
jià ɡé wěn dìnɡ
  • stability of price;price steadiness
  1. 商品价格稳定,市场货源充足。

    Commodity prices remain stable and there are plenty of goods on the market .

  2. 欧洲央行(ECB)未能达到它设定的价格稳定目标。

    The European Central Bank is failing to hit its own target for price stability .

  3. 并且,IMF规定,成员可自行选择浮动或者固定汇率制度,但制度应促进价格稳定。

    Second , the IMF accommodates both floating or fixed exchange rate regimes , provided promote price stability .

  4. 各国央行应该专注于价格稳定,而不是金融市场的稳定,而且,提供流动性的目的应该仅限于为了遏制泡沫破裂对经济造成的乘数效应(multipliereffect)。

    The central banks should focus on price stability , not financial market stability , and should provide liquidity only to contain the multiplier effect of the bubble bursting on the economy .

  5. 欧洲中央银行(ECB)围绕价格稳定目标确立起其货币政策战略。

    The European Central Bank ( ECB ) is endowed with price stability as the core of its monetary policy strategy .

  6. 花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家丁爽(dingshuang)表示,经济增长放缓,大宗商品价格稳定,食品价格涨势放缓,这些因素可能会制约价格上涨的压力。

    Slowing economic growth , stable commodity prices and easing food inflation are together likely to cap price pressures , according to Ding Shuang , an economist with Citigroup .

  7. 上世纪70年代的大通胀过后,美国于1978年颁布了所谓的《汉弗莱•霍金斯法案》(HumphreyHawkinsAct),要求美联储在二战后制订的全面就业的原始政策目标之上,再加入价格稳定。

    After the great inflation of the 1970s , the so-called Humphrey-Hawkins Act of 1978 was enacted . That required the Fed to add price stability to its original post-second world war policy target of full employment .

  8. 原油价格稳定在每桶不到44美元。

    Oil prices were steady at below $ 44 a barrel .

  9. 议会对价格稳定的调查上个礼拜开始了。

    The Congressional probe into price fixing began last week .

  10. 春节来临,食品价格稳定。

    Food material price remains stable ahead of Spring Festival .

  11. 能源安全包括三个方面:供应充足、运输通畅、价格稳定。

    Energy security includes adequate oil supply , smooth transportation and stable price .

  12. 货币政策的目标是多元化的,如价格稳定、经济增长等。

    Monetary policy has various aims , eg price stability , economy increase etc.

  13. 煤炭全成本定价应体现煤炭价格稳定成本

    Coal costing should embodies stable cost of coal price

  14. 价格稳定是我们称之为货币的社会契约的关键组成部分。

    Price stability is a critical component of the social contract we call money .

  15. 这里说的工具就是短期利率,而目标则是价格稳定。

    The tool was the short-term interest rate , the target was price stability .

  16. 所以,如果食品价格稳定,备受关注的通胀将在年底回落。

    So if food prices stabilise , headline inflation will fall later this year .

  17. 昨天伦敦金银市场黄金价格稳定。

    In the London bullion market yesterday , the price of gold was steady .

  18. 廉价品的销路相当良好,且目前价格稳定。

    Cheap goods have a ready sale , and prices remain firm for the present .

  19. 议会对价格稳定的调查。

    A congressional probe into price fixing .

  20. 商品市场上的价格稳定下来了。

    Prices steaded on the commodity market .

  21. 这导致中长期价格稳定存在上行风险。

    This points to upside risks to price stability over the medium to longer term .

  22. 我们可能会看到能源价格稳定下来,这是积极的消息。

    We will probablly see a stabilizing of energy prices that gonna be a positive .

  23. 欧洲央行货币政策的终极目标是价格稳定。

    The ultimate goal of monetary policy of European Central Bank is to maintain price stability .

  24. 全额担保的创设注销机制是维护目前中国股票权证市场价格稳定的重要机制。

    Full-guaranteed creation institution is an important approach of maintaining the stability of Chinese warrant market .

  25. 因此,必须建立和完善股票市场价格稳定机制。

    So a stable mechanism of our market price of stocks should be emerged and perfected .

  26. 基本意义上,价格稳定使这个国家的货币保持购买力,不受损。

    Fundamentally , price stability preserves the integrity and purchasing power of the nation 's money .

  27. 经过长时间的通货膨胀,大多数商品的价格稳定下来。

    After a long time 's inflation , the price of most of goods leveled off .

  28. 而实现这种价格稳定,并不是以实际波动性增大或增长率降低为代价的。

    Price stability has not come at the cost of higher real volatility , or lower growth .

  29. 最小价格稳定匹配

    Minimum Cost Stable Matching

  30. “一旦原油价格稳定下来,买家会再次开始入货。”印度贸易商说。

    Once crude prices are more stable , buyers will start buying again , 'said an Indian trader .