,分别对分散决策和集中决策两种情形下的结果进行分析,并运用价格补贴契约实现TPT-RSC的协调。

    Then it builds the TPT-RSC coordination model under symmetric information , analyzes the results between decentralized decision-making and centralized decision-making , and uses the price subsidies contract to achieve the TPT-RSC coordination .

  5. 农用生产资料价格补贴问题及其对策

    Problems on Price Subsidies of Agricultural Means of Production and Their Solutions

  6. 价格补贴的经济分析

    An Analysis of Price Subsidise in Terms of Economy

  7. 粮食价格补贴政策的理论分析

    Theoretical analyses on policy of grain subsidy

  8. 家电下乡;价格补贴;现金补贴;消费者效用;经济效率;

    Home Appliance Going to the Countryside ; Price Subsidy ; Cash Subsidies ; Consumer 's Utility ; Economical Efficiency ;

  9. 最后通过算例分析,验证了价格补贴契约在协调供应链中的有效性。

    At last , the effectiveness of markdown money contract is verified in supply chain coordination by a case study .

  10. 理论模型表明,农业收入补贴和价格补贴能改变相对价格,从而影响劳动供给。

    The theoretical model shows that agriculture income subsidies and price subsidies will change relative prices and affect labor supply .

  11. 废除农产品价格补贴和对采煤业的保护有双重的好处:可以获得更清洁的环境和更高效的经济。

    Scrapping farm-price support and protection for coal-mining offers a two-fold bonus : a cleaner environment and a more efficient economy .

  12. 苹果和三星仍将占据大部分利润,因为它们的议价能力更强,能够从无线运营商那里争取到较多的价格补贴。

    Apple and Samsung still claim most of the available profits given their ability to squeeze large price subsidies from wireless carriers .

  13. 公共交通拥堵不堪,而政府的价格补贴措施给公共财政带来了巨大的负担。

    Public transport has suffered from overcrowding and the subsidized fare system has been criticized for being a heavy burden on public finances .

  14. 价格补贴又被称为“负税收”,是由价格因素引起的国家财政的一种无偿性支出。

    Price subsidy , also known as " negative tax ", is a free expenditure of state finance due to the factor of price .

  15. 由于收入补贴目标瞄准性更好,当价格补贴和收入补贴的资金相同时,收入补贴的收入分配效应可能更好。

    With better target effect , the income distribution effect of income subsidy will better than price subsidy if the policy cost is the same .

  16. 简单说来,这项法令要求对基本农产品的价格补贴应随着平均市场价格的变动而变动。

    In simplest terms , the law called for price supports for basic farm commodities to change in response to shifts in average market prices .

  17. 伊朗失业率和通胀水平都居高不下,过去12个月中,多项价格补贴措施被取消也极大地加剧了通胀。

    Unemployment remains high , as does inflation , which has been greatly aggravated by the removal of many price subsidies in the past twelve months .

  18. 不过,国有石油企业承担的高额国内天然气价格补贴,抑制了市场上的天然气总供应。

    However , the overall supply of gas to the market is stymied by costly subsidies on domestic gas prices that are borne by state-owned oil companies .

  19. 实证结果表明,与价格补贴相比,收入补贴具有明显的成本优势,而且随着补贴人群的缩小,收入补贴的成本优势将更加明显。

    The empirical analysis indicated that compared with price subsidy , income subsidy had obvious cost advantage , and the advantage will be more distinct as subsidy group is narrowed .

  20. 随着今后十年清洁能源产能投入运转,这些投资应通过逐步提高碳排放税、并以这项税金为清洁能源提供有保证的价格补贴来实现。

    These should be promoted through guaranteed price subsidies to clean energy to be financed by gradually rising carbon taxes , as the clean energy capacity comes on line during the coming decade .

  21. 与市场开发政策相对应,各国在不同历史时期对风电实行各种经济激励政策,包括投资补贴、价格补贴、税收优惠、科研开发和项目示范。

    Corresponding to market policies , many incentive policies have been adopted over around the world , such as investment subsidies price subsidies , tax credit , R & D supports and technology demonstration .

  22. 分别建立回购契约和价格补贴契约的基本模型并分析其协调情况,分析得出两种契约情况下系统实现协调的必要条件并讨论了协调利润的分割;最后,通过算例分析进行模型验证。

    Return Contract and Markdown-Money Contract models are established . It obtains the necessary conditions to achieve coordination and discusses the division of the coordination . Finally , the models are verified by numerical experiment .

  23. 8施压要求保持粮食出口畅通,并提倡发展中国家削减能源价格补贴,也将有助于控制粮食及能源价格压力,斯特劳斯-卡恩补充道。

    Pressure from the G8 to keep food exports flowing and promote a reduction of energy price subsidies in developing nations would also help to contain food and energy price pressures , Mr Strauss-Kahn added .

  24. 在改革策略方面,美国主动削减价格补贴,欧盟侧重调整价格补贴结构,日本逐步放宽农产品价格管理并引入竞争机制。

    As for the reform strategy , the US initiatively cuts off the price subsidy , the European Union emphasizes on adjusting the price subsidy structure , and Japan gradually broadens the price management and introduces a competitive mechanism .

  25. 我国财政对社会保障、医疗卫生、教育、住房和价格补贴的支出规模有限,问题颇多,这严重制约了我国城乡居民的消费预期。

    Our fiscal expenditures for social security , health care , education , housing and price subsidies are too little . There have a lot of question , which severely restricts the consumption of urban and rural residents is expected .

  26. 本文利用经济学原理对我国政府采取的粮食价格补贴政策进行了理论分析和评价,说明这一政策能改变粮食市场需求曲线的弹性,减小粮食价格的波动,提高粮食产量。

    This paper analyses and evaluates the policy of grain subsidy by using the principle of economics , and shows that such policy can change the price elasticity of grain demand , reduces the price fluctuation and increases the grain product .

  27. 为最大限度地提高财政支农资金的配置效率,应增加财政支农支出,在农业受灾之年要增加农村救济费用,适度增加农业科技三项费用和农村基础设施投入,压缩财政价格补贴支出。

    In the years of natural disaster , the relief fund should be increased for agriculture . It 's also important to increase the investment for agricultural science and technology and rural infrastructure construction , to reduce the expenses on the financial price allowance .

  28. 首先针对产品销售分阶段采用不同策略的现实,设计了回购和价格补贴相融合的联合契约,并构建了动态规划模型对其加以刻画;

    Firstly , we design a combined contract with return policy and markdown money according to the case in IT ( industry ), which some firms sell their products with different marketing policies in different selling periods , and we depict this case with a dynamic programming model .

  29. 然而,影响农民收入增长的原因是多方面的,提高农民收入的途径也有很多:政策支持、农产品价格补贴、农业产业结构调整等。

    However , there are many reasons that affect the growth of farmers ' income , as a result , the solution ways to the increase of farmers ' income are various , such as policy support , price subsidies of agricultural products , adjustment of agricultural structure .

  30. 美团的背后是电商巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba),大众点评的背后是社交媒体和游戏集团腾讯(Tencent),此次合并标志着两家公司决定放弃代价高昂的价格与补贴战并关注于打造规模。

    With Meituan backed by ecommerce giant Alibaba and Dianping by social media and gaming group Tencent , the merger marks a decision to forgo a expensive price and subsidy war and focus on creating scale .